Status: Finished!

The Enemies' Secret: More Than Friends


Layla’s POV
I was in utter stop mode.
(Layla Language) Utter stop mode= (English Language) Surprised
The only question is: Yes or No?

The Next Day
I jumped out of bed (yes jumped) and ran to start my morning routine. When I came out I was wearing this. I ran down the stairs, kissed my mom goodbye, and all but skipped out the door. I was meet on the sidewalk by none other than Dylan with a bright smile on his face. I leaped in his arms and gave him a big kiss! Awwwwe! Jk!!! Ok I did see him on the sidewalk and I did basically jump him but the retard didn’t see me coming so we toppled to the ground.
“Ouch!” he groaned
“You son of a dirty bunny! You were suppose to catch me!!!” I squealed
“Well I’m sorry you’re such a fatty!” He laughed
“Hey! I’m not fat!!!”
“Yeah right fatty!”
I got off him and started walking to school.
“Babe come on I was just playing! You know as well as I do that you have a hot body come on!”
I kept walking like I didn’t even hear him. When I got on my school’s street Dylan caught up to me and kissed me.
“Please forgive me I really didn’t mean to hurt you I was just playing.”
“No I wana break up!” I cried
“What?!?! Le-le please! I’m sorry!” he begged
“JK!!!” I laughed at him
He looked at me stunned while I was laughing my head off.
“You bitch!!!” he yelled
“Aw don’t be like that baby!!!” I pecked him on the lips and started running like a weirdo
I could hear his footsteps catching up to me. I shrieked and made my legs work harder to run from him. I was almost free until I bumped into Sara and Gabe.
“Oh look who it is baby…” Sara growled
“Oh hey…” I tried to be nice and go around them but they kept getting in my way
“What’s the rush?” Gabe questioned
“Look I’d love the punch you guys in the face but I really have to go so maybe next time k!?!” I fake smiled
“Why?” Sara laughed
I was just bout to push them to the ground until Dylan sped around the corner. I yelped and began to ran until Gabe tripped me which caused Dylan to fall on me.
“Ouch get off me!!!” I yelled
“Sorry babe!” Dylan helped me up and checked to see if I was ok
“Babe? You two a thing? Ew! That should be illegal!” Sara shivered
“Oh honey you should be illegal!” I laughed
Dylan joined in and we walked off laughing even more at the couple’s expression. We walked into school with people talking in hushed tones andgawking staring at us. Well this is weird…
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that this is lame but I got my laptop back and I have a few new ideas so yeah. Oh and I'm opean for having a new layout or banner! *hint hint*