Sequel: Paranormal Family

Paranormal Child

Chapter 10

Ryan looked over from the equipment at the tired looking Claire. He could tell she was trying to stay awake as Sergey explained to her different pieces of equipment. “Who is she again?” Heather asked suddenly from beside him. Ryan looked at her before checking that the camera was working.

“She’s a student here with special psychic abilities.” Ryan said in voice that suggested he wasn’t going to say much beyond that. Heather just nodded as she observed the girl who seemed lost with all the technical terms.

“She’s pretty.” Heather said in a tone that suggested it was just an observation. Ryan looked at Claire watching the way her face lit up when she laughed. She wasn’t pretty, she was beautiful and something about her compelled him to protect her. Heather watched his face a smile forming as she went back to checking her own camera.

Ryan didn’t notice Heather leave, he only noticed Claire get some coffee from the girl he’d learned earlier was her roommate. “Good luck,” he heard Claire’s roommate say as she left the lobby for the temporary dorm. They’d moved all the students living in Wilson to temporary dorms for the night so they could have free reign to investigate. The crew was given permission to stay the night in the empty dorms the building held. Claire would be allowed to return to her own dorm once dead time was over.

“Okay so here’s the plan.” Ryan said as he rounded up the group. Claire stayed near the back with Chip almost unsure of her place. “Sergey and Chip you’ll stay here and monitor the cameras. Heather and Katrina you’ll investigate the third floor while me and Claire take the fourth floor. Is that clear?” Ryan asked surveying the group. They all nodded before grabbing their gear and starting to head towards their designated areas. Claire looked confused at the equipment table before looking at Ryan.

“Do I really need any of this?” She asked looking at the heat detector and EMF readers. Ryan shook his head as he grabbed an EMF and heat detector.

“No, I do. You should be fine.” Ryan said as he started to head towards the stairs causing Claire to start laughing as she walked in the other direction. Ryan stared at her before following. “Where are you going?” He asked watching as she turned down a hallway nearly colliding with her in the darkness when she stopped.

“The elevator.” Claire said hitting the button she knew would take them to the fourth floor. Ryan stared at her embarrassed. He hadn’t thought about the elevator, nor had he knew it was there. When he’d come to bring back Claire’s book he’d taken the stairs up to the second floor. He hadn’t thought that there might be an elevator somewhere. He resisted the urge to shudder when the doors opened without a sound emitting an eerie light into the hallway.

“You hunt ghosts for a living and you’re scared of the elevator?” Claire asked amused as she stepped inside waiting for Ryan to follow. He got in quickly after her hitting four and waiting for the ride to end. The silence however was starting to bother him.

“So,” He said looking over at Claire, she didn’t seem to be really listening to him. It almost seemed like she was listening to someone else. He was about to repeat himself when she looked at him.

“So?” Claire repeated after him waiting to see what he’d say. Ryan got the sense that she’d been listening to the angels but could tell that she was listening to him now.

“So, how did you get this gift?” Ryan asked trying to make conversation as the elevator opened on the fourth floor. He wasn’t expecting Claire to laugh as she stepped off of the elevator.

“Gift huh? I guess you could call it that. I was in a car accident a few weeks ago and ended up in Heaven. But it wasn’t my time and God told me that. He then told me that he had a way for me to save people from suffering. He just didn’t tell me that most of the people I would be helping were already dead. And that the living I could help would probably end up getting my family hurt.” Claire explained as she stood in the hallway. It was pitch black all around her but Ryan was surprised that it didn’t seem to bother her at all.

“You don’t see it as a gift?” Ryan asked as he turned on his flashlight to see where they were going. His radio was quiet for the moment as they waited for a certain time before they’d actually start dead time. Next to him he could feel Claire shrug.

“Not really, it’s hard to see people who are dead and to hear their problems. It’s hard to know that you’re supposed to save them even when they don’t want to be saved. It’s just hard.” Claire said softly as she stared straight ahead. Ryan followed her gaze to see nothing but darkness. However when he flipped the heat sensor on he could see that the area she was staring at was colder then anywhere else.

“Claire,” Ryan said softly putting a hand on her shoulder. “What do you see?”