Rainbow on Road

Chapter one

“I wanna go on the Ferris wheel!”I wined to Lea on my right smiling. She waved her hands as only a self knowing seven year old would.
“No we’re going to the merry-go-round!” She said cheerily knowing whatever she says i would do. I smiled and tugged at a pony-tail. “I’ll beat you two there!”I yelled looking at Meara and running as if it were to save my life.
The people around us seemed to have no clue we were there dashing beside them dodging them as we crossed their paths listening to the sounds only a royal carnival would have. The circus tent rested to the side. The red and yellow high top pointed above to the sky just before the abnormally giant Ferris wheel that stretched to the heavens.
I reached the merry-go-round. The sky was brewing rain clouds. “Aw, Abia you always win!” Meara said stomping a foot. “No fair you didn’t say go!” Lea laughed. Always a happy bunch; They pushed me to the side poking their tongues out and yelling ‘we win.’

The tent closed over me. It was dark inside an overwhelming sent of vanilla reached my nose and i sneezed. “Ab’s” I could hear them yelling out side. “Bless you.” Said a dreamy voice behind me, i turned around my eyes adjusting to the darkness of the tent. A crystal ball sat in the middle of a small wooden table. I smiled; “You’re a fortune teller!” i yelled happily as Leah and Meara came in. “Abia, we were calling you.” Meara said annoyed at me. I smiled and looked at the crystal ball. “You know my daddy says that there is no such thing as a real fortune teller. That they are just making things up as they go along.” Leah said in a know it all voice that is so often used by seven year olds.
“Leah!” Meara and i yelled but the fortune teller just laughed.

“Ab’s!” Someone yelled-whispered in my ear. I slowly let reality take hold of my mind and groaned. It is still dark. I looked at the blonde haired girl in front of me. “Why?” I demanded. She smirked. “Cause the dead have woken. Ooooo.” She said wriggling her fingers. I looked out at the grave yard and saw what she was talking about. Hundreds of people were sluggishly walking around. Limbs missing here and there. Blood staining there shirt. When i was seven at the carnival none of the living dead had been missing limbs or had blood staining their shirts. I wondered at this. Marvelling at my own ignorance. Laughing came from the front seat. “and you said tonight you wouldn’t fall asleap.” Leah said in an accusing tone. She smiled and winked.
“Says the girl who woke up an hour ago and begged me not to tell Abia.” Meara laughed. I looked out the window and sadness crashed over me like waves upon the rocky shore. “why are they all here?” I asked out loud. Meara and Leah stayed silent. See its a myth that ghosts are trapped to their bodies. A ghost isn’t someone with unfinished business. A ghost is a soul and they live just like you and me. They have lives but some are the homeless of the ghost community and to see so many in one place catches on my heart. But we always ask the question why?
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Okay so here i am again sick of seeing me?

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