Gods on Trial

Chapter 5

“So Juno, when was the last time you visited the Underworld?” Pluto began. Juno raised an eyebrow.

“I think you know the answer to that, Pluto,” Juno said calmly. I watched as Pluto gave a pointed look to Minerva.

“Uh Juno, you have to answer the question,” Juno turned to glare at Minerva.

“Don’t tell me what to do! You’re a product of my husband’s affair! I don’t take orders from you!” Minerva shrank back slightly as Juno’s eyes blazed in fury.

“Calm down sister, its only for the jury’s knowledge,” Pluto said in an indifferent voice. Juno turned her glare back on her brother.

“Let me tell you something, this idea that I would steal your stupid helmet is idiotic! If I wanted to do something I would just send Iris, or Argo to do it! I would not waste my own precious time stealing your stupid Helm!” Juno spat out. Pluto crossed his arms.

“So I suppose your going to tell me I should be questioning your messengers?” Juno scoffed.

“Did I say that? I don’t think so!” Pluto shrugged.

“But you said you wouldn’t sink so low yourself, does that mean you would send one of your messengers to do it for you?” Juno stood up suddenly causing everyone in the audience to lean back.

“I DIDN’T TAKE YOUR STUPID HELM YOU IDIOT!” Pluto backed away slowly as Juno’s fury grew. “IF YOU WANT TO QUESTION SOMEONE, QUESTION THE HARLOTS THAT SEEM TO OCCUPY OLYMPUS! I’M SURE THEY HAVE MORE REASONS THEN ME TO STEAL YOUR HELM!” Pluto kept backing away as Juno started advancing around the table. He sent a desperate look to Minerva who looked too scared of Juno to even do anything about it. Mercury shook his head in front of me.

“He’s an idiot putting her on trial, her wrath is worse then Vesta’s on a bad day, just look at poor Hercules” I nodded my head in agreement.

“So why did he put her on trial then?” I asked as Juno continued to screech at Pluto.

“Because he’s jealous,” Mercury said simply.

“Of what?” Erato asked from her seat as she carefully pushed the bag further under her seat.

“Her messengers, he won’t admit that of course, but he wishes he had as many messengers as she does,” I considered that. Juno did have a lot of messengers doing her bidding. There was Mercury who was currently entertaining my sister with stories. Then there was Iris, who always seemed a little stuck up to me. Hebe, Juno’s daughter and cupbearer was next. Though always a bit of a pushover, I noted as I watched Hebe cower over in the corner clutching the scrolls tightly to her chest. I watched Hercules calm her from his seat next to her. Those two were a good fit, her shy and unassuming while he always watched out for her. Nearby Argus watched the door. He was definitely the hardest to understand but one of my favorites. Like me, he never missed a beat, but I guess if I had a hundred eyes I wouldn’t miss anything either.

“ENOUGH!” Mars screamed. Apparently all of the yelling was getting on his short nerves. “CAN WE JUST GET ON WITH THIS PLEASE? THERE ARE WARS TO BE FOUGHT YOU KNOW!” Venus nodded in agreement while Vulcan just muttered something under his breath. Based on the way Argus rolled a good number of his eyes I guessed what Vulcan said was something not relating to wars and Mars, but rather Mars and Venus.

“Yes, thank you Mars,” Minerva said in a slightly relieved tone. Juno didn’t respond except to back away from Pluto and turn her wrath to the innocent jurors.

“Am I guilty?” she said in a voice that held ice-cold anger. The jurors all shook their heads. “That’s what I thought,” we all watched as Juno swept from the building without another word.

“Well, um, your next witness?” Minerva said after the doors had slammed closed behind Juno. Pluto jolted slightly before nodding.

“Right, I call Vulcan,” Pluto said pointing to his nephew. I watched Vulcan stand and limp to the witness stand. He was horribly deformed thanks to his mother throwing him off of Olympus. Since then no one really saw him, as he preferred to spend time in his volcano working with his metal.

"Yes Hebe I swear to tell the truth,” Vulcan said in a tired but patient voice as his sister walked towards him slowly. She bobbed her head and gave a small smile before taking her seat next to her husband.

“Before you ask Pluto, do know that I could of just asked for another Helm, after all I do know who created it,” Vulcan began. I looked at the bag under my sister’s feet wishing she had just asked for another one instead of stealing the original.
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I'm just going to update the whole story. If you like it then I'll start working on a sequel eventually. Character profiles for the sister's will be up eventually.