Sequel: Paranormal Family

Paranormal Child

Chapter 28

Ryan pulled into a gas station near Laura’s home for a final fill up. They’d been on the road for over fourteen hours and he’d switched with Sergey a few times. The sun was just starting to come up as he turned the car off and looked in the mirror a moment. His face softened as he saw his girlfriend, her hand curled around her iPod while she slept in the seats. Her face seemed peaceful, almost angelic. He snapped himself out of his revelry as Josh pulled up into the pump beside him and got out of his car. Ryan opened the door and shivered slightly as the cold air hit him.

“Almost there,” Josh said as he turned the gas cap off of the gas tank. Ryan stretched, letting his back pop slightly as he opened up the gas cap on his own car.

“Almost, just got to hope this time will be the last.” Ryan admitted as he ran the credit card the production company gave him through for both him and Josh watching as the numbers increased with the amount of gas in the tank. From where he was he could see Heather shifting in the car and Sergey starting to stir as the sun finally came up over the horizon painting the sky with bright light. Ryan couldn’t help but marvel at the beauty of the simple sunset, jumping when the pump clicked, letting him know the tank was full. He set the pump back down before heading towards Josh to see if they needed anything. From his understanding they were good, although they wanted breakfast, something he knew his own crew would probably want as well. Plus he knew they were close and Laura wasn’t get out of the hospital until after eleven and it was only six now. He was positive breakfast could be fit into the agenda.

After a rather interesting breakfast that included Claire giving Ryan a quiet running commentary on her angel’s conversation, they finally arrived at Laura’s family’s home just as her parents were leaving.

“Ryan!” Paula said in a relieved tone as she pulled her grey jacket around her tighter. Her eyes flicked to the rest of the crew before they settled on the new girl for a moment. She didn’t recognize her from the last time Ryan and his crew had come and something about the girl seemed peaceful, almost serene. There was a lightness about her, and Paula was reminded of magazine models when the wind picked up to blow the girl’s brown hair around. The girl seemed magical, and only Ryan’s voice broke her from the spell the girl seemed to cast on people.

“Paula, Randy, I’m sorry we had to see you again like this.” Ryan said as he directed his crew inside to set up cameras and equipment. “How’s Laura?” He asked, concern evident in his voice. He didn’t see the way Claire almost did a double take as she followed Heather inside, nor did he notice the hesitation in his girlfriend’s eyes, something he usually picked up on.

“I’m sorry we had to see you like this too, I was hoping that the last exorcism would do the job.” Paula admitted as Randy got the car started. “Laura’s alright so long as she’s not here. The hospital was able to stop the attacks but I know once she gets back here it will start again.” Paula admitted worried, any questions about the new girl she had leaving.

“That’s what we are here to possibly prevent. I’ll let you get going.” Ryan said as he grabbed his own bag from the car.

“Thank you, Laura will be excited to see you.” Paula admitted with a small smile. Since the first investigation she’d always thought that Laura might be interested in Ryan, and she hoped to see them one-day end up together. Ryan however didn’t catch the hint as he gave the couple a wave and headed towards the front door. However when he tried to open the door he found someone standing on the other side making the door hard to open. He tried again, and the door swung open to reveal Claire off to one side.

Ryan shut the door and tried to catch Claire’s eye only to notice her eyes flicking from place to place as though she was following an argument. An argument he sincerely wished he could hear based on the look on Claire’s face. As he stood watching his girlfriend Sergey came up beside him and shook his head.

“She’s been doing that since she walked in. I saw her come in the door and then just stop and do that. You opening the door was the only thing that made her move.” Sergey explained as he gave Heather a secret grin. Despite Claire and Ryan openly dating, he and Heather hadn’t figured out a way to take their relationship public yet.

“Any one try to snap her out of it?” Ryan asked as he set his bag down. Sergey shrugged as he turned to look at the girls and Josh who were shaking their heads no.

“Apparently not, then again how does one snap her out of this?” Sergey asked watching Ryan cross his arms in thought. Sergey was interested to see what Ryan would do, and was curious as to what Claire was seeing.