Gods on Trial

Chapter 8

"Explain," said my mother as we reached the main hall of the home we shared at the bottom of Mount Olympus. I just looked to Erato who looked terrified.

"I don't know, Erato just comes to me with the Helm. I told her to put it back then Pluto discovered it missing and we didn't get the chance!" I said trying to clear my name. My mother nodded then turned to Erato.

"Then how did you get the Helm?" My mother asked impatiently.

"I was down in the Underworld to visit Persephone but she wouldn't see me. So then I went and walked around for a while, admiring the rivers and such. Then when I was walking along the river Styx I found the Helm lying there. I didn't know it was Pluto's I swear! I thought it was something one of the spirits wasn't allowed to keep! Had I known it was a god's I wouldn't of taken it!" my mother didn't respond but regarded Erato.

"I believe you," my mother said after a minute. Erato let out a sigh of relief as my sister's all began talking at once.

"What does this mean?"

"What are we going to do?"

"Should we tell the truth?"

"How could she not know?"

"QUIET!" My mother called out loudly. All of us quieted immediately. "That's better. Now we are going to wait and see how this plays out. But your sister is not taking the fall for it being stolen. It's evident that she didn't steal if from its rightful place, someone else did that. If worst comes to worst and they attempt to punish Erato we will stand behind her, is that clear?" We all nodded as silent tears fell down Erato's face. "Good, now get some sleep." We all nodded and took of towards our rooms while Erato remained to talk with my mother.

When I reached my room I quickly pulled out some parchment and began detailing today's events onto it. I didn't realize I wasn't alone till I felt someone touch my arm.

"WHAT THE HADES?" I demanded as I whirled around and stood up trying to control my erratic heart. Mercury laughed.

"What the Hades?" I scowled and the grin quickly dropped from Mercury's face.

"What do you want?" Mercury crossed his arms.

"Just because I'm the messenger god does not mean I can't stop by for a chat occasionally does it?" I raised an eyebrow and Mercury sighed.

"Fine, I came because I like to see you as some sort of friend and figured I'd better tell you what I know." I nodded and waited for him to continue. "One of the spirits remembered seeing Erato in the Underworld around the time the Helm disappeared." I prayed to Gaia that my face remained blank. If it didn't Mercury must not have noticed as he continued. "If no one's found guilty tomorrow Pluto plans to put those who aren't gods on trial, and I have a strong suspicion that one of them might be your sister. I thought you'd want to know." I gave Mercury a tight smile.

"Thanks Mercury for the heads up. I really hope the thief is brought to justice." Mercury nodded and quickly let his winged sandals take him into the air.

"Never a problem Clio, see you tomorrow." I gave a wave as he flew out my window and quickly sat down on my bed pondering the real question. Who would steal the Helm?


"SO CLOSE! I WAS SO CLOSE!" A voice screeches in the darkness. I raised my sleepy head up to see someone pacing by the shore. They seemed upset as they paced and muttered to themselves. "All I wanted was to leave this Titan forsaken place! And I was so close!" I shook my head and laid back down, don't they realize you can't leave this place?