Spinning at the Seams

Chapter 2

“The breakfast of champions is not cereal, it's the opposition”. -Nick Seitz

As I walked into school it began to rain, just my luck, it’s raining and I have no hood, or umbrella. I carefully hoisted my bag over my head and began to run towards school, praying that I didn’t fall flat on my face in the process. By the time I reached the door my bag was soaked as were the sleeves of my sweater, could this get any worse, I wondered. As I rounded the corner to the narrow hallway that contained the journalism class room I was suddenly halted in my tracks by a boy standing in the middle of the hall leaving no room around him, He was looking above my head, which isn’t very hard considering I’m only 5’3 and he had to be at least 5’9. I moved towards him hoping he’d notice me and move to the side, I really didn’t feel like talking to a guy who looked lost, but he didn’t budge. I glanced at the clock that was above his shoulder and freaked. Apparently my conversation with my moron of a brother had taken longer then I’d thought, if I didn’t get into the room soon, I’d be late, and that would mean I would get out late, and I really couldn’t afford that, this guy had to move now. I walked in front of him and put up my hand snapping my fingers in his face.

“Hi, look I don’t know who you are but do you see that classroom over there?” I watched as his face got an amused look and he looked over his shoulder at the classroom I was referring to, and nodded his head. “Well I need to be in that classroom like now, and your kinda in my way, so if you don’t mind.” I moved my hand in a sweeping gesture and he moved aside the amused look never leaving his face. I brushed past him and entered the room taking my normal seat at the end of the row. As I turned on my computer I was suddenly attacked with a hug from behind. I spun around quickly and found my self-looking up at my friend Mallory. She knew I hated being hugged without permission, I scowled and she laughed before grabbing the seat across from me and plopping her small figure into it.

“That my dear Antonia is what you get for calling me ma’am last night, you know how much I despise being called that, it makes me feel sooo old, I still can’t believe that kid had the nerve to call me that when I was working, I mean I really wasn’t that much older then him.” She said this all in one breath and I just rolled my eyes and reached into my bag, took out my article and handed it to her.

“Here, don’t worry I made sure your brother doesn’t look to bad, he actually had a good game, too bad the rest of the team didn’t.” Mallory just nodded taking the article from me and skimming it, her light blue eyes skimmed the page quickly, and she began to fiddle with her short red hair unconsciously as she read.

“Good,” She finally announced when she finished and then handed it back to me, “now I don’t have to listen to Chris complain about how college scouts will read this and hate him, blah blah blah, like I really care if he gets into some school for football, I thought schools were supposed to be for academics, and yet they are so obsessed with sports, what is with that?” I just nodded it was better not to interrupt Mallory Tanners when she was on a rant. Her hands played with the blue shirt she wore subconsciously and she was about to continue when I was saved.

“I agree completely, actually that might make a good article for me.” I turned to see my very good friend Hunter putting his stuff down next to me, a thoughtful look on his face.

“Yeah it would be” Mallory agreed nodding her head enthusiastically, “I could totally help you write it, it would be awesome!”

“Mallory,” I said suddenly suspicious, “how much sugar have you had this morning? And did you get coffee again?”

Mallory looked guilty and looked down muttering something I didn’t quite catch, but it sounded a lot like “I had some donuts and Starbucks.”

“Mallory,” I started again getting a little annoyed, “how much?”

“I went to Dunkin Donuts this morning before I came here, and got some coffee and donuts for myself.”

“Malloreee, there is a reason when we hang out I don’t take you there you know, you get way too hyper on sugar, there should be signs anywhere that has sugary products banning you from having any! And with caffeine you’re a thousand times worse!” I couldn’t believe how people could be so hyper, but Mallory defied the odds of hyperness. Suddenly Mallory’s boyfriend walked in and she gave me a grin before walking away to talk to him, maybe the sugar will wear off if she sits with him I thought turning back to my computer and typing in my password. I looked over to see Hunter staring at me.

“What?” I asked, he pushed a hand through his long dirty blonde locks, and looked at me his brown eyes concerned.

“If I knew something would you want me to tell you?” He looked nervous, not normal Hunter like behavior. He was normally super confidant, not a bit of hesitation to him, he’d told me he was adopted with no hesitation, and now he was nervous, something was definitely up. He had never in the years I knew him acted like this. We had met in junior high English, he and I had immediately clicked due to our passion for writing and had been friends ever since, he and I had helped each other with everything over the years, and never once did Hunter hesitate to tell me something.

“Depends on what you know,” I stated slowly trying to read his pale white face for answers
“It concerns your brother and his girlfriend.” He was pulling at the hem of his black West Side story t-shirt now, and he looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here telling me this.

“What about him?” I asked concern coming into my voice, if he was in trouble again mom’s already very stressed out life was probably going to get even worse.

“Well, I’ve heard that she might be pregnant, with his kid.” He blurted that out so fast I wasn’t sure I’d heard it right.

“Repeat that please?” I asked trying very hard not to get mad at Hunter, he was just the messenger I reminded myself.

“Well,” He started slowly, not looking me in the eye, probably scared of whatever emotion was on my face right now, “ I heard her tell Brit that she was 5 days late, and that she wasn’t sure what that meant.” at that he trailed off and looked up at me, I didn’t have a chance to respond as I watched our teacher Mrs. Callows burst into the room her red hair frizzing everywhere.

“Sorry I’m late everyone, but I have an announcement to make.” She looked toward the door where the boy I had brushed past earlier now stood walking into the room; it was then that I got a good look at him. He had raven black hair that slightly hid his sapphire blue eyes. His skin was a creamy white and he was wearing a red t-shirt that read ‘My time Now’ in white letters. He was muscular and his walk seemed graceful almost. He looked around the room and his eyes settled on me the amused look returning, I ducked my head, and Hunter looked at me concerned.

“You ok?” He asked quietly. Another reason I love Hunter, while all other guys seem like complete and total jerks, Hunter was always so sweet and sensitive. I don’t really know why all guys can’t be like that. He was watching me out of the corner of his eye while he fully took in the new kid as well. “Wow” was all he could say, before turning to look at me again.

“Uh yeah I’m ok, the news about Tiffany,” I said her name like a poison, I seriously hated that little cheerleader miss popular girl, she was so, argg. “Just threw me, but if its true its all on Marc, and otherwise no probably not.” Hunter seemed worried about this but didn’t have a chance to say anything else before Mrs. Callows continued.

“This is Adam Cadelin, he just moved here, and will be taking Macy’s spot as editor and chief,” all the heads in the room shot up at that. I looked at Sophie who was sitting at the computer across from me.

“What happened to Macy?” I asked. Sophie shot me a confused look.

“She moved, she told everyone at the staff meeting on Thursday, she had known for a while, but didn’t know how to tell everyone.” The staff meeting Thursday I thought, where had I been. Hunter seemed to read my thoughts.

“That was the day you had to watch Julia,” He said to me quietly. Oh yeah, the day my mom had to rush to the hospital and cover an extra shift that had opened up. ‘Thanks’ I mouthed to Hunter as the room had exploded into voices. Mrs. Callows raised her hands and the class quieted, only to suddenly have hands shoot into the air.

Allison spook first, she was second in command behind Macy, so her going first was nothing new. “Mrs. Callows, we had to vote for Macy to be editor, I don’t think its fair that this boy just gets to walk in here and be named editor and chief, that job should be given to the people next in line, that’s what we voted on.” She looked at all of us calmly, she knew we would back her up, everyone liked Allison, the only reason she hadn’t won was because everyone liked Macy more. But she had made a good point, and the heads nodded in agreement.

“Yes, but we didn’t foresee Macy’s departure so early on in the year, and she was the only one truly trained to be editor and chief. Mr. Cadelin here was trained at the same student editor conference Macy was trained at, and he comes with mine and Macy’s full recommendation.”

Ben spoke next, “Yes, but we voted, and in the democracy that is America that must count for something.” Ben was political editor and liked to remind people of it by fitting in how America was a democracy in almost every statement. Mrs. Callows looked at Ben carefully.

“Yes but unfortunately Mr. Koles, this is school, and those rights don’t fully extend here, and before you argue Mr. Koles please remember that I was political editor in my high school as well, and I can back that up with several laws and court cases.” The rest of the class then began to argue as well with Mrs. Callows continuing to defend her choice. I looked at the clock, I had a half hour till I had to be home to watch Julia, and I knew this meeting wouldn’t end till a resolution was reached so I raised my hand.

“Yes Miss Romanit?” Mrs. Callows acknowledged and I sighed, I was going to be hated after this I thought miserably, why do I always have to be the mature one?

“I have a compromise. How about we let Adam be editor for the next month, and after that we vote on what to do. If he does a good job we keep him as editor, if we don’t like the way he does things we do a revote for editor, we’ve known each other long enough that I don’t think we would need to reread the best piece and ideas from everyone like we did last time.” I carefully made eye contact with Ben then Allison, all I needed was for one of them to agree and the rest would follow suit. Ben was watching me; his normal quizzical look seemed thoughtful. Allison was thinking as well, and finally she nodded her head.

“Alright,” Allison agreed, “we could do that.” She flipped her black hair over her shoulders and looked around the room again, “anyone disagree?” When no sound was made she looked at Mrs. Callows, “Well what do you think?” We all turned to look at Mrs. Callows who seemed to be thinking it through.

“Ok, that sounds good, Mr. Cadelin do you agree?” At that I finally met his gaze, which seemed to be taking me in, his head jumped in shock and he nodded quickly. “Then why don’t you tell the students about yourself?” Mrs. Callows raised her hand and I looked at the clock, 20 minutes, this introduction had better be short.

“Well my names Adam, and I moved here from Austin, Texas” he began, it was the first time I had heard him speak and was in a little bit of shock. His voice was deep and sort of musical, and I could hear a slight southern twang to it that made my heart skip a beat. “My family moved here recently due to my dad’s work, and I plan to only make a few changes nothing major really. But at my old school it was normal for people to write outside of their normal topics. For instance politics writing sports, just to make sure that’s where the writer really should be.” A whisper of dissent began at that, we all knew what we were good at, and that wasn’t changing. Mrs. Callows quieted the class again and quickly thanked Adam for his introduction and then showed him to his seat, which was next to Allison’s and commanded everyone to get to work. I quickly finished my article found a picture then sent it to Madison, our layout girl, for approval. I thrummed my fingers as I waited for Madison’s reply I had to be home in 10 minutes and it took 5 to get there. Suddenly I felt someone standing over my shoulder and turned to see Adam standing there looking down at me, that same amused look on his face. I really didn’t have time for this. My computer suddenly started singing the song “Do you believe in Magic” and I turned to check if I had Madison’s approval. I skimmed her email, ignoring Adam who I knew was still standing there based on the looks Hunter was shooting me. When I knew I had her approval I grabbed my stuff and headed for the door, only to feel a hand touch my shoulder.

“I don’t think I got to thank you,” came his voice, I turned I really didn’t have time for this.

“That’s not necessary, everyone deserves a chance, now I kinda have to go, so if you’ll excuse me.” I turned to go but then realized his hand was now on my messenger bag, keeping me from going very far.

“Are you always in such a hurry?” He asked that stupid amused look returning to his face, I glared at him, then did the only thing I knew to do, I grabbed his hand and twisted his wrist causing his to yelp in shock and let go. I quickly headed out the door giving a wave behind me, and ran back out into the rain and to my car. The entire drive home I was lost in my thoughts. Who was this guy? And what was with the look he was giving me before Mrs. Callows called on him? And why was Mrs. Callows so determined to have him as editor? I pushed these thoughts out of my head as I walked up the front steps, only to be greeted by yelling voices, and my sisters’ screaming.