Status: ready willing and able

I'm Your Biggest Fan...


As soon as the waitress left and we were sat down and comfy had to ask, mainly because I was becoming paranoid. If this WAS a joke then it was a damn good one, in the respect that is has lasted WAY longer than any joke they have ever played on me. Here goes nothing....

“Patrick, why- that is what made you- whydidyouwalkuptome?Meofallpeoplewha ploysyoutobe nice to me?” when I was done I realized that I had said that in one word and in a shaky breath and lack of conviction in my voice. Strangely when he decipher what I said he smiled slightly. It was a small sad smile that I knew had a story behind it. His face went in an array of emotions as if he was fighting an eternal battle. “ A few months ago my girlfriend broke it off with me, and since then ever girl I have been interested st likes me because of my status, and when I saw you I, well I, thought that you were a damsel in distress – no offense...” When I didn't say anything he continued. “ When I saw you I saw a cute new fresh start and then I realized that you were sundered by girls that looked like the type of girls that use to make fun of me in high school so there would never be any chance there but when they ditched you I saw a damson in distress that I could save.”

I was deciding on what to think on what he said when I felt warm plump lips settle on mine! We were kissing! No Patrick stump was kissing me! How rash and out of character.. not that I was complaining or anything. Nope not in the least. But like all good things in life the kiss ended all too soon. And before I could ask any questions or he could explain anything there was a girl who plopped down next to me. Star.

Star is the only friend I have at my hell-school or uh I mean my high school. (Heh heh) A few questions were floating in my normally blank mind, one how did she get here, two why is she here, three why is she here , four how did she find me. My inquisitive were soon answered as she spoke.

“My Sammy scenes were tingling so I hijacked my grandma's car and got here as soon as I could, What's the emergency?” Let me explain, Star has a sort of 6Th since that she has tuned in to me,because she and I are VERY close, yes in a scary since.

“who is she?” Patrick asked with a slight haze in his voice like someone who just came out of shock. “Patrick,” I said carefully not to upset him. “this is Star,she is my friend... She eh, she has a 6Th since like Spider mans Spidy since...” I smiled at him in a cheeky way.

Before Patrick could respond in any way the table erupted in music and Lady Gaga's 'Love game' came from Patrick's Pocket. I heard him mutter something about he should have never let Pete see his Cellphone... As he excused himself from the table to take his call.
I couldn't help but to laugh my ass off, Star was just looking confused.

Star in her ditsy way, leaned down and whispered “Who's he,” Then she got a defensive look on her face “Saaaaaammmmyyy, Is there something you need to tell me???” I responded with a 'wow' look. YOU DON”T KNOW WHO HE IS????” I yell whispered at her. She moved her head in the negative and I watched her hair flutter in her eyes. “he's the lead singer of Fall out Boy.” I tried to explain. Star looked at me like I was insane witch I probably was but that was not the topic at hand. “Patrick Stump?” I inquired. “Nope,” I was close to giving up but I thought there might still be hope, “The band I ALWAYS talk about.”

“you have no idea do you?” I said helplessly. “Nope!” she said like a child that had just won a changeling game.
In a small slow voice,that you might use with said child I said. “he's a lead singer in a very big band, and I am glad that in my 8 years or talking about them you have paid me that much action and retained everything I have ever said.”

she smiled at me and said “no Problem cutey pie. Then she tried to kiss me, and yes this is a normal occurrence and yes I WILL except your piety. When Patrick came back he looked very apologetic “I'm sorry Sam and uh, Star,” Star cut him off by saying “That's alright orangey!” Oh good lord today is going to be a LONG day.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know everything seams like it's going fast right now but it will all make since when I post the later chapters there in Patrick's POV and they will explain A LOT.

Thank you to my lovely's who left comments you get to play strip poker with Patrick! anyway I hope you liked it even though I think it sucked! any who enjoy