Events of a Lifetime

Chapter 4

Chapter 4
(Ally POV)

I wake up and look at the clock, its 8 am. Stupidly, last night I promised Lexi hat I would wake up at 8 in the morning and get ready so we could leave. I better get up, check on her, and make sure she has started getting ready.

As I start to walk into Lexi’s room I hear her cell going off. I run over to her sidekick to look at who was calling. I can’t believe the nerve of that jerk, Lexi is barely getting over him. She still has feelings for him. I should at least give him the benefit of the doubt I think to myself. So I pick up the phone and answer.

“What do you want Alex? Don’t you think you have put Lexi through enough pain? She still isn’t over you. It’s been a year, no contact.” I say with anger in my voice.

“Whoa, Ally. I’m sorry. I know I messed up. I want to tell Lexi I’m sorry and that her and I should give it another shot. I didn’t call because I felt bad for not fighting for our relationship. I also thought that she would have a new boyfriend by now…” says Alex

“Well what made you think that it would be okay to call now?” I say cutting Alex off.

“I couldn’t keep going over the what ifs in my head. I really didn’t want to hurt Lexi. I just thought that with her being a senior in high school and me being a freshman in college it would be to hard for her.” Alex replies answering my question.

“Alex, I will let you talk to her on one condition. That is that you can’t ask her out right now. Her and I are going to the Fall Out Boy concert today. I don’t want her freaking out over you all day,” I say.

“Okay, I promise I won’t ask her out today.” He replies as I knock on the bathroom door. Lexi opens the door looking puzzled.

“Okay, hang on a second here she is.” I say as I hand Lexi her cell phone. “Here phone is for you.”

“Who is it?” asks Lexi as she grabs her phone. “I am trying to get ready so that we can leave as soon as you are done.”

I reply, “Just answer the phone Lexi. Then you will find out who is one the phone.”

“Fine, don’t tell me” she replies jokingly. I then turn away to leave and hear her say, “hello…”

I hope that Alex knows what he is getting himself into. And if that boy goes behind my back and asks Lexi out I will hurt him.