Events of a Lifetime

Chapter 21

“Who was that babe?” And asks as we stand in The Gym Class Heroes’ dressing room.

“Lexi, she just wanted to tell me something real quick,” I answer, “ So what do you guys want to do?”

“We could just hang out here and get to know you better. And you can get to know all of us better,” Patrick offers.

“Okay sounds good to me. I guess I will go first,” I say, “I’m Allison Rose Johnson. I’m 18 years old and a straight edge vegan. I was born in Denver, CO but moved here to Seattle, WA when I was 9. And that’s about it.”

“Okay you all already know me so there’s no reason for me to introduce myself,” Andy says.

“What about Ally? She doesn’t know you that well,” Joe asks.

“Me and her already did introductions. I don’t think she needs it twice,” Andy answers.

“Okay, I’ll go next then. I’m Joe and I grew up in Willamette, Illinois. I went to school with Pete. And I play Guitar Hero to no end and right now I’m undefeated.” Joe says.

“Well we are going to have to change that. I forgot to say earlier that I play guitar,” I say.

“Joe, you may have some competition,” Patrick says, “Okay, I’m Patrick and I’m the youngest in the band. I met Joe at a bookstore when I butted my way into his conversation. And that’s about it.”

“Well that was fun while it lasted.” I say hoping I didn’t sound rude.

“Lets go find Pete and Lexi. We should start warming up anyways,” Joe says.

We all leave the room and I say, “They are in the Fall Out Boy dressing room.”

As we walk into the Fall Out Boy dressing room the boys get lost in their own conversation while I just think to myself. I wonder if the six of us really can be good friends. Maybe we can actually do this. I hope so since this has been an amazing day so far.