Events of a Lifetime

Chapter 2

Chapter 2-
(Ally POV)

Today has sucked so far. First off, my boyfriend Joe decided that we should break up. Why? Because some freshman slut named Tori has been throwing herself at him all year. Obviously he thinks that he can get her to do more with him than I will. Secondly, I failed my math test. I studied so hard for that test. I really thought I would do well on it, and then nope. I better not let my mom find out about.
Luckily tomorrow is the Fall Out Boy concert with Lexi. Also, graduation is in 1 week. I can’t wait for either one, especially the concert because of our meet and greet passes. I am excited about graduation because Lexi and I are going to travel for a year. We both already applied to college, we are both going to UW. I really don’ know which one I am more excited for though.
I have a hard time believing that high school graduation is in 1 week. I mean, we have been going to this school for the last 4 years, and now its over?
The concert tomorrow is going to be amazing. But it will be even more amazing meeting all the guys from the band. I have always had a crush of Andy, maybe its because he isn’t as mainstream and not as widely recognized. Lexi however likes Joe, Pete, and Patrick. She never could decide on just one guy. That is except Alex, they dated for a long time. I think it was three years.
They broke up because he was going away to college. He was a year older than us. She wanted him to have his freedom. It’s strange everyone always thought that Lexi and Alex would be together forever.
Knowing that a couple as strong as them didn’t make it worries me. I mean, how is there any hope left for the rest of us? Lexi did have a short and meaningless fling with some random guy.
But ever since her and Alex broke up she has bee in a kind of depressed mood. Hopefully this concert will be enough to help her out. And if not, I have some extra plans up my sleeve to help her out because that’s what best friends are for.