Puppy Love.

Puppy Love.

Me and Sean had been together for 3 years next week. I wanted him to surprise him in a different way.
I was going to buy him a puppy.
A real life puppy. A breathing, sleeping, eating, living puppy.
He’d always wanted one, every time he saw someone with a dog he’d pout and pull a really cute face which translated as “I want one!” with lots of e’s on the end.

I drove him to a respected puppy breeder, to pick the one of his “dreams”.
Browsing through the breeds before we went into the kennel area, he was bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet. Literally shaking with excitement. He’d decided on a Basset Hound. With long droopy ears, big shiny eyes, short stumpy legs and a long face.
We walked through the kennels, he was getting more and more anxious on finding the perfect puppy.
There was plain brown ones, brown and white ones, varying shades of brown, tricolour ones. You name it; Sean saw it; Sean turned it down.
We went round at least three areas of puppies and dogs, it took about 4 hours because he was scrutinising every little hair on these dogs.

“Gaaav, can we go to a different place? These ones aren’t perfect enough.”
“Sean, we’ve wasted half the day here.”

He gave me a look cuter than all the dogs and puppies put together.

He squealed and jumped on my shoulders. I drove us to the next place, a well respected and specific Basset Hound breeder.
It took all of ten minutes for him to fall in love.

“Gavin… look at him… he’s perfect..”

I looked into the puppy’s deep brown eyes and melted as much as Sean did. They were an exact replica of Sean’s deep brown eyes. I had to resist squealing a little bit, too gay right?

“Gavin… Gavin… Gavin… I HAVE to have this one! Look at him! Oh my God I think I’m going to cry!”
“Again, are you sure?”
“So sure!”
“Definitely this one?”
“Gavin, looking at him is like the day I first saw you.”
“You’re definitely sure then. Let’s go find someone.”

I don’t know what’s worse? My four year old niece, or my twenty six year old fiancée.

I went up and did all the legal stuff while Sean was cuddling his new best friend. I couldn’t help but smile, it really was kind of cute.
He was baby talking to him, cuddling him, kissing his head. He was definitely in love.

Not that he did that to me when we first met, a different kind of love you know…

Once paid for (£465, I hope he appreciates this) I drove the pair to a pet store to waste more of my precious money on him, or in Sean‘s words “to get everything physically possible for this puppy in blue because I can‘t have pink stuff cause it‘ll make him a bender like me“.
The whole forty minute drive to the shop was spent talking to the puppy, and the whole twenty minute drive home actually. It really put a smile on my face if I’m honest.

“Gavin, I know what I want to call him.”
“I hope it’s not some silly name…”
“Of course not! I’m gonna call him Louie.”
“Really? I thought he’d end up as Prince Sparkles…”
“Shut up, I don’t give animals silly names like that.”
“You named the teddy I bought you Princess Sparkles.”
“That’s a teddy… Besides, I think Louie suits him. Look, he likes it already! I love you so much Gavin, you really didn’t have to do this. Just, dinner somewhere would have been fine.”
“You’re worth so much more than a meal out Seany, I keep telling you this. Besides, this’ll stop you from getting bored.”
“Silly, I could never be bored when I’m with you.”

I turned to face him and he had a gorgeous grin on his face. I think I fell in love with him all over again. Is that even possible?
I guess now I’ve bought him a puppy he’s going to want to adopt a baby, or three.

Wish me luck.
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I hope it makes sense, and I hope you like it. Deds to Susie for telling me to write this the other day ^_^