Gods on Trial

Chapter 7

Court wasn't called back into session till the next day due to the gods and goddesses not on trials whining complaints. But we were all back in court today and Minerva was calling the court back into order. I did a quick survey of who was here and found Juno and Vulcan both noticeably absent. Jupiter was still here and was flirting with a nymph a few seats up, pretty risky seeing that Argus was standing about three feet away watching it all. I quickly called him over and he walked slowly his hundred eyes taking everything in.

"Where's Juno?" I asked as Minerva went back over the court case. Argus shrugged causing his hundred eyes to move up and down.

"Not sure in all honesty, after yesterday she demanded to be alone. Even threw Hebe out," I raised an eyebrow. Juno never threw Hebe out; she was always attached to Juno like a shadow is attached to a mortal when the sun is high.

"Why do you think that is?" Argus focused all his eyes on me.

"Again not sure, but if I had to guess I'd say it was caused by the latest gossip," I frowned in confusion.

"What latest gossip?" Erato shook her head as she took her seat next to me.

"As the muse of history you certainly miss a lot," I looked at my sister annoyed.

"Gossip doesn't always mean truth, I prefer the truth," Argus’s eyes lit up in appreciation while Erato just sighed.

"But the truth is often so boring!" Argus rolled a few of his eyes.

"For the sake of curiosity what's the latest gossip?" Erato leaned forward.

"Well supposedly Persephone was doing some hanky panky with Jupiter before Pluto married her, and word around the fountains is she's carrying someone's child," I snorted as Argus shook his head. I tried not to watch, seeing all those eyes move at once can be nauseating.

"Don't believe it, the child part, the Jupiter part is quite plausible," I said motioning towards where Jupiter was stroking the nymphs cheek. Erato sighed while Argus starting walking away.

"That god has no morals," I laughed.

"Do any of them?" Argus just laughed as he resumed his guard post by the door.

"Alright silence in the court room. Pluto you may call your next witness." Pluto stood before motioning to Mars.

"I call Mars to the stand," Mars got up and stretched flexing the muscles he had for his mistress who just giggled.

"You got it," Mars said as he strode forward. Hebe rushed forward quietly and laid out the scrolls.

"Do you plan to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth or risk the furies?" Mars laughed.

"You think I'm scared of some furies?" Hebe looked to Hercules who gave Mars a pointed look.

"Fine, yes I swear!" Mars said shaking his head and taking a seat.

"Mars, when did you last visit?" Mars tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"I'd say a few weeks ago when I came to welcome the hero Theseus to his final resting place." I wrote that down along with a note to go talk to one of the poets about Theseus. It was my job to inspire others about his story after all.

"While you were there did you venture anywhere else in the Underworld?" Mars frowned as he thought.

"Don't think so," Pluto’s evil smile appeared.

"Then why did my spirits report seeing you near the room my Helm was held in?" Mars shrugged.

"I don't know, why don't you ask them?" Pluto huffed but didn't explode.

"I would but they are all weeping messes, care to tell me why?" Mars shook his head violently.

"I do anger not tears," Pluto looked ready to rebut when a voice behind me spoke.

"I'm afraid that may be my fault," I turned to see my sister Melpomene standing. Pluto motioned for her to continue. "I followed Mercury down there last time looking for some inspiration to bring to those I help to write the tragedies of our lives, I didn't realize that spirits would weep in my presence remembering past tragedies, I do apologize." Pluto just waved a hand of dismissal and my sister took a seat accidentally hitting the bag sitting beneath Erato's seat. I heard her gasp as the bag moved and quickly moved to clamp my hand over her mouth.

"Don't say a word," Melpomene nodded with her eyes still wide. When I took my hand away she didn't say anything but she did nudge the rest of my sisters and whisper something in their ears. I felt the hairs rise on my neck when my mom's voice cut into my ears.

"After today is over we are having a family meeting," I swallowed, as did Erato. My mom said nothing else but kept an eye on us as the questioning of Mars continued.

"So you may not of caused the weeping, but you were near there when you weren't supposed to be." Mars leaned back crossing his arms.

"I got lost," Mars said simply. "That place is hard to navigate and none of the spirits are very helpful." Mars continued after Pluto didn't respond.

"Maybe I should draw you a map next time," Mars didn't pick up the sarcasm as he responded.

"Could you? That would be great!" Pluto slammed his hands on the table.

"NO I WILL NOT DRAW YOU A STUPID MAP!" Mars looked unfazed.

"Fine, but care to tell me why you think I would want your Helm to begin with?" Pluto’s grin returned.

"Well I have a theory about that," Mars just moved his hand waiting for him to continue.

"Okay then," Pluto's smile got wider and more malicious if that was possible.

"See its common knowledge that you and Ostia doll over here are having an affair." I waited for a protest but none came. "But you have a problem, dolly over here is married." I watched Venus's face get a look of confusion.

"Wait, who's Ostia doll?" I smacked my hand on my forehead as Pluto made an 'I can't believe you just asked that' face and Mars smiled lovingly.

"You, sweetheart you," Mars said patiently. Venus frowned still confused.

"I don't get it," Venus said in a pouty voice. Pluto just rolled his eyes.

"Of course you don't. Now as I was saying you can't openly have this affair because she's married. But if you were invisible you could have this affair easily, no chances of being caught." Mars nodded.

"That's plausible, too bad it’s not true." Pluto's face got a scowl on it.

"Prove it, I rest my case." Minerva motioned to Diana.

"You may now question the witness," Diana stood and headed for the table.

"Right, you say it's not true, do you have any proof of that?" Mars grinned as he uncrossed his arms.

"I have an alibi," Diana smiled.

"Great, what is it?" Mar’s grin widened as he answered.

"I was starting a war. You can look on Earth to see it," I heard everyone in the audience groan. While Mars may love war, the gods on Olympus didn't. War was messy and meant taking sides. It never ended well for anyone.

"Oh, another one?" Diana asked warily. Mars nodded proudly.

"Yup, this time I made it between the Romans and the Visigoths," I sighed realizing I was going to be in for a long few decades of writing the details of these events.

"That's, um," Diana seemed at a loss as Mars beamed.

"I have a feeling this one's going to be really interesting!" Diana just ran a hand through her brown hair while the gods and goddesses around me started placing bets with Mercury.

"So that's your alibi." Diana said finally. Mars nodded and Diana looked at Minerva. "No further questions." Minerva banged her spear on the table.

"Jury your findings?" One of the jurors raised his hand.

"Uh, how do we know there is a war going on?" Mars clapped his hands and suddenly in the space in front of him we could see down to the city of Rome. There we could see fighting and swords clashing. The jurors looked scared.

"I think we've seen enough," Mars cut it just as someone starting screaming in pain.

"We find him not guilty." The other juror said.

"BUT THROW HIM IN TARTARUS ANYWAY SO WE CAN STOP FIGHTING ALL THESE STUPID WARS!" The juror who tended to yell threw in. I really wished we could, but realized that wouldn't happen when Mars threw him a murderous look and stood up.

"Care to say that to my face?" The juror backed down quickly and Mars smirked. "That's what I thought. Can I go?" Minerva just waved a hand and Mars quickly went and took a seat besides Apollo who gave him a high five.

"Court is adjourned for today. We'll finish questioning Venus tomorrow." I stood up quickly hoping to escaped but felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder.

"Don't even think about it. To our main hall now, family meeting." My mother's voice said in my ear. I sighed and walked forward not looking forward to this meeting, and based off the expression Erato's face read, she wasn't looking forward to this either.
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FYI Ostia was a port town in Rome. Ostia doll was my sad attempt to call her Malibu barbie since Malibu wasn't a town at the time in which the story takes place.