Gods on Trial

Chapter 9

The next day Minerva resumed court. Our family arrived early and my mom made sure that family surrounded my sister and me. My mom sat next to me, while Calliope was next to Erato. Behind us sat Eutrepe, Thalia, and Melpomene, while Terpsichore, Polyhymia and Urania all sat in front of us. When Mercury flew in he looked confused at the blockade around us but didn't comment as he took a seat next to Urania.

"Order in the court! Pluto you may call your next witness." Pluto rose slowly.

"I put Venus on the stand," Venus stood and went up to the stand her hips swaying as she went. Mars's eyes nearly fell out of their sockets in the front row as she walked. Hebe scurried up to her quickly.

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth or else risk the furies?" Venus laughed lightly.

"Haven't you heard that all's fair in love and war?" Hebe looked confused and I frowned wondering what that was supposed to even mean.

"Venus, just say yes or no," Minerva said tersely.

"Fine, then yes," Venus said. Hebe nodded relieved before taking her seat. Venus sat down slowly, her white stulla floating out almost like a cloud around her.

"Venus," Pluto began.

"Pluto," Venus responded. Pluto scowled as Venus giggled.

"When was the last time you visited the Underworld?" Venus flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder.

"I don't know, not that long ago I think," Pluto forced a tight smile.

"Let me answer that for you then. The last time you visited was the day my Helm went missing," I looked over at Erato who wouldn't look me in the eye.

"You didn't go to visit Persephone did you?" Erato still didn't look at me.

"I did go to visit her, I just happened to go visit her on the same day as Venus." I narrowed my eyes at her as Pluto continued questioning Venus.

"Now aren't you and Mars in the midst of an affair?" Venus grinned unashamed.

"Yes, he's the most amazing god ever!" Venus said dreamily. Pluto looked ready to gag.

"That's great, now aren't you already married?" Venus shrugged.

"Not willingly," Venus admitted. Pluto looked unsympathetic.

"Right, now already being married wouldn't it be easier to conduct an affair invisible wouldn't it?" Venus made a confused face.

"How would I be invisible?" Pluto raised his eyebrows as the crowd exchanged whispers. Most of which sounded a lot like insults to Venus's intelligence.

"The Helm, it turns you invisible," Venus still looked confused.

"So if I had it I could sneak around?" Pluto nodded. "Then I want one!" Venus said in a whiny voice. "Mars's make me one!" Pluto opened his mouth but nothing came out. The entire crowd all burst out at that. No one quite sure what to make of the goddess currently sitting on the stand. Diana had her head in her hands. Apollo was patting her on the back while trying very unsuccessfully to keep a straight face.

"No further questions," Pluto said finally as he returned to his seat. Diana stood up at that and paced for a while looking unsure about what to say.

"So you just want a Helm?" Diana asked after a few minutes. Venus nodded happily.

"Yeah, being invisible would be cool!" Diana didn’t say anything as she processed that.

"So you don't actually have one?" Venus frowned and shook her head.

"No, I just want one." Diana muttered something and headed back to her seat.

"No further questions." Pluto stood back up.

"I'd like to re-examine her," Minerva motioned for him to go ahead.

"Venus, did you know I owned a Helm?" Venus scrunched her eyebrows as if that was the stupidest thing she’d ever heard.

"Yes, we all know you own a Helm." Venus said happily. Pluto tilted his head and I wondered where he was going with this.

"What did you think it did?" Venus shrugged.

"I didn't think it did anything really," I cocked my head wondering if she was lying.

"Really? So I just have a gift that does nothing?" Venus's eyes flickered for a moment.

"No, I just didn't think it did anything in terms of abilities, I thought it made your powers stronger," Venus said slowly as though she was thinking out every word.

"And what powers would it make stronger?" Venus looked to Mars's who looked unsure of what was going on.

"The power of bringing death?" Venus tried.

"That's the fates job, which you know. Why are you lying?" Venus didn't respond. We all waited patiently for Venus to answer; when she finally did I was shocked.

"FINE! I DID KNOW WHAT IT DOES! SO WHAT? I DIDN'T TAKE IT! YES I WENT DOWN THERE BUT I DIDN'T STEAL IT!" Venus spat out. I was surprised at the anger that she could display. Being the goddess of love, anger shouldn't be part of her personality right? Well, I'd never been in love so I couldn't be sure, but I didn't think so.

"ADMIT IT! YOU TOOK IT!" Pluto screamed back. Venus shook her head fiercely.

"NO I DIDN'T!" Venus screamed standing up and slamming her hands on the table.

"LIAR!" Pluto yelled slamming his fists down on the table so the two's faces were inches from one another staring, or rather glaring, each other down.

"She's telling the truth," came a new voice from the back. I turned, as did the rest of the courtroom, to find ourselves face to face with the unwilling goddess of darkness herself. "She didn't do it, I did," The courtroom exploded at that and all of us muses fell silent as Persephone regarded her husband. This was getting more interesting by the second.