Status: Finished!

The Enemies' Secret: More Than Friends

Can I Keep It?

Layla's POV
I couldn’t take the silence so I excused myself and walked to the park across the street. I sat on the ground and looked at the stars. When I heard what Dylan said about me I tried to leave but my clumsy arse knocked over a pile of papers.
‘God I knew that he hated me but I finally know how much now.’
Did you actually ask him what he said? You could be wrong.
‘True but why should I?’
Gosh you are so stubborn!
‘Thank you!’
I looked at the stars and wondered into my own world.
‘I’m hungry!’
But you just ate.
‘Great now what?!’
Oh go swing on the swing!
I jumped up from the ground and raced to the swings. I pushed myself higher and higher.
‘I wonder what’s going on at home?’ I thought while closing my eyes
I felt the soft breeze brush across my face.
‘It’s too warm to be the beginning of fall…’
Out of no where I was knocked to the ground, gasping for air. I looked around to see a giant black dog with red eyes glaring at me.
‘Great now I’m dog food!’
The dog jumped just as I put my arms up to protect myself. I was waiting for the pain but instead I got covered in drool. I opened my eyes to see him wagging his tail frantically with his tounge out to the side.
Wow is right
‘What do I do?’
Check the collar you dolt!!!
‘No need for harsh language me!’
I slowly walked up to the dog and put my hand on its head. It leand into me as I smiled. I grabbed his collar and saw in bright bold letters “Hellhound.” My eyes widened as I read the collar over and over.
That’s not possible…
‘…Do you actually see the dog mind?’

‘I’m gonna take it home!’
Don’t do that it’s dangerous!
‘Oh shut up and drink your apple juice!!!’
‘I heard that!’

I looked at the dog then tapped my leg and started walking home with the dog I shall name Midnight in tow. As soon as I got in I saw my mom, Dylan, and his mom in the living room. I walked pass them with Midnight still following, as soon as I saw their shocked faces I couldn’t help but giggle a bit.
“What is that?” Dylan questioned
This is a dog, I named him Midnight. Mommy can I keep him?” I asked while pouting my lips
“Uh…sure dear.” She accepted
I squealed and jumped into arms; giving her the biggest hug in the history of hugs.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry for not updating sooner but I'm having writers block again.
I still need help on adding pictures and a banner. Someone Plz help!!!
P.S. Dumm means stupid in German