Sequel: Paranormal Family

Paranormal Child

Chapter 21

I watched my angels all around me pull their swords. To distract myself from the growing sense of dread I was starting to feel I focused on their swords instead, noticing for the first time that each of them was different in their own way. Peter’s had a tinge of blue in the blade while the handle had a deep red stone buried in it, one that seemed to cast a light around it. Beside him Taylor’s blade held, hers a whiter blade. Instead of a diamond in the handle she had the area around where the blade entered shaped like a heart. At the center were words that I couldn’t read, but it must of meant something to her with the way she fingered the lettering. Gregory was on my other side with his sword, it was silver with a gold handle, much like the one’s I used to see in war museums. It seemed almost fitting to him, as did Charles’s sword. He was in front of me with Shade and their blades almost matched, but they had distinct differences as well. Charles’s blade was smooth where Shade’s was ragged, but they both had a dark tint to them with green stones in the handles. However Shade’s handle seemed smaller then Charles’s handle, as if it was a smaller version. I couldn’t see John’s blade till we hit the top of the stairs and he moved out in front of me. His was pure silver the whole way through, the only color coming from a diamond in the center. Around it I could see words, all in Latin from the way it seemed to read. He caught me staring and gave me a kind smile. “It’s something my wife said to me long ago. Strength doesn’t require muscle, it requires the ability to know where your limits are.” He said quietly Taylor looked over and pointed at her own words as if asking if I wanted to know. I nodded, anything to distract me from the sulfur smell that was now hitting me.

“It’s a Bible verse that I loved as a child. It’s from Deuteronomy. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Taylor said as all the angels crossed themselves. I just smiled in understanding, it was a perfect Bible verse for a sword.

“Are you ready?” Peter asked motioning with his sword to the room where I could sense true evil coming from. I thought I heard Chip ask me the same thing so I just nodded as I closed my eyes and prayed for strength and for guidance. At the end I held up my head and walked confidently towards the door letting my angels surround me as I entered the bedroom.

Inside I could see the demon waiting with a leer on his face. “So you do show, here I thought you would be to scared.” The demon said starting to come towards me. He stopped when the tip of Taylor’s sword touched his neck. “Now now, no need for that. I just want to talk to her.” The demon said in a sickly sweet voice. Taylor’s face remained the same her sword continuing to touch his neck until he backed up. “Fine, I’ll just talk to her from here.” He sneered as he started to move around me, I backed up not allowing Chip or Ryan to enter. I could hear their protests as I shut the door with my foot. “Scared I’ll hurt them?” The demon asked amused as he tried to come near me again only to be met with Gregory’s sword. He snarled before backing up again.

“This is between you and me. Talk.” I commanded watching him circle towards the front again. He just snickered as he leaned against the bed.

“Fine, now why exactly are you here? To see me leave?” The demon asked jeeringly as he leaned forward slightly. “Because that’s not going to happen. She wants me here.” I narrowed my eyes.

“Then why has she begged us to rid you? You have no right to be here.” I snapped as the demon laughed.

“She has no idea what she wants, she’s a weak minded mortal. I’m helping her.” He sneered causing me to take a step forward.

“Helping her? You’re hurting her and you know it. Now you can either leave willingly or I’ll cast you into the burning pits of Hell for a thousand years.” I said as I took another step forward. The demon pretended to consider it before suddenly lunging forward and swiping his claws at Shade. I watched as Charles swung his sword down on the demon’s arm causing him to cry out in pain, an ear shattering noise. Suddenly there was just a lot of movement as the angels all descended into fighting with the one demon. A demon who had pulled a sword, something that I’d learned from Peter after the last battle that many could do. Violence was from sin and demons bred sin, so therefore they could summon their own weapons from places unknown. I watched pressed against the door until I heard Ryan’s voice on the other side demanding entry into the room. My eyes were wide as I watched Shade swirl and meet blades and something inside of me snapped. It was as if someone else took over and began to speak for me.

“Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem; Creatorem coeli et terrae.” The words made the demon scream and glare at me as he blocked a blow from Peter. “Et in Jesum Christum, Filium ejus unicum, Dominum nostrum; qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto,” The demon screamed at me to stop and John was telling me to continue. “Natus ex Maria virgine; passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus; descendit ad inferna; tertia die resurrexit a mortuis; ascendit ad coelos; sedet ad dexteram.” I yelled, I didn’t know where the words were coming from or even what I was saying. But something inside of me had stirred and was giving me the words to speak. “Dei Patris omnipotentis; inde venturus est judicare vivos et mortuos. credo in Spiritum Sanctum; sanctam ecclesiam catholicam,” The demon swung away from Taylor and started to head towards me. His body starting to burst into flames as he took the blows from the angels. He seemed to be determined to strike me down. “Sanctorum communionem,” another step closer. “Remissionem peccatorum,” His sword was up. “Carnis resurrectionem,” My arms went up just as I uttered the last words. “Vitam oeternam. Amen.” I braced for a blow only to have none come. I opened my eyes slowly to see my angels with their swords pointed at where the demon had been standing ready to strike. From each of their swords a white light came all meeting in the middle. When the light ceased to come they looked at me and then around the room.

“He’s gone,” Peter said as he put his sword away. I let out a breath as I sunk down on the floor and leaned my head against the wall. Suddenly I could breath again, and downstairs I knew Amanda could too. It was gone and wouldn’t be back for a very long time.
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I don't have pictures of the swords so just use your imagination I suppose. All of the phrases on the swords would be in Latin because it's my favorite language besides English. And the verse on Taylor's is from Deuteronomy 31:6 and I thought it fit perfectly, plus each sword is a bit of insight into the angel's personalities. Please read and review!!