Events of a Lifetime

Your on!

I can’t believe Ally didn’t push the subject further. Normally she would have pushed and pushed until I broke down crying. I have a feeling that there will be a bit of drama on this tour. I’m jut going to try my hardest to stay out of it.

“You alright Lexi? You look like you’re a little out of it. And you look a little pale,” Joe says waving his hand in front of my face.

“Uh, yeah I think I’m okay. Just a little bit distracted,” I say.

“Are you sure you’re okay? Remember the last time you thought you were okay but you really weren’t?” Ally asks.

“Enough! I said I’m okay just a little bit distracted. Please don’t ask me again if I’m okay. I know when I am okay,” I sat getting annoyed.

“What happened here? It seems like there is a lot of built up tension,” Ryan says.

“Some people don’t believe others when they say they are fine. Its not like they know my body better than I do,” I say.

“Okay then. How did you guys like out set? We tried to make it the best we could just for you guys,” Ryan says as the rest of Panic! at the Disco gathers around us.

“Yeah I enjoyed it. You guys always put on an amazing show though. I always love them,” I say.

“You guys did really good, you really did,” Ally says.

“Glad you two enjoyed the show. It means a lot to us when fans enjoy out show,” Ryan says excitedly.

“Good because we enjoyed it a lot,” I say.

“Next is Gym Class Heroes. Are you excited?” I ask Ally because I know she’s never seen them live before.

“Oh my god yes! Although I’m more excited about being with Andy than I am anything else,” She replies smiling.

“You ready to be amazed by how amazing we are going to be during our set?” Travis asks walking towards us with the rest of the band.

“Travis you know you’ll never be as amazing as we are,” Joe says putting his arms around Ally and I pointing to the rest of Fall Out Boy.

“Yeah sure you just keep on believing that Mr. Trohman. But you know GCH could kick Fall Out Boys ass any day,” Travis says walking closer.

“You know Panic! at the Disco is pretty awesome too. I mean I have a lot of memories form the first show of theirs that I went to,” say trying to make Joe and Travis forger that they were arguing.

“GCH your on!” a stage crew member says rushing past us says in a hurry helping me be successful in stopping the argument.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that it's been taking me so long to update. I have been having some pretty serious writers block lately. Please don't give up on this story or me.

I'd like to thank all of you that read this when I update. It means a lot to me that you actually keep reading. I doubt my writing at all times and the fact that 11(?) of you keep coming back and reading means a lot.

I think it's crazy that Panic! took the ! out of their name. I'm going to keep it in this story though because it started out that way and I just like to have it in there.

Hope you all are doing great.
Leave me comments so I know what you like about the story.