A Dream for Their Rights and Freedom

Disclaimer: I do not own Alfred F. Jones from Hetalia ( and I don’t own Hetalia either), and I most certainly do NOT own Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” Speech.

I really hope you enjoyed reading this fic. I was inspired to write it for Martin Luther King Jr. day, and therefore began writing it just before that day. I got quite far on said day, about halfway through the speech. I had not had time, though, since that day to really finish this, so here it is! All finished!

I do believe that as of late, this is my best piece of work. AND! This is the second fic that I have written and completed that is Hetalia related! I have a few other stories that I have began that are Hetalia based, but they have yet to be finished…or even really began, because the plot bunnies have run amuck in my skull with ideas...

Please leave me a comment, if you have a moment. I would really really really appreciate being able to see what others think of this. Pwetty pwease with a cherry on top? *puppy dog eyes*
  1. Let Freedom Ring
    3,616 words