Spinning at the Seams

Chapter 17

I walked into the door of my house smiling. Marc had ridden home with me, and was still now complaining about the fact that I had insisted to listening to my Jonas Brothers CD, and that I had played ‘When You Look Me in the Eyes’ over and over again.

“Really, listening to the song once at the dance was enough ‘Jo Bro’ for a century for me.” I rolled my eyes, and started humming the song to myself. It was our song, wow, our song, which was such a strange thought to me. I had never had an our anything, unless you count me and Marc, but I didn’t like to because he was an idiot and ours usually turned into his. Marc suddenly snapped his fingers bringing me from my revelry.

“Uh hi, I’ve been talking for the last five minutes here, where’s your brain?” His face looked a mix of amusement and confusion, I just stuck out my tongue in response before running up to my bedroom.

I quickly turned on my computer and was bombarded by IMs. I looked through who had sent them and when. Most of those who had sent them were offline now. Two still remained online, and only one sent me an IM again.

MaMia3- ok ive got about 3,0000 ims saying that u and adam kissed, true or gossip?

Not2sure- true, don’t know what it means tho

MaMia3- he kissed u and u don’t know what it means, toni wat am I going to do with u???

Not2sure- um I think uve discussed making me watch romantic comedies for hours on end or forcing me to read twilight

MaMia3- im still going to get u to read that, u are seeing the movie with me Antonia Minerva!

Not2sure- ok u say that, but im not going, even if the guy is cute, take Mallory its ALL she talks about, Rob Pattinson this, Rob Pattinson that, I swear that girl is obsessed

MaMia3- shes obsessed, have u heard my sisters?

Not2sure- have u heard mine?

MaMia3- yes im shocked they havent forced u to read it yet

Not2sure- whatever

MaMia3- anyway, so a kiss probably means that he likes u and wants to date u, just a guess

Not2sure- why didn’t he ask me on a date then

MaMia3- Toni do u read my advice column, ever

Not2sure- do u read my sports column?

MaMia3- no I hate sports

Not2sure- well I really don’t need the advice, mostly cuz it all deals with sappy puppy eyed teens

MaMia3- what do u think u are?

Not2sure- a non sappy teen

MaMia3- ok, but ur still puppy eyed so my advice works, advice- he will ask you out, asking u out then is too much too soon, u have to be patient it takes a while for boys to process things, he will approach u when ready. But a relationship works both ways so don’t be afraid to approach him, u cant kiss urself

Not2sure- how do u know all this?

MaMia3- toni I know a lot, ok now u should go to bed, see u Monday

Not2sure- ok then, see u huntz

MaMia3- see u tones

I smiled as I logged off, he was right, as always. I just needed to be patient, but that didn’t stop me from dreaming of the future as I drifted off to sleep.

Sunday brought a thousand questions from Breanna, who kept asking questions to the point where I was relieved to go to my grandparents for a second. That second ended when we got there though. My grandparents seemed smug about something all through dinner. Diana looked worried, and pleading, Olivia looked confused and Marc was just Marc. When dinner was over my grandmother grabbed my arm, and led me to my dad’s old bedroom, where she sat me on the bed. I looked around anxiously, she blocked the only exit, and the window was two stories up, shoot, shoot, shoot.

“Your father just sent me these pictures, I thought you’d like to see them.” I looked at her bewildered, I really didn’t want to see my dad in any shape or form. After he left I’d taken down any photo he was in and had thrown them out. Why would I want to see them now? But she was insistent as she shoved them under my nose. I took them begrudgingly and looked at them.

The first showed my dad a few years older then I remembered with his arm around a woman I could only assume to be my new step-mom. She was young probably in her thirties compared to my dads forties. She had caramel colored skin, and black hair. Her eyes were dark to, or maybe that was just how I perceived the woman who had broken my family in two. In her arms was a child, his skin lighter then his mothers, and his eyes the same shade as mine. I didn’t bother to look at the rest I saw what I needed. My dad was happy without us, no need to see further proof. I made a show of pretending to look at the rest of them before handing them back to her, and murmuring something about having homework to do. I’d wished I had looked at those photos closer later.

On Monday school was boring, I didn’t see Adam in the morning, and the period we would’ve had Chemistry we had an assembly about the school’s drug policy. Why we had this a week before Thanksgiving was beyond me, but our school always does odd things, so I’d gotten used to it. I was next to Hunter and Shannon during the assembly, both who kept running sarcastic commentary the entire time. I had to fight back laughter or else risk detentions. Once the assembly let out I walked as fast as I could too journalism, to bad in my speed I didn’t see where I was going.

“Oomph” came the voice, I looked up to see Tristan, he had fallen at the force of impact, and was now sitting flat on his butt, rubbing his shoulder. “Man, what would Freud say about that?” I rolled my eyes, what was with all these Freud references, I’d never taken psych so none of it made sense, but based on Tristan’s snicker, it was probably something dirty. I reached out my hand and helped him up.

“Sorry, didn’t see you there, I was kinda in a hurry.” Tristan raised an eyebrow.

“No, really? I never would’ve guessed.” Sarcasm dripped from his voice and I smacked in the back of the head as he walked in front of me into the journalism office. He just snorted as he looked over his shoulder at me and headed to his desk. I glanced around, Adam wasn’t here yet, but Hunter was. I went and plopped my stuff down next to Hunter, and then sat down. Hunter was typing furiously again, apparently inspiration had struck him, again.

“What’s your article about?” He didn’t look at me as he responded.

“It’s about the reality of books versus reality of life.” I nodded my head, that was a good topic. Suddenly arms wrapped around my waist from behind.

“Hello beautiful, how’s your day been?” Adam’s face was near my ear, I blushed and turned slightly to face him.

“Fine, kinda lonesome,” I saw Hunter roll his eyes as he continued to type, I saw him change fonts and sizes. Suddenly his screen said: That is so lame Toni! And insulting, what am I chopped liver?

I stifled a giggle, and Hunter erased what was written. Adam nodded, then looked behind him before kissing my temple.

“So I was thinking, that it was time for you to switch articles.” I nodded, waiting for him to continue. “I was thinking you could switch with Hunter, write his Truth column, and he could write about the next football game.” I nodded and so did Hunter, but he had a slight smirk on his face as I spoke.

“Sounds good, Hunter I’ll go to the game with you on Friday, help you with some of the terms.” He nodded but we both knew what we were going to do, I was going to write the sports column, and put his name on it. He would write his truth column and put my name on it, simple as that. What Adam didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.

“So, does that mean you’re free after the game to go out with me?” Adam asked, I nodded and Hunter got his ‘I told you so look’. Adam then kissed my head, before going off to start the meeting. As I watched him talk about how great Ben and Allison’s “switched articles” were, I smiled, he was so proud of the idea. What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. But what I didn’t know would hurt me.
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So here's chapter 16 which isn't the end of the story by any means. But it's the end of what I'm putting up seeing that I'm thinking no one reads this.