Sequel: Paranormal Family

Paranormal Child

Chapter 36

My eyes fluttered open gently before shutting again in the harsh hospital light. The room was quiet around me and I was unsure of how I’d gotten to the hospital. The confusion didn’t last though as my mind floated back to what had happened when I saw God.

“Hello Claire, I have another proposition for you.” He had said. I’d turned to see if the rest of the crew could see him. Instead I saw Laura screaming and Ryan checking for a pulse.

“What’s going on?” I’d asked watching Ryan beg me to stay with him as he pressed my chest. Chip had been calling 911 as I turned to look at God again.

“You’re soul just separated from your body taking your life with it, but don’t worry. It isn’t your time yet, and it won’t be for a long time. I just couldn’t appear to your naked eyes.” God explained gently as he had motioned for me to follow. I hadn’t resisted, who resisted God when he told you to do something? Instead I had followed him to a park I remembered playing at as a child. I hadn’t bothered to question how we’d gotten there, knowing I just needed to go with it.

“So my proposition.” God said as I took a seat on one of the swings staring up at him. “It’s your choice, but I must warn you that it won’t just affect you but your children and their children as well. No matter what you chose it won’t affect my love for you, nor will it affect the plans I have for you. Not much at least.” God said pausing as I gave a nod of understanding. “Here are the two choices. Evil is technically defeated, at least the great evil. Meaning if you want you can give up your gift. You won’t have to see spirits, or demons, and while your angels will still be there you won’t see them.” God said, I bit my lip. That sounded nice, not having to see the spirits who looked angry or have demons taunt me. “Or you can keep your powers and continue to help those afflicted. Your powers have changed lives Claire and they can keep doing that if you keep them. But the downside is that your children will be sensitive to the spirits and each will take a different type of power. Your first child will be able to see spirits. Your second will sense things that the spirits tell you, emotions, feelings, all of the things that Taylor often let you in on. The third child will see evil and good but not random spirits. The fourth child will be able to conquer demons with the same words you used.” I frowned and held up my hand.

“So my powers, they’ll be given to my children, just separately?” I said slowly, making sure I worded it correctly. God nodded his head and I motioned for him to continue. “A fifth child will hold the power of healing, something you have yet to receive. Keep your powers and that will come in time.” I blinked in shock. I had more powers? God chuckled as he nodded. “Yes, these powers weren’t meant to be all bad Claire. The sixth child will have the power of prophecy, a gift that you have in your decision making. Ever just have a feeling of what you were supposed to do? That’s prophesy in work, though theirs will be greater. And your last child will have the gift of knowledge of wisdom. They will be wise beyond their years and able to help your other children in strategy and tracking down the spirits they wish to find. These won’t be easy gifts for them to bear, just as yours isn’t easy to bear. Each of these children’s children will have gifts as well, and through your line another Chosen one will eventually come. But it’s your choice Claire, what do you chose?”

I opened my eyes again and rubbed my head slightly with the hand that wasn’t hooked up to an IV. I was slightly amazed when I moved my hand to see Ryan sleeping in a chair near the window of the room. My Mom was on the room’s couch besides the chair and behind her on the sill sat at least a dozen floral and balloon arrangements. I had no idea how long I’d been out or even what time it was.

Quietly I moved my legs to swing them over the side of the bed. I felt fine, better then fine actually. I was about to stand when I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Peter shaking his head as he looked down at me. “You should probably go back to sleep.” I smirked as I pushed myself up off the bed and headed towards the bathroom that was in my room.

You know, I should do a lot of things Peter. But I chose not to. Shade laughed as he caught my drift and Peter just sighed as he walked in front of me.

“I’m glad you decided to keep your gift Claire.” I smiled at Peter watching as Shade and Taylor both gave me a thumbs up.

And leave you guys? I couldn’t, I couldn’t not help people and hopefully my kids will understand how lucky they will be to have the gifts to help people. I thought looking at Ryan. So, maybe I didn’t know if they would be his kids, but a girl could dream right?