Gods on Trial

Chapter 3

“Little brother, I call little brother Jupiter to the stand.” Pluto said as he pointed at Jupiter. Jupiter rose and walked towards the witness stand, which was really just another table that was placed lower then the one Minerva was currently occupying. Hebe raced quickly up to Jupiter and held out a scroll.

“Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth or else risk the furies?” Jupiter rolled his grey eyes but nodded as he placed his hand briefly on the scroll and taking a seat. His eyes held a challenge, which Pluto stepped up to accept.

“Jupiter is it true that you have had many lovers?” Jupiter looked nervously at his wife and sister, Juno, before looking back at Pluto.

“No, of course not! I’m married.” Everyone except Juno made a disbelieving snicker. It was a well-known fact that Jupiter had slept with nearly any girl he could get his hands on.

“Really? I’d like to bring in someone to dispute that. I want to call another witness,” Minerva frowned while Jupiter looked murderous.

“You can’t do that!” Jupiter snapped.

“Well you can’t pick your domain first but you did that any way!” Pluto retorted.

“Not this again! Really, you’re just sore that mom liked me better and helped me live! You know if it wasn’t for me you’d still be in dad’s stomach!” Pluto lurched forward as Jupiter stood up. Minerva began banging her spear like a makeshift gavel on the table.

“Knock it off! Dad you’re the witness! You can’t fight the prosecutor! Uncle Pluto, don’t provoke him! You can all settle this later! For now calm down!” Jupiter sat back down as Pluto backed away. “Thank you, now Pluto, I’m not sure you can call another witness while, da- I mean Jupiter is still a witness. Iris,” Iris came forward her robes shimmering as she moved. “Please go ask Nemesis about protocol here.” Iris nodded and disappeared in a rainbow. I tapped Mercury on the shoulder.

“Where is Nemesis?” Mercury leaned back and turned to look at me.

“She wanted to be judge, but Pluto wouldn’t let her. Apparently she’s been hanging around Jupiter too much lately. When she was told no, she refused to come.” I nodded and quickly wrote that down.

“So why are they one trial? And why aren’t Vesta, Ceres, Apollo and Diana on trial?” Mercury moved to fully view me.

“Nice of you to leave me out of that question. I’m a god too you know.” I shook my head amused before correcting myself.

“Fine, why aren’t you, Apollo, Diana, Vesta, and Ceres on trial?” Mercury grinned.

“Well, I’m not on trial because Pluto likes me, apparently I’m his only contact to the outside world besides the bland spirits he gets. Apollo and Diana haven’t been in Hades in the last century so they’re out. Pluto refused to put Ceres on trial because she’s now his mother-in-law and he doesn’t want to offend her any more. And I think Vesta just scares him.” I laughed softly.

“Vesta scares all of us,” I noted glancing towards where Vesta sat completely covered head to toe in brown cloth next to Ceres.

“Yeah, well the important thing is she frightens Pluto who claims to be scared of nothing.” I nodded. “So who do you think did it?” I froze.

“Nobody,” Mercury raised an eyebrow.

“Okay, I know you like Ulysses and all, but I don’t think “nobody” did this.” I laughed nervously.

“Maybe he just misplaced it,” Erato suggested. Mercury looked at her and shook his head.

“I doubt it. He has the helm in its own room surrounded by spirits. I don’t think he misplaced it at all,” Mercury said calmly.

“But it wasn’t in a room-“ I slapped my hand over Erato’s mouth before she could say any more.

“What she means is, how do you know that?” Mercury looked between Erato and me for a minute before answering.

“Because he showed me once,” he stated as he looked at me in confusion.

“Then why don’t they just ask the spirits who took it?” I questioned. Mercury sighed.

“Blame your sister for that,” I froze in fear that he knew.

“I didn’t do anything!” Erato retorted defensively. Mercury shook his head.

“Not you, Melpomene, she followed me down there on my last trip,” I frowned.

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“Well all the spirits were suddenly reminded of all the tragedies they had in their lives and are now weeping messes. All they saw was a figure through their tears. Apparently the muse of tragedy inspires tragedy wherever she goes! And can you tell her to stop following me please? I’m getting more shots fired at me with her there inspiring tragedy! Losing me would be a great tragedy!” I tried to suppress my grin.

“Sure, I’ll try to stop her,” Mercury nodded as Iris glided back into the room.

“She says while it isn’t protocol, none of this trial is, therefore he can call another witness.” Minerva nodded and raised her spear.

“Alright your next witness then,” Pluto nodded and I wondered which of Jupiter’s lovers were still alive to call upon.

“I call Leto to the stand,” I saw Juno tense as Leto walked in with her son Apollo at her heels. She gave Juno a smirk before taking a seat next to Jupiter. Apollo quickly found a seat in the audience near Bacchus. I watched his sister turn to look at him and glare before turning back to watching her mother be questioned. This could get interesting.