Sequel: Paranormal Family

Paranormal Child

Chapter 20

Ryan watched as Claire danced in the back seat of the car to whatever song Heather had playing on her iPod from the rearview mirror. Sergey was driving while the production team as well as Chip and Loretta followed them.

“So are you guys dating now?” Sergey asked in a quiet voice so Claire couldn’t hear. Although now she was having a sing along with Heather to Mr. Brightside so the whispering didn’t really seem necessary.

“I guess, we talked about it a little last night. At the moment we’re going to claim a long distance relationship and see where it goes from there.” Ryan said watching as Claire did some dramatic moves. If he didn’t know about her he’d think she was just a normal nineteen-year-old girl having fun with a friend. However he knew that her singing was a way of distracting her from what was about to happen.

“That’s good, I’d hate to see you lose her to someone else.” Sergey said watching her in the mirror as well as they came to a stop at a red light. She was beautiful, and he knew Ryan was lucky. However Sergey’s eyes focused more on Heather, his current secret girlfriend. Not that they didn’t want anyone to know, but rather that he didn’t want business to mix with pleasure. Now that Ryan was dating Claire now, he was thinking of taking the relationship public. Heather met his eyes in the mirror and smiled before singing her part in the song.

Ryan watched Claire’s face when they pulled up in front of the house. It seemed relaxed but her calmness also seemed rather forced. He waited until the rest of the crew was getting set up before pulling her aside. “Are you sure you want to do this?” He asked as Claire mock glared at him.

“Ask me that one more time and I swear.” Claire said pointing a finger at him. Ryan just pulled her hand down looking her in the eye.

“Claire,” He said causing her to raise an eyebrow.

“Ryan,” She repeated in the same tone. He sighed knowing it was pointless, she was going to go in regardless of what kind of danger it might bring. He let go of her hand and watched as she ran to catch up with Chip and Loretta. He couldn’t hear the conversation but assumed it had something to do with the demon.

Ryan quickly gathered everyone together to make sure they knew what was happening. “Okay, we’re here to conquer this demon once and for all. Chip and Claire will hunt it down while we stand as back up. I’ve got the Holy water and crucifix.” Ryan said holding the priest blessed items up. Chip looked at Claire who seemed distracted by something. She kept shaking her head a bit, almost as if to disguise the movement. Ryan stared at her for a moment and she stared back at him.

“What?” She asked looking at everyone. “Find demon, destroy demon, I got it.” Claire promised as she turned her head to the side again as if looking at someone. Ryan guessed it was one of the angels and based on the look on her face it was probably Shade or Peter. However based on the sudden roll of her eyes he made a final guess at Peter. Shade usually just made her gasp then laugh. Roll of the eyes was Peter, he’d figured that out during the first investigation as well as last night.

“Then let’s go.” Ryan said clutching the crucifix. Claire turned and started to head in with Chip behind her. The rest of the crew stayed in the living room with Amanda and her family waiting for word from Ryan as to what they needed to do. Next to Amanda was a priest they’d called in that day, his sole job to keep the demon away from Amanda. The girl looked petrified as she watched Claire head up the stairs with a determined look on her face.