Sequel: Paranormal Family

Paranormal Child

Chapter 17

I was sitting at lunch Thursday when my phone started ringing. I didn’t waste time in answering it, only one person would be calling me on a Thursday afternoon.

“Hello, Claire Delson Inc here,” I said stepping away from the table with the phone pressed against my shoulder as I went to get rid of my tray. Ryan’s laughter greeted me causing me to grin.

“Inc huh? You’re a company now?” He asked as I set my tray on the belt letting me actually hold my phone.

“Well you know this whole seeing the world unseen thing has to work for me somehow right? I figured it was a good way to make myself a profitable business without being a prostitute.” I answered easily causing a few people I walked by to stare at me oddly.

“Hmm you have a point there. Well anyway I can employ your psychic services?” Ryan asked as I stepped outside. I pretended to think about it before looking over at Peter.

“I suppose. How am I getting there?” I asked as I headed towards my dorm. I would probably need to pack a bag at least. I heard Ryan shuffle something before I got an answer.

“You’ll be flying here actually. It’s a nine hour drive and we need you here by tonight. You’re flight leaves in four hours and the ticket is with the agents there. Just show them your ID and then they’ll give you the ticket. See you in six hours Claire.” Ryan said as he hung up. I just stared at the phone in my hands. Six hours? How was I supposed to get everything packed in two hours?

Apparently getting everything packed in under an hour was Quinn’s specialty. She got all my things packed after I called in a panic and now I was sitting on a plane waiting for the thing to take off. From there I was being picked up by one of the production managers. My angels were around me and seemed cramped in the tiny space of an airplane. It was a rather amusing sight as they tried to surround me only to have actual people in the way.

“I’d rather be in a car.” Shade grumbled as he sidestepped some man. I just held back a laugh as I stared at my psychology book that I was reading. They insisted I fly. I replied in my head to keep people from staring. Shade just continued to grumble until Peter threatened to make him ride outside the plane. That shut him up fast and I didn’t hear another word out of him until we were landing.

“Angels don’t like to fly on machines.” Taylor explained walking beside me as I headed towards the exit. I didn’t check my bag so finding baggage claim wasn’t necessary. Understandable, after all you can fly by yourselves. I responded as I spotted someone holding a sign with my name on it. I headed towards the woman. She was holding a cellphone in to her ear with one hand while the other was holding a sign. As I approached her I could hear the conversation she was having.

“No, she’s not here yet.” The woman paused waiting for an answer. “I’m sure her plane is late Ryan. Why don’t you just call her?” Again she paused as I listened for an answer standing a few feet away from her. “Then she probably turned it off for the take off and landing. I don’t think she’s dead.” The woman said in an annoyed tone, I decided now would be a good time to save her.

I stepped forward and waved to her pointing at the sign before taking her phone. “Well you better hope so. She’s our only hope here, and I knew that airline was bad. Chip nearly died on it before.” I looked at the woman before talking into the phone.

“Ryan, seriously, I’m fine. You’re paranoid beyond belief.” I said rolling my eyes at the relieved sigh that Ryan gave off.

“Oh thank God, they said you’d be here already.” Ryan said in a relieved voice. I looked at the woman who was trying to take the bag I’d set down. I waved a hand to tell her it was fine as I worked on turning on my phone. My jaw dropped when I saw the amount of missed calls I had.

“So that required calling me twenty five times?” I asked incredulous as I flipped through who had called me.

“I was worried you missed your flight,” Ryan said defensively as I shut my phone.

“I didn’t, it took off late. And I’ll see you in an hour, bye Ryan.” I said hanging up the phone before he could respond and handing it to the woman. “I’d suggest not answering when he calls again.” I said as I picked up my bag and rolled my eyes at my angels. They were laughing hysterically at something that I didn’t want to know.

The woman stared at me oddly before looking at her ringing phone and hitting ignore. “I’m parked this way.” She said leading me towards her car. I followed behind her listening as she explained that she couldn’t tell me exactly where I was going or why. I didn’t tell her that I already knew and was prepared. However my angels all looked a little panicked at whatever was about to come next.