Sequel: Paranormal Family

Paranormal Child

Chapter 6

“Welcome to Ohio,” Ryan said as he stepped out of the van watching as the rest of the crew came tumbling out. They started stretching their legs before following him towards the administrator standing there with Chip Coffey. “Chip?” Ryan asked confused. Normally he had to call him in, but there stood Chip looking around uneasy. At the sound of Ryan’s voice however he looked at the young man giving him a grin.

“A little birdie told me that I should come here.” Chip explained greeting Ryan and the rest of the gang before looking at the administrator, a man in his fifties who looked nervous. “I’m going to be showing you around.” Chip said after a moment causing the gang to all trade looks. “Mr. Trewelny here already showed me around and I have an idea of where we need to go.” Mr. Trewelny just nodded before handing everyone a map.

“I’m sorry I can’t escort you myself but I have a meeting with another student’s parents. Chip knows the campus, he spoke here a few years ago. If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask someone.” Mr. Trewelny said quickly before hurrying off taking his phone out as he went. Ryan just watched confused before looking at Chip.

“Lead the way,” he said causing Chip to nod and turn as he started guiding them around. A voice in his mind suggested he try the library, something about a chosen one to be found there. He’d been hearing that name a lot over the past few weeks from the different spirits and was now curious as to why they were suggesting the library. Along the way he pointed out a few different landmarks telling them the stories the administrator had told him earlier. Ryan seemed to be paying attention to each story carefully while Katrina wrote them down her eyes sweeping the campus.

“And this is the library, not much mentioned here but I figured you might want to see the librarian about the archives.” Chip said as he came to a stop outside of the massive building. The spirits around him seemed anxious and he could almost sense something powerful inside. Ryan looked up at the building before heading towards it; something was drawing him towards the building.

The moment he opened the door he heard a gasp from some girls in the room and he gave them a brief look before waiting for the rest of his group to come in. Chip came in last and he seemed to be searching for something, and Ryan watched as Chip’s eyes suddenly hit a spot and stayed there. His own eyes followed to the spot only to see a girl sitting there. Her dark hair was tied up in a ponytail and her brown eyes were skimming something. She seemed edgy though, almost like she was expecting to be attacked at any moment. Ryan watched a little unsure as the girl’s head suddenly looked up and to her right almost as if someone was standing there talking to her. He looked over at Chip who was staring at the girl before looking at Ryan, an odd look in his eye. Ryan looked back at the girl to see her staring at him, her face pale before she began gathering her things quickly, and almost it sounded like, talking to herself. Ryan didn’t know why, but he started heading towards her seemingly unaware of Chip following him to her.