Rainbow on Road

Chapter four

“So Nick, do you remember how you died?” I asked knowing full well that nobody else would ask. I smiled at his reflection in the mirror, as he grimaced. “Err, No I don’t.” He said shakily, in other words yes i do I’m just not telling you. I wondered at this. Amazingly Leah flinched and stared more hatefully at the road. “Leah, we have nothing against the road let up a bit would ya?” I said in a playful voice. Leah just looked at me giving me her best death stare. The tension in the car grew between nick and the other two. What was with them. I saw Meara looking out the window purposely so she didn’t have to look at Nick. I shook my head. All of a sudden i was thrown into the front window banging my head against the windshield. “Leah! What the hell!” Meara yelled as i whipped the blood off my head. “Are you okay Ab’s?” she asked softly, looking worried. “i’m fine but im not fixing that.”I laughed pointing at the crack in the windshield.

“what happened anyway?” I asked leah, she just smiled guiltily.
“Yeah did you hit something?” Meara asked.
“No i didn’t. I thought i saw something on he road.” She said softly looking away out the window. I smiled knowingly, what was it with all these secrets lately? “Well looks like i should drive then!”i said pulling up imaginary pants like someone in a corny movie. “You cant drive Abia look at your head!” Meara yelled at me. “I can drive!” Leah yelled, Looking worried at me.
“I am not hitting my head again,” I said laughing at her face as i said this, “And where not running over any more poor things,” I continued as Meara opened her mouth. “Unless you want to make Nick drive...?” Nick laughed, and shook his head as Leah hopped out of the car. I slipped into the front seat over the gear box. Sliping the seat belt over me i pushed the seat back. I don’t know how they drive so close to the wheel. “Ab’s you need stitches in that,” Meara said in matter of fact tone.
I looked over my shoulder and saw meara’s eyes boring into me, “Meara last time you told me that i pulled out a sowing kit. You want me to do that again?”
She just looked horrified as i laughed, “No wonder we’re not allowed out of the town alone.” I said to the quiet bunch and drove off. The road was bendy and dark so i conserntrated hard on not crashing, i wasn’t the best driver at night, i hated it. Mainy because i have a vivid imagination that runs wild, funny how when you see things it makes you more afraid of the dark. I sighed and yawned, “want me to take over again?” Leah said softly. I smiled and shook my head,
“Nahh, im all good chickadee.” I said yawning again. I looked over and saw Meara asleep and Nick too, unless he was pretending. Do ghosts sleep? “What did you see?” I asked quietly knowing she was touchy about seeing things. My memory turned to the carnival. “You know my daddy says that there is no such thing as a real fortune teller. That they are just making things up as they go along.” “It’s nothing.” She said softly blowing it off.
“Come on, I know you better than that. You don’t see random things that aren’t there Leah, you actually have a head screwed on unlike me,” I laughed, patting her head winking.
“I really didnt see anything.” She argued back sighing.
“Okay than, your as pail as a ghost but you didn’t see anything. I get it, tell me when you do see something.” I said squinting at a tree, was there something in that tree.
“ Ab’s are we lost?” Meara squeeked tierdly from the back seat.
“ah yeah, i think so. We have been going in circles for a while,” i shrugged and leah laughed.
“Thats why we dont let her drive she cant tell right from left.”
“hay dont tease, I may have a slight concussion here, What do ya think? I asked and smiled.
“Oh yes defiantly concussed,” they said in unison laughing and poking me.
“Hay watch it! Im drivingggg!” I laughed with them.
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Ahaha this is fun! Hope yall know whats going on Comments are always loved
hint hint LoL