Rainbow on Road

Chapter five

"Hey Abia! Can I drive again soon?" I asked sweetly, giving Abia the sweetest look I could. "No, don't let her drive, she might run over me while im inside this thing!" Nick yelled, I turned to glare at him. "Your officially not Nick, your now It. again" I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. His mouth dropped open as if he was insulted. "Why?!" He whined. I rolled my eyes and ignored him looking at Abia. "You can drive later" She chuckled. "Hey" Leah grinned, "You say she can drive later and you tell me I cant drive! Red bull!" I rolled my eyes at the back of Leah's seat because I couldn't exactly see her face.

"So? Who cares, it's her choice!" I laughed at Leah who just puffed out her cheeks in protest. I rolled my eyes and leaned back further into the seat. "Hey Meara" Nick asked, I looked at him and tilted my head to the side. "Can you talk to other dead people?" Nick asked me. "Some dead people do not have their soul like you It. If they do not have a soul, we can not speak to them only see them. There are not many dead people who keep their souls after death. You should be lucky, It" I told him, reaching over to pat his shoulder.

"Hey, does anyone else see that flashing light?" Abia asked absent mindedly. I peered over the shoulder of the chair and sighed, "Yes, I see the light! It might be god asking for this dead guy back! I can't believe you let" him in the car! That's sick. I don't want to spell Dead guy when im sitting in this stupid thing" I grimaced looking over at Nick. He shook his head, "Your so mean to your elders" He stated. "Elders?" Leah asked jokingly. "Im almost 26" He stated proudly. "Whoopeee" I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "26? Your such an old man" Abia chuckled, Leah and I burst into laughter and looked at Nick to see his reaction.

"I wanna go for a walk outside" I stated, Leah and Abia turned to look at me with a 'what-the-hell' look on their faces. "You know Meara, you have to becarefull! The things out there wont hesitate to kill you. They wont be like that thing and just yell at you, they'll attack you" Leah said, shaking her skinny finger at me. I shook my head, "They can attack me anyday, i'll take the bastards on" I balled my hand up into a fisst and punched it up into the air, hitting the roof of the car. I whimpered and lowered my fist. "That friggen hurt" I muttered, rubbing my fist.
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Well then, I might as well do number five.
There ya go Juliet and Fuffy ;D
Hope you guys like it.
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