Spinning at the Seams

Chapter 16

The hair and nails appointment had taken way to long. It would have been shorter if not for a caffeinated Molly jumping up and down causing the person doing her nails to keep having to start over. I was sure that the lady doing Molly’s nails was planning on strangling her soon. I left the mall and headed home to grab the dress Mallory wanted to borrow.

As I walked in the door I could hear Marc yelling, but I couldn’t tell whom he was yelling at. I walked farther into the house to find Julia cowering behind Olivia, who was standing across from Marc. Diana was walking around the room, carefully moving objects, this cannot be good.

“I TOLD YOU TO KEEP OUT OF MY ROOM!” Marc looked ticked, and based on Julia’s reaction, it was directed to her. I decided now would be a good time to make my presence known.

“Marc, I think you’re overreacting, I’m sure Julia didn’t mean to go into your room, isn’t that right Jules?” Julia looked at me and nodded, then ran full force at me, clinging to my leg. Marc looked incredulously at me.

“YOU’RE TAKING HER SIDE? YOU WEREN’T EVEN HOME!” I looked a Di hoping for an explanation, but she just shrugged, apparently she didn’t know what was going on either, only that she needed to keep Marc from throwing anything.

“Marc, there is absolutely no need to yell, I’m sure Julia is sorry for whatever she did.” Julia nodded her head and Marc just shook his head.

“She made a ‘potion’ using my cologne, she then spilled said potion in my football helmet,” he looked angry as he said this, but at least he wasn’t yelling.

“And I’m sure she’s sorry, look the potion will come out, and your helmet smelled horrible anyway. As for the cologne, Mom has an extra bottle of it in her room that she planned to give you for your birthday, just use that.” Marc just looked at me, and then stormed off to his room, muttering under his breath.

“Okay, um, you guys need to get ready for Hunter’s ok?” I looked around, anything to lift this feeling from the air. The girls all nodded and ran up the stairs to get their things. I sighed as I walked to the kitchen; I swear my brother was going to be the death of me. I left a note for my mom explaining where we all were, and grabbed a granola bar to eat on the way to Mallory’s.

After dropping my sister’s off, I drove to Mallory’s house. She lived on the north side of town, a ritzier subdivision, but one that didn’t scream millionaire. Her dad was the local doctor, so money had never been an issue for her family. It was actually how we met; her dad was a doctor at the hospital my mom worked at. We had met at a hospital outing when we were seven and had been friends ever since. As I pulled into her driveway her front door opened and her dog Hershey came running towards my door. I waited till I saw Mallory come to the door, and scream Hershey’s name before opening my own door. While I love dogs, Hershey was like Molly, except with drool and fur, and her constant movement tended to leave her hair all over your nice clothing. Mallory ran down the steps after putting Hershey back inside.

“So did you bring that yellow dress?” She asked looking around me to the back seat of my car, I nodded and she squealed. She had been eying the dress since I wore it to Winter Formal two years ago.

“Do you have the blue one?” She nodded enthusiastically, and then grabbed the hand not holding her dress and dragged me towards the house.

“So, I heard Allison talking to Sophie, and she said that Mel had told Molly, that Adam had told Madison, that Adam liked you, and planned to dance a slow dance with you.” I was to busy trying to follow that order of people that what she had set took a few seconds to sink in.

“Wait, what? Are you sure?” She nodded as she shoved the blue dress in my hand and pushed me towards her bathroom door. This was going to be an interesting night.

When we arrived at the dance, Danielle, Kelsey, Brooke, and Molly greeted us. Danielle was wearing a knee length brown dress, which cut low, and had cute white flowers decorating it. Kelsey stood next to her in a similar dress except blue with a slightly higher cut. Brooke was wearing a green dress that reached her ankles and had a cute square cut neck, and Molly was wearing black dress with spaghetti straps. A voice suddenly spoke in my ear.

“I know I’m a shocked as you are that its not pink.” I spun to find myself face to face with Hunter.

“I thought you weren’t coming to the dance,” I accused, shaking my finger playfully, he laughed.

“I wasn’t going to, but Rox insisted I go, ‘If you don’t go you will miss a quintessential high school experience’, I don’t think I will but you know Rox.” I raised an eyebrow, I did know Rox, and while she was the sweetest girl ever, she lacked common sense.

“I would believe that, except I don’t think your sister knows what quintessential means.” I stated simply, Hunter laughed and shook his head.

“Okay, so those weren’t her exact words, but close enough.” I just nodded, and Hunter suddenly looked mischievous, not good.

“So how was the car ride with Molly? Learn any new songs?” I rolled my eyes and groaned.

“No actually I found a new hatred for Troy Bolton, and all things relating to High School Musical, I’ve watched it with Julia before, but I don’t think I can watch it ever again now.” Hunter smirked, and I smacked his arm playfully, shaking my head. I glanced around the room, it was filled with tons of students, most of who were grinding on each other in such a manner that I wondered again if no one listened to that Sex Ed talk but me. I spotted Shannon in the group with Kyle next to her, she was dancing with a group of people, I grabbed Hunter’s arm.

“Let’s go dance,” Hunter shook his head and muttered something that sounded like, ‘I don’t dance’ but I was not dancing without him. I yanked on his arm, causing him to stumble forward and dragged him with me to the group. As I got closer I could see Tristan, Mel, Luke, Allison, Madison, Sophie, Molly, Ben, Mallory, Danielle, Kelsey, Brooke, Breanna, and Jared all dancing in the same area. They all smiled as I approached, and I saw Madison slip off, Mel at her heels.

“Hey guys look who I found.” I pulled Hunter forward and he looked at the ground.

“Hunter!” They all screamed in unison before surrounding him, he looked paralyzed in shock, and I laughed.

“Guys, he needs to breathe, I know he has never been to a dance before, but we don’t want to make it so he never comes back by suffocating him.” The group back off, and the grinned as the Cha Cha Slide came on. Hunter looked around bewildered.

“Hunter,” said Allison a little confused, “do you know how to do the Cha Cha slide?” Hunter shook his head, and Mallory and I grabbed his arm.

“It’s okay, we’ll teach you,” Hunter looked horrified the last time Mallory had tried to teach Hunter anything he had ended up in the hospital with a concussion.

“Don’t worry, it’s really easy, just follow the steps.” I said, moving to the left as the song commanded. Hunter looked relieved, probably afraid this was some kind of Soldja boy dance. He picked it up pretty quickly, and seemed relieved that even with Mallory helping he didn’t end up injured in anyway.

The dance continued, and I was surprised when I realized Hunter wasn’t with me anymore. Mallory looked at me, and motioned me closer.

“Family thing, apparently, your sisters locked Roxy out of the house, though if I had to guess Roxy locked herself out of the house, he said he had fun though.” I nodded and then groaned as a slow song started to play, dancing with my friends was fun, but we couldn’t dance together on a slow song. I looked around to find out what everyone was doing. Danielle, Kelsey, and Brooke were talking to some band guys, who seemed to be asking them to dance. I tried to find Allison and Madison but they had disappeared to talk to some senior friends a while ago. Mallory was dancing with Ben, while Mel was dancing with her boyfriend Corey, and Molly was nowhere to be seen. I was beginning to think I was on my own when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I felt my heart start to beat faster, thinking it was Adam. Instead I found myself facing a very sheepish Tristan.

“So, Christa wouldn’t come with me, because apparently I asked her too late. So I was wondering if you would like to dance?” He looked at me hopefully, and I just couldn’t say no. I nodded and put my arms around his neck, causing him to put his hands on my hips.

“So what do you think of Homecoming so far?” he asked, he seemed to be looking for some one as “When You Look Me in the Eyes” played over the loud speakers.

“I’m liking it so far, better then last year’s where Marc stepped on my dress causing it to rip, and revealing part of my underwear to anyone within ten feet of me. So I’d say really good.” Tristan laughed, and then looked at me again, a sudden glint in his eye.

“Have you ever been spun?” I looked at him confused, where was this coming from?

“No, wh-“ Before I could even finish my sentence he grabbed my hand and spun me from him. I felt myself bump into someone. I was going to kill Tristan. I didn’t look up, at least if they didn’t see my face they couldn’t tease me about this later.

“I’m so sorry, my friend over there thought it would be hilarious to spin me,” I spat out the word friend, and then turned to find said friend.

“I really don’t mind. In fact I wanted to bump into you, though not literally of course. You know I bet Freud would find you fascinating right now, you bumping into me, what might it say about how you feel about me?” The voice had a slight southern twang to it, and I looked up to find beautiful blue eyes staring down at me.

“I don’t know, psychology isn’t my thing, but I’m sure it may say something about fate?” I took a guess with that one, but it made Adam laugh, so I took it as a good sign.

“No, but me bumping into you would tell my unconscious and conscious thoughts, so would you mind dancing with me?” He looked at me expectantly and I nodded, putting my arms around his neck. His arms snaked around my waist pulling himself closer to me.

“So, I think I’ve figured out why you really didn’t interview me after yesterday’s game.”

“Oh, and why’s that?” He smiled, and I felt my heart stop.

“Because, you knew that if you saw me in my uniform again you wouldn’t be able to hide your true feelings from me.” I rolled my eyes.

“You know I don’t know how you got in here your head is huge.” He laughed, and I could hear Hunter in my head going you are so lame, so so lame.

“I don’t think its my ego, in fact I’d say I’m just stating the facts.” He looked at me again, and I realized how close we were now. I took a breath, trust my mind told me, and dive.

“Maybe you are,” he raised an eyebrow, “but if it was true, and I had gone to see you afterwards what would you have done?” There I had done it, dove in headfirst. Now I just had to hope it wouldn’t hurt.

He pretended to ponder it, “Well I would probably do this,” and with that he kissed me. I was lost; I could feel my body going weak as the song floated over me.

When you look me in the eyes and tell me that you love me, everything’s all right, when you’re right here by my side, when you look me in the eyes I catch a glimpse of heaven I find my paradise. When you look me in the eyes. More and more I start to realize I can reach my tomorrow I can hold my head up high, and it’s all because you’re by my side.”

The kiss suddenly broke off and I looked at Adam, he was grinning.

“I knew you’d fall for me eventually.” I laughed, and he smiled before leaning in again. All in all it was a very good night, one that I would regret.