Status: ready willing and able

I'm Your Biggest Fan...

chap. 2

I just realized that Patrick Martin Von Stump was standing in front of me! And more important he was talking to me!(on his own will even!)

“Yipe!” I whimper
“Excuse me?” Patrick asked with a smile that could knock you down. Good thing I was already setting.
I took a deep breath and let it out slowly “Hi.” I said in a small voice I cursed myself for not being more confident.
“I'm Patrick Stump,” He said I made a motion for him to sit down, he did. “ I know,” I replied in a stronger voice. Then I realized how stalker like that sounded.
“WOW! That didn't sound creepy and stalker like at all.” I said trying to make light He smiled in response, I visibly swooned.”That's okay, it is not nearly as bad as the 'I've been watching you' bit that I had said when we first started talking.” He laughed. I didn't think this could happen. Patrick Stump was talking with me! Someone had to be pulling a cruel joke. No matter I might as well enjoy it well I have the chance....

I stood up and extended my right hand out to him. “Let's start over. Sam Patterson.” He took my hand in a firm grip that just about made me melt. “Patrick Stump, Pleased to meet you.”
Our hands lingered in each other's longer than is expected for a conventional hand shake. “So Sam right?” I nodded in response.”What'cha listing to?” I showed him the screen I was now listing to FOB's Alpha Dog.
“Ewe I HATE that band” he teased.
“Oh I know and their lead singer Ugh!” I say hopping that he could tell that I was using sarcasm; he must have because of the worm smile he gave me. I reciprocated with a warm toothy grin of my own until he asked me about the girls again.

I calmly explained how I failed at friendship, with the exception of the one girl that is my half insane friend that of chorus not on the trip with me. Then to too good to be true feeling of this ended as he laughed. Yep I knew it cruel joke. I put my 'poker face' on and got a defensive tone and asked him. “What's so funny about my failure ??”

“Hey Whoa nothing, I was laughing because of how much you're like me,” he said in a voice no more than a whisper. “Oh” I say kinda plainly so far not a joke! With that thought I decide to press my luck a bit. Maybe even flirt a bit. “No I'm not...” I say in a hinting voice. When he asked why I thought here it goes and in a more compelling level in my voice I say: “because I'm not a good looking ginger.”
“Oh!” He said surprised then blushing he added “ I am not a ginger.”

After some small talk he dropped a bomb in my direction. “so what now?” He asked. “What now, What?” I asked slightly confused. “well when two friends hang out they make plans. So what do you want to do now?' he explained. I thought about it for a moment and felt my stomach growl. Luckily not loud enough to be herd. “well, I'm here on a school trip and I haven't eaten anything since about 6:30 this morning.” I say after some deep concentration. “ I see... yes, because every week in high school I took a trip to the mall.” He teased and then laughed, his laugh was so melodic that I had to join in.

When I recover from my laughter I decided to explain. “No this is just a denture were going to see The Phantom of the Opera later today.” I clarified for him he responded with a grin and a nod, and then in one swift movement he grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I tried to stop the blush that rushed to my face but I couldn't CRAP! “common I know a Marvelous restaurant just down the way!” he enthused. And pulled me down the corridor.

When we got to the restaurant my jaw dropped for the second time today. We were in front o a 5 star restaurant and I knew that I didn't have THAT kind of money! I was here on a school trip, I just barely make minimal wage as it is. “Eur...uh, Patrick I don't mean anything funny...but I'm here on a SCHOOL trip and that means I just have enough money to buy something at the show and lunch and supper at a fast food restaurant, not somewhere like THIS... I don't expect you to pay for me I was just thinking that we could eat somewhere ….A bit more affor- “ Patrick cut me off by leaning the just about whole inch down that he was taller than me and whisper “ don't worry about it.” I looked at him with shock stricken eyes and he added “yeah, what else are friends for?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that it is a slow beginning but I have about five more Chapters typed on my computer and the plot gets thicker but I wont update unless I start getting comments.