Status: Finished!

The Enemies' Secret: More Than Friends


Layla’s POV
I woke up with the biggest headache in the world. I got up and headed into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked like I got ran over by a bus. I took a shower and got dressed.

I ran out the door while grabbing an apple and my skateboard. I came to the school within an hour before school started. I went under the staircase inside the school while listening to my IPod and started humming Imaginary by Evanescence. I got so into the song I didn’t notice my surroundings.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, paper flowers
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, paper flowers

I linger in the doorway
Of alarm clock screaming
Monsters calling my name
Let me stay
Where the wind will whisper to me
Where the raindrops, as they’re falling, tell a story

In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby (flowers)
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me (flowers)

Don’t say I’m out of touch
With this rampant chaos - your reality
I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge
The nightmare I built my own world to escape

In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby (flowers)
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me (flowers)

Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming
Cannot cease for the fear of silent nights
Oh, how I long for the deep sleep dreaming
The goddess of imaginary light

In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby (flowers)
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me (flowers)

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, paper flowers
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, paper flowers

I finished off the song and sighed as I rested against the wall and closed my eyes. As I tried to get Dylan out of my mind. I felt a hand rest upon mine and I jumped. I turned to find my cousin Aaron in all his glory.

Apparently he’s from my mom’s side of the family. Aaron’s mom is my mom’s sister and are both daughters of Hades. Yeah I know about the Greek gods and I for one am quite happy that about it because then it explains why I’m always pissed and sometimes clouds surround me when I’m really upset. But I can do much more even a few water tricks, which I don’t get at all.
“Hey Aaron…” I grumbled
“Uh oh what happened?”
‘This boy knows me too well…’
“Now why would you say that?” I asked while giving him a major fake smile
“Little girl I’ve known you since we were young. Don’t try that.” He laughed
“Hey! I’m older than you!!!”
“By a year!!!”
“And 11 months! So that’s basically 2 years!!!”
“Whatever…” I stuck my tongue out at him
He laughed and wrapped his arm around me. We sat like that for a bit as I checked the time. Dang only 15 minutes had past. I heard the shuffling of foot steppes but I ignored them.
“Layla?” I heard the one voice that made me weak yet so angry echo through my ears
“Leave me alone Jackson!!!” I hissed
“But I-“
“You heard her pretty boy leave my cousin alone!” Aaron shouted at the boy that carried my now shattered heart
Dylan sighed and started to walk away. I swear I heard him say ‘I’m Sorry’ but I wasn’t sure. Aaron and I listened to my IPod and I felt myself drift off to sleep. I was having the oddest dream.
I was walking under water into a cave that lead to a very wide clearing covered in jewels and two thrones. A man sat on the larger throne, he had dark brown hair and silver eyes and blue eyes just like mine. He had a silver crown on his head and a scepter in his hand. He held out his other hand and smiled.
“My daughter” he mused
I was shaken awake by my cousin saying that we had 10 minutes till class started.

Class was a bore and I couldn’t get the dream out of my head. I threw all of my homework into my locker because I was SO not gonna do it. I grabbed my skateboard and decided to run to the ice cream shop. I walked in the door and saw Dylan at the register getting a chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream (My favorite). He turned around and faced me as I tried to ignore him.
I cut him off just by looking at him, I felt so betrayed and hurt by him that I didn’t need to talk because he knew what he did. He sighed and handed me his ice cream. I gave him a questionable look.
“You know cookie dough is not my favorite but I knew you liked it…” he whispered
“So you buy yourself my favorite ice cream?”
“Yeah but since you’re here I can just give it to you.”
You know I would have thrown the wintery delight in his face if it weren’t for the fact that I absolutely love ice cream!!!
“Thanks I guess…”
You’re welcome Le-le” he smiled
I banked out of there and ran into my room. I couldn’t hold it in anymore and I cried my heart out. I jumped on my bed and heard the sound of crumpling paper. I picked up the folded piece of paper that had my name on it. I opened it up and read it.
I’m so sorry for hurting you like I did but I…well that’s just it I really don’t know why I did it. I guess I’m scared and I’m kinda trying to figure out what I’m scared of. I really care for you and you’re more than a best friend to me. Please I would do anything for you to at least be friends with me again. Please I’m sorry.

I looked out my window that had a clear view of Dylan’s room window. I sighed and went into the bathroom to change into my pjs.
I opened my window and got in the bed to fall asleep with Midnight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long but I got side-tracked because............I MADE THE COLOR GAURD TEAM!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Ok so I'll try to post the next chapter sooner but I can't make any promises.