Sequel: Paranormal Family

Paranormal Child

Chapter 3

When I opened my eyes the light seemed blinding. I quickly shut them again before opening them more slowly, giving my eyes time to adjust. I scanned the room before muffling a scream at the figure I saw standing there leering at me. He was hideous, with dark skin that was wrinkled and a deformed face. It was like one of those horror movie monsters. I opened my eyes again only to see him still standing there. “Welcome back Princess,” He sneered at me as I tried to back up in my bed. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. I’m not allowed too.” He spat out as he came towards me chuckling. “See apparently you’re what he calls the “Chosen one” and no matter what I do I can’t harm you. You’ll always have someone protecting you. I’m only allowed a few moments with you to give you my warning.” He leaned towards me, and the smell of sulfur caused me to scramble away from him. “Don’t mess with the work of my agents. I may not be allowed to harm you, but it’s not like you don’t have people you care about. Just remember that.” The demon said before looking towards the door. “That’s my cue to go, sleep tight Princess.” He said before snapping his fingers. I immediately hit the pillow only seeing blackness.

The next time I opened my eyes I was surrounded again but not by evil. Instead the people surrounding me looked a lot nicer, except for the swords they had hilted. I eyed the swords just as one began to speak. “I am the angel Peter here to protect you,” the angel said as my eyes looked up at him. He had short blonde hair and was wearing robes that most attributed to the angels in paintings. Beside him stood six other angels who all gave me a smile.

“I am the angel Shade,” One greeted giving a slight bow causing some amused laughs. He had dark hair and dark brown eyes that seemed slightly mischievous. The angel next to him was shaking his head, apparently he found something about this normal and humorous.

“I’m Charles,” The man said as he ran a hand through his blond hair ruffling it slightly while his green eyes seemed to be watching for something. Beside him Shade just rolled his eyes while Peter gave him a look. Something told me that Shade had died young, or was young. “He died young,” Charles said reading my mind causing me to jump slightly. So everyone in Heaven could read minds, I’d need to keep that in mind.

“To cut these introductions short, that’s Taylor,” Peter said pointing to an teenage girl looking angel who’s red hair seemed unruly. “That’s John,” John waved a wrinkled hand, he seemed older then the others. “And Gregory,” Peter said pointing to the angel who was waving. He had dark hair cut into a buzz cut and his movements seemed stiff. “Former soldier.” Peter explained as he hovered near me and began talking quickly.

“There are a few things you need to know about us. We can read your mind and you can hear us. But no one else can hear or see us, and if you say something outline we can hear you as well and if we respond chances are people will think you are insane. We’re here to protect you, but you can ask one or two of us to protect someone else. But be careful about that, if we’re protecting someone else we can’t fully protect you, Claire. You’ll come under attack from spirits who don’t understand and demons who just want to pick a fight. You’ll see a lot with this Claire, but we’ll always be here. Even if one of us gets hurt there will always be seven of us to protect you. Don’t ever doubt that we are around protecting you.” Peter said before the voices of my parents cut through his voice. He stopped talking and stepped back as my parents entered the room.

“Oh thank God, you’re okay!” My mother said giving me a hug as my dad just smiled at me. I patted my mom’s back and watched as my sister came in holding Grace in her arms.

“She’s fine, although she wouldn’t be here if she’d just stayed in the hospital the night Grace was born.” Renee said as her husband rolled his eyes behind her. He knew she didn’t offer but wasn’t about to argue with her either.

“How long have I been out?” I asked tentatively. If I missed too much it would be hard to catch up. My major was already difficult enough, I didn’t need to make it harder by missing classes. My mother just ran her hand over my hair.

“Only two days, and it was a weekend.” She assured me as Renee handed Grace to her husband and started rooting through the baby bag. I was sure that Grace probably needed to be changed until Renee pulled out a small hand held mirror and held it out to me.

“You probably want to see what you look like. The accident didn’t leave any scars. But I’d want to know.” Renee said thrusting the mirror into my hands. I took it and held it up to my face staring at myself. My brown hair was hanging around my shoulders, but it seemed curlier then normal. My skin was still the same pale milky white shade, but it seemed almost healthier looking. My eyes however had caught my gaze, they were still the same brown shade but they seemed almost lighter. I looked at my family but they didn’t seem to think I looked any different. I handed the mirror back to Renee without a word as I leaned back into the pillows.

“I bet you’re tired.” My dad said noticing my gesture. Renee nodded as she took Grace back from her husband. My mother just gave me a grin and squeezed my hand as she stood up.

“We’ll go, they said they’ll release you tomorrow so we’ll be back then. Your roommate said that everything in the room was clean so you’ll be good to go back tomorrow.” My mother assured me making me grin. My roommate probably just shoved things into the closet knowing her. Love Quinn to death but the girl did not know how to clean a room for anything.

“Yeah, they’ll be back. I have to take Grace to Jake’s parents house. But I’ll come see you in a few days when I have some time. Okay?” Renee asked as she rubbed Grace’s back. Jake gave me an apologetic grin that I shook my head too. It was okay, besides his parents were pretty cool people. Grace needed to meet them, and I could go without my sister for a few days.

“That’s fine, I’m fine. I just need to sleep.” I assured them as I pulled the hospital blanket up a bit. My family smiled before they all hugged me and left the room closing the door after them. I closed my eyes only to open them again when I sensed someone standing there.

“Hi,” said the little girl who seemed no older then seven. I looked at the angels who didn’t seem concerned by her presence. I looked at her again, she seemed real enough, except for the fact that she was wearing something from the eighteen hundreds.

“Hi,” I said back causing the little girl to grin as she climbed up onto the bed making no indentation at all. “I’m Sarah,” she said as she sat cross-legged on the bed watching me.

“I’m Claire,” I said in a sweet tone as I waited to see what would happen. She seemed fine, but I knew that if she was a ghost then something was wrong. “Why are you still here sweetie?” I asked suddenly. The girl seemed to get confused before she looked at the door.

“Do you want me to leave?” She asked slightly hurt. I shook my head as I leaned forward.

“No, what I mean is why are you still here in the hospital. You could be in Heaven.” I explained pointing to Peter who was moving forward slightly.

“I don’t know how to get there. My mommy said she’d take me, but she never did.” Sarah said a little hurt. I gave her a sad smile before Peter came to stand next to her.

“I’m sorry,” I said wishing I could reach out and hug her. But I knew she might disappear if I did. Yet the look on Peter’s face suggested that I could try. I carefully held my arms out and nearly pulled back when my arms felt something. Her body was ice cold, put her skin still felt human as I pulled her into an embrace. I let her cry for a while before she pulled back on her own and wiped away her tears.

“I’m ready,” Sarah said softly before getting off the bed and taking Peter’s hand. With a last wave she disappeared with Peter leaving me alone and exhausted. I looked at Charles who seemed to be the only one willing to meet my eyes.

“You did good,” Charles said seeming to sense my uncertainty. He looked down the row at the other angels before resting a hand on his sword. “They’re only worried about things we can’t control. Get some sleep, your life is only just beginning.” Charles said as I sunk back into the bed. I could feel exhaustion pulling me under and finally I let it win as I sank into a deep sleep.
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