Rainbow on Road

Chapter 3

If you told me you had your beliefs in ghosts before a carnival in a small town where I was born,I'd say you losing your mind.
Only one tiny problem,I kept seeing...things after the weird carnival,I thought I was being imaginative but with blood stained images and some headless walking person?
I would be sent to some freaky mental hospital if it wasnt for Mom,telling me to ignore.Ignore.Ignore.Ignore and just ignore those things which I called them,walking deads.
Alas,I got used to them...the walking deads and I tend to just pretend I was normal although Abia,Meara and me were more...special than normal.
I wasnt too happy with this talent or more like curse that was upon us three but sometimes it was kind of funny.

Like right now.
Meara hit a something when she was driving,we got out and had a little confrontation with the..it thing.
Meara being Meara freaked out by the fact the guy she just hit with the car particularly had his broken arm dangling and of course,Abia and I coudnt help it but to laugh our asses off at the sight of them bickering.
Our laughters died away when the he ghost twisted his arm here and there,and fix it into the right place.We also heard bones cracking as he did that and tingles in my spine made me shiver at the sight.
Sometimes,these paranormal things really scare me to death.

"Did you just break your bone?" Abia gave a stupid look at him.
I would love to laugh at Meara who was gaping with wide eyes but I was too speechless to do anything if I wasnt mistaken,my hands trembled a bit.
God dammit,I hate ghosts and no way in hell I'm gonna watch Supernatural.I cursed frantically in my head.
"Er...yeah?" He blinked
"That's just..." Abia tried to find a word to put in her line but Meara was quick to interrupt,
"That's just gross!" Meara squeaked nervously
"Gruesome actually," Abia sighed,rubbing her temples.
"Eh...I am..dead,am I? And I dont think I feel any pain." He scratched the back of his head.
"Wait,how can you actually see me? I mean more like socializing with ...spirits?" He grimaced,unable to describe anything that was happening.

"Well..." Meara threw glances at Abia and me.
"Yeah we aint normal,you know we're good with paranormal and we can see you and headless..."Abia trailed off as she looked at a ghost with no head walking past us like a zombie,"things.Which means we can see things when normal people cant.You guys glow not like humans.So you are???"
"Do you remember your name,your family,your friends,where you were born,why you were dead and did you know that you're dead?" Meara asked.Rather a little bit too much of eagerness.
"Whoa..whoa one by one,I'm Nick.And I didnt really know how I get here,dead and all.I was..." He frowned.
I stared at him,he was good looking.
He must be tanned naturally when he was alive because he didnt really glow so radiant,not really buff but I was sure he could lift us girls with no difficulties.Tousled dirty brown hair that went very well with his gray specks and dark green eyes.He might be a British,with his accent and all.

I tensed when I immediately sensed,a vision of my friends and I runnning in forest.We were running away from something I could tell we were in danger and all of a sudden Nick came into the vision,yelling at us to follow him.I blinked.What the hell was that!?

"Ok so I am Abia,that Meara and this is Leah" Abia introduced,snapping me back into reality.
I see we are already accuqainted with this thing,I thought.
"I havent notice your friend there,so awfully quiet."
Nick smirked at my direction as if he was reading my fears,I gave him my best killer glares.
The next thing I knew,Nick was standing right in front of me hovering my five feet frame and my heart dropped to the stomach in terror.
His cold fingers brushed against my chin.
"Why is this little friend of ours scared of ghosts yet can see us?"
I admit,he was so freaking scaring the hell out of me but the way he talked me as if I was just a little girl and I was not a little girl!

So I did what I always good at in handling boys,I punched him hard at the side of his face and he almost stumbled backward because of the hit.
"Wow at least I can beat ghosts." I exclaimed in wonder,staring at my pulsing fist.
"What was that for!?"
Nick glared at me,touching his cheek.There was a fistprint but too bad he couldnt taste the pain.Damn disadvantages.
Meara giggled nervously while Aiba snorted.
"She's a martial art gal alright,she handles male species like that." Aiba stated with smug tone.

I rolled my eyes and got into the car but no way I was letting Meara to drive again or we would be running over another thing.
"Get the thing into the car."I said,mentioning about Nick.
"Hey I am not a thing,you feisty woman!" He shouted angrily.
Like I'd give a slight care about it,I rolled my eyes again.
"He's going with us?" Meara asked,confused as always.
"Did you see something...?" Abia asked,curiosity was there in it.
"Duh what do you think? He's like the only thing respond to us,we could see these things but this is the first time we can talk to IT," I turned around to see a rather sickly old lady with blood stained hospital gown slouched along the road-bonus,a glow around her.
"Yo old lady in hospital gown can you hear me!?" I yelled but as usual I got nothing in reply.These spirits didnt really talk or communicate and Nick was a first who- I mean which responded to us.And I had to find out why.

Abia and Meara seemed to understand what I was referring to while Nick was looking lost like a dead puppy.Well..he was dead.
"Alright,you're coming with us Nick" Meara pushed him into the car.
Abia called shotgun and I couldnt miss that I-Know-You-Saw-Something-Else-In-Your-Head-Too look from her but I just shrugged.
Nick was looking rather too happy with us and I sighed.I hate ghosts.
"Long way trip with a thing."

"I AM NOT A THING,HAVENT I TOLD YOU THAT!?"Nick almost whine-shouted.
This thing couldnt be serious

"Whatever," I muttered,annoyed as I made the car lurched foward and drove all the way back home with Meara and Abia laughing.
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Bwahaha!!! I made longer chapter than Juliet and Melissa!! ah well,please comment comment comment and subcribe subscribe suscribe~! ;)
with love,