Gods on Trial

Chapter 2

When I finally reached the mansion I was amazed at what I saw. The room that usually served as a dining room was now set up as a courtroom. A wide gold table sat towards the front and in front of that sat two more tables. The one of the right was black and decked out in cross bones. The one on the left looked like the creator couldn’t decide what theme to do it in. It was a crazy mix of bold and dull colors and creatures randomly drawn on. Off to the right there were three chairs with three very nervous looking gods sitting in them. Wait, those aren’t gods!

“Mortals! They brought mortals to Olympus!” screeched Vesta from the door as she entered. I watched everyone trade looks uneasily as Vesta swept forth to where the mortals were sitting. She stood in front of them and we all held our breaths, as she looked them over. Vesta could be a bit unpredictable and no one really knew how she would react to this.

“Calm down sister,” came another voice from the back as it entered. Vesta turned causing the brown robes she was wearing to swirl around her.

“They brought mortals to Mount Olympus, Ceres! I can’t just allow that!” Ceres looked at ease as she breezed into the room carrying a smell of fall with her.

“And I’m sure they will be returned to their homes when this is over and their memories will be erased of this,” Vesta didn’t look convinced as she continued to stare the mortals down.

“Fine, but if anything happens I will send Nemesis after all of you,” Ceres nodded unfazed by the threat as she and Vesta took seats towards the front of the audience area.

“Shouldn’t you be writing this down?” asked Calliope from my left. I nodded and pulled out a scroll prepared to copy this down for history’s sake.

“Have I missed anything?” Erato asked quickly as she took a seat to my right. I eyed her as Calliope shook her head.

“No, I think it’s just about to start,” Erato nodded and then tapped the bag she had just set down at her feet. Right, good idea to bring the stolen object to court.

“Order! Everyone rise the great goddess Minerva presiding!” We all rose then sat as Minerva swept into the room in her battle gear. She sat and set her shield beside her.

“You may all be seated,” she announced. We all sat as Minerva flicked her grey eyes over everyone. “I believe you are all here. Now let the trial begin. Please bring in the prosecution and defense.”

We all turned as the wide golden doors opened and Pluto marched forward looking more peeved then ever. His dog Cerberus followed him and barked happily as Mercury gave him a treat. Behind Pluto the gods all followed in. Jupiter came first looking annoyed, his grey eyes held a silent fury that we had all come to respect. Juno came behind them with her head held high. She refused to look at anyone as she came to stand behind her chair. Venus followed her with her blonde hair swinging flirtatiously from side to side. She gave a wink to a few guys before stopping behind a chair. Mars followed her and watched her walk the entire time. They were sickening together. Behind him came Vulcan, Venus’s actual husband. Why she married him was known to very few people. And despite my position of muse of history, I was not one of them. Finally behind her came Diana who looked very flustered as she took the seat at the head of the long table.

“Who will be prosecuting?” asked Minerva. Pluto pointed to himself. Minerva nodded. “And who is in charge of defense?” Diana raised her hand.

“That would be me,” Minerva nodded again.

“Okay, now do we all know why we’re here?” The audience and the jurors shook their heads. “Well Pluto had his Helm of Darkness stolen and wants it back. Now we believe that one of these gods here,” she pointed to the defense table, “took it. So it will be their job,” she pointed to the three mortals, one of who looked ready to pass out, “to decide who did this crime. Now the punishment will be taking over Sisyphus’s job for ten days. Is this clear?” Everyone nodded including the mortals. “Alright then, let’s start. Your first witness Pluto.” I watched Pluto turn to face the audience; this was going to be a long trial.