Status: Finished!

The Enemies' Secret: More Than Friends

The Breakdown

Layla's POV
“Well well, look who decided to show up to school today.” Dylan said as I was walking into the room during study hall. This is Dylan, we have known and lived next door to each other since the second grade but for an unknown reason we dislike each other. My mom always invites him and his mom to have dinner with us every night and vise versa. I have never met my father so he acts like the man of the house. But his father lives in Europe so they only get to talk on the phone now and then. We are both 15 even though Dylan’s birthday is two months before mine. Dylan has dark brown hair that’s long enough to go over his eyes with blue eyes that turn to green when he is mad. The emo look is his, even if his girlfriend is a preppy blond headed girl named Sara. But enough about him and lets get to me. My name is Layla, I have long black hair with silver eyes. I am mixed with African-American from my mom and Caucasian from my dad. I’ve seen pictures of my dad from when they first met but other then that I have never seen him. I am two inches shorter than Dylan so that makes me 5’10”. I am always late for school and Dylan always says something about it.
“Shut up Dylan!” I yelled at him
He started to snicker so I smacked him upside his head but that’s when he got mad. Dylan got all in my face like he was so tough but I just patted him on the cheek then walked away. He grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. I looked into his blue eyes as they turned green. I was trying to find something but what? His eyes started turning a liquid red, they were so pretty……Wait! Eyes aren’t supposed to turn red! I was too busy to notice that Dylan was a little too close to me until Sara noticed, “Babe come on lets go. The bell is about to ring anyway.” She said pulling him away.
Ring! Dylan didn’t budge including anyone else. I started busting out with laughter, “Haha you’re a dork Dylan Jackson!” I said through laughter as I walked away. I knew he hated when I did that and I know that I’m gonna hear it from him when they come over for dinner tonight. I went to my History class, fell asleep during a lecture, then got a marker thrown at my head. While we were watching a history video about inventions Dylan came in and started talking to Mrs. Caldwell.
“Layla Summers?” she asked, I turned around,
“You’re need with Mr. Jackson in the hall”
Oh god what did I do now that involved Dylan? I got up and walked out of the room behind him while the class started to gossip. As soon as the door closed he had me against the wall.
“Dylan what the heck are you doing?!?!” I screamed even though no one heard me.
“Δεν μπορώ να πάρω αυτό άλλο! Σ' αγαπώ αλλά δεν μπορώ!” he yelled at me.
'What the heck is he saying? Why the heck is he yelling at me like this?!?!' I thought
Dylan was trying to not to cry but he couldn’t help it. He grabbed onto me then fell, dragging me with him. Oh god I can’t believe he is crying…..I better walk him home. I got up with Dylan and started out the front door. We were almost there until Mrs. Grey stopped us, “And exactly where are you two going?” she asked, as soon as she did she glanced at Dylan. “Nevermind move along now.” She said stepping aside.
'That was weird…..'
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Ok here is the first chapter so enjoy! Tell me if you want me to continue. R&R!!!!