Sequel: Paranormal Family

Paranormal Child

Chapter 2

“Alright so we have a full load of cases this year.” Ryan Buell announced looking at his gathered group. They were all staring down at the sheet of hauntings they were investigating this year. Most were houses but the one that seemed to interest the group was,

“Ohio University?” Sergey asked a little confused. They had once investigated Penn State, but never another college. Ryan just nodded as he rooted through the files from each of the cases. “What’s the story behind that?” Sergey asked his best friend. Ryan pushed the file towards him before addressing the group to explain the case they’d be investigating this week involving a house said to be plagued by the ghost of a young woman.

As Ryan talked Sergey read the file, it seemed like it would be an interesting case to say the least. There were a few different places on campus all of which were reporting some sort of ghost activity. The University was asking them to come out due to a recent string of reports from students about attacks. Sergey frowned as he reread a line in the report. “All attacks began recently after one of the students committed suicide in Wilson Hall.” He glanced up at Ryan before shutting the file and pushing it back towards his friend. That case sounded interesting, but they had a few more cases to investigate first.