Events of a Lifetime

Chapter 27

As we walk on stage to do our set I start to think about Lexi and how pretty she is. Travis said Pete likes her. But if I get in there tonight I should be able to snake her out from underneath Pete.

As soon as we get done I’m going to ask Lexi if she would go on a date with me. I hope she says yes. Why wouldn’t she? Pete would be the only reason that she wouldn’t go out with me. And they only met today, so there should be no reason why she won’t go out with me.

“I’d like to dedicate this song to one special girl, who caught my eye the first time I saw her,” I say for the intro to Write You A Song.

Our set goes by and happens without anything bad happening. There really is no reason for to get over excited about it, we are going to be playing the same set for the rest of the tour.
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This Chapter is kind of a filler chapter. I wasn't sure what to do, and this was all I could think of. Sorry if it sucks. Oh and by the way I was looking at how many readers read the last update. It was 7, and there was only one comment. I have noticed that the same person keeps commenting. I would really like feedback. Without it I don't know if you like where the story is headed.
Thanks for reading.