Status: Finished!

The Enemies' Secret: More Than Friends

Tag You're It!

Layla's POV
Drake dragged me to a random park and sat down on a bench. I looked at him with sympathy, why would Sara do something like that to him? It’s not like he was unfaithful in the relationship. And I know he didn’t lose interest in her because he usually talked fondly of her until this past week. I wonder why? I sat down next to him on the bench and just looked at him. His breathing as harsh and heavy, and he eyes were grazed with tears, threatening to fall. I really didn’t know what to do so I just stared.
“You know I really liked her.” He whispered
“I know. You wouldn’t keep your mouth closed about it.” I joked
He turned to me with a smile but I could tell that it was forced. His eyes went from a forest green to an ocean blue. It truly broke my heart to see him like this. I found that the ground was quite interesting after a while.
“Hey Layla?” he quietly called
“Can you cheer me up?”
I looked at him for a second to find any emotion other than pain written all over his face.
“Sure. Follow me.” I said getting up and walking to a random area.
When he started pacing in front of me. I pushed him down into the dirt like when we were kids and yelled, “Tag you’re it!”, while running. I heard his feet crunching against the grass as he started to chase me. He launched himself at me as we both fell to the ground laughing.
“You know if you hadn’t been so mean to me in the past. I bet we could have stayed best friends.” I stated after the laughter died down
“Well I still consider us friends.” He said looking at me
We stared at each other for a long time. I broke the gaze and looked at my watch.
7:35 pm
“Oh gosh we better head home.” I mumbled
We got up and walk to our houses. When we each got to our doors Dylan waved bye and I waved back. I walked into the living room where my mom was watching TV.
“Have fun at school?” she asked
“Yeah” I said walking up to my room
When I got in I rubbed Midnight’s head and grabbed my laptop, opening up Microsoft Word.
File Name: Psychology Project
Three Things I’ve Learned About Dylan: Day 1
1. He can be childish
2. He considers to still be my friend3. I’m totally in love with my enemy
Dylan’s POV
When I got in the house I rushed into my bedroom and got out my notebook.
Psychology Project
Three Things I’ve Learned About Layla: Day 1
1. She can actually cheer a person up
2. She doesn’t insult people (me) all the time3. I’m falling for my enemy
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok This is where it starts getting interesting. Enjoy!