Status: Finished!

The Enemies' Secret: More Than Friends


Layla's POV
I laid Dylan on his bed and as soon as I did I tripped and landed on him. Dang I am so clumsy! I look at him the same time he looked at me. He started blushing as I came to the conclusion that I was still on him. I jumped up so fast that I fell back. Dylan looked at me with a half smile that made me want to melt. Those eyes…that smile…that ‘SCREECH’ WHAT AM I DOING?!?! I can’t be falling for him? I can’t…but I think I am. Dylan started to chuckle, “You’re blushing, that means you are falling for me.” He said
“You’re blushing too and I’m embarrassed cause I fell you dolt!” I yelled at him
“Yeah whatever.” He said; smiling that melt-you-right-down-to-your-shoes smile.
Don’t lose your cool girl, he’s just a dork trying to get under your skin. I got up and sat all the way in a corner across the room, nowhere near Dylan. He got up and walked across the room, then sat in front of me. He looked deep into my eyes. His eyes turned a soft light green. He came closer as I tried to back up. He pulled out his arm, I guess to grab something, I moved and he grabbed my face. He pulled my face to his until our foreheads touched, but we never lost eye contact. I could feel his warm breath against my skin like silk,
‘Crap I am losing it fast I mean he is so cute that it’s driven me crazy.’
I moved slightly closer to see what his reaction was, he just stared.
‘I can’t do it I adore the boy, he may have a ruff streak but he can be nice.’ I moved closer.
‘There’s nothing wrong with a peak on the lips.’
I was two inches from his face when his mom came in,
“Hey guys what are you two doing here? Was it a half day today?” she asked, clearly not fazed by how close our faces are. Neither of us moved,
“Yeah mom, we had a test today, the teacher said that when we finished we could go home; Layla and I were one of the first people to leave.” He answered calmly. His mother nodded while leaving the room. Dylan lifted his head as I watched in awe.
“We will never talk about what just happened ever again ok?” he asked (demanded)
I kept gawking at him, ‘How could he not kiss me?!?! Oh wait…his girlfriend of course and I don’t want him anyway.’
Yeah right
I’m your mind silly
‘Oh…why are you talking to me?’
Because you wont admit your feelings for Dylan
‘I don’t have any feelings for Dylan’
“Uh sure I guess.” I said to Dylan, looking out the window
He glared at me.
‘If looks could kill I’d be six feet under’
“Come on I wana beat you at wii sports.” He stated
I got up and looked at him with a devilish grin.
“We’ll see about that.” I challenged
We both sped down the stairs eagerly, barely missing the couch. I hit the hard floor when Dylan tripped me and started laughing at my situation.
“That’s not funny!” I hissed at him; brushing myself off
He kept laughing so I punched him in the gut and watched as he fell on the floor. We started playing the game, after an hour it was 26-30 playing baseball (Dammit!!)
“Hey you know I’m beating you as payback for laughing at me earlier.” He stated
I looked at him like he was crazy.
‘What is he doing? He was supposed to yell at me until we were called to dinner.’ I thought
“Are you ok Dylan? You’re not yourself today.” I gulped
We stared at each other for quite a while, but his eyes showed more anger than usual.
“Yeah I’m fine…you go to your house and help your mom with dinner, I have to call Sara.” He said
Anger shot through my body.
‘Why is he always so pissed towards me? It’s not like it’s my fault he ruined our friendship by becoming an ass. GOD BOYS PMS A LOT!!!’
I stood up and started heading to my house.
‘What is wrong with him?!?!’
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok I'm going to continue with the story.
Not a lot of people voted but no one voted no so yeah.
But I'm still standing with getting 10 comments a chapter.
P.S. Does anyone know how to post banners and picture links for the story?