Spinning at the Seams

Chapter 25

I tapped my foot impatiently. Mallory just rolled her eyes at me. Only she could irk me, I was already edgy for finals. But Mallory had insisted on taking me out for my birthday, on my birthday despite my claims of studying for finals.

It had been almost two weeks since my confrontation with Tiffany, and the halls had been edgy because of it. Kids watched in amazement as the popular kids began taking sides, dividing their normally large numbers. Marc had most of the guys backing him, while Tiffany had the girls.

Hunter had been inspired by this sudden split, and had begun a truth article on the popular kids, and what made them popular, putting my article on the back burner for now. He had also been doing his advice column on me, seeing that Adam was still being weird and nothing seemed to be working. I tried talking, ignoring, flirting, making him jealous, and nothing happened. As the holidays approached he had gotten even more distant, leaving me rather dazed and confused.

“TONI!” I jumped at my name, turning to face Mallory, who was holding three movies in her hand. I just sighed, all I had wanted to do today was sit in my room, and debate what to do about Adam, and maybe wallow and worry. But Mallory wouldn’t have that, and insisted moving my birthday plan up to today.

“I really don’t care, they’re all films I would never watch normally, so I don’t think my input maters.” That sounded meaner then I intended, but I was stressed about Adam. Mallory gave me a sad smile, and set the movies down.

“Hey, it’s going to be fine. Adam’s crazy about you. He IMed me for three hours last night, talking about you, while I don’t know why he won’t talk to you himself, he cares about you. Okay? Now please, just pick some movies.” I sighed and grabbed the three she had just put down.

“Seeing that you won’t let me watch Star Wars again, we can watch these.” Mallory smiled and went to pay for them. I went to follow her when my phone started going off.

“Hey Madison.” I said, walking towards the front of the video store.

“Hey Toni, I’m headed to your house right now if that's alright? I know I’ll be early, but my mom can only drop me off now, hope you don’t mind.” I rubbed my temple.

“Um, I’m not at home right now, but I’ll call my house and have someone let you in, okay?” I tried to think who was home as Madison responded.

“That’s fine, I’ll just wait for you in your basement, that’s where Shannon told me it was last year.” I grinned remembering last year. We had decided to play truth or dare last year, and we dared Shannon to go to my brother’s room while he was sleeping, and play Pretty Pretty Princess on his face. It had been funny to see Shannon put make up on my sleeping brother, who had been furious when he woke up. Madison had missed it for her cousin’s baby shower, but had promised to come this year.

“Yeah, we’ll be in the basement again, we have some extra mattresses down there. I’ll be home in about an hour; I still have more stuff to get. I’ll see you then.” Madison then said good-bye and I dialed my house.

“Hello?” said Marc’s voice on the other line.

“Hey my friend’s coming early, let her in okay, and show her to the basement, she’s gonna hang out there till I get there.” Marc was silent on the other end, and I laughed at the fear in his voice at his next question.

“It’s not Shannon is it? Because, I’m going out with the guys tonight, and I don’t want to be a princess. And I swear she seemed too have a little to much fun making me a princess!” I was laughing so hard I was doubled over, causing Mallory to come over from where she was waiting.

“No it’s not Shannon, though she is coming.” I could practically see Marc shuddering on the other end. “It’s Madison, you haven’t met her. I promise she won’t make you a princess, though I thought you were a very pretty princess.” I managed to say the last line without laughing, though Mallory starting cracking up next to me.

“Yes, a very pretty princess, maybe we should do that again,” Mallory managed to choke out, her face was turning red from laughing so hard.

“Okay, I’m going to go now, and do know my room is way off limits tonight.” I just nodded as Marc hung up. What’s with him and not saying goodbye?

Mallory and I were laughing as we walked into the house an hour later, our hands full of bags. I was surprised to hear laughter coming from the kitchen, and followed the sound. I was shocked by what I saw.

Marc was standing with his back to me, he was telling a story, and his hands were moving in exaggeration, But what shocked me most, was that standing in front of him was Madison, her face was lit up, and she was laughing at whatever he had just said.

“Hey guys,” I said, causing Marc to jump and Madison to blush. I looked between the two of them, as I set the bags down. Mallory set hers down next to mine, and proceeded to raise an eyebrow at Madison.

“Hey Toni, I set up the beds downstairs, and brought some popcorn.” Madison said, looking at me. I nodded.

“Thanks, hey could you help Mallory bring the bags down, I need to get some stuff from my room.” Madison nodded, and walked past Marc, not looking at him. His face was blank, and I wondered what I’d walked in on. I began walking towards my room, when a voice came behind me.

“So that’s Madison.” I looked over my shoulder at Marc, who had a thoughtful look on his face.

“Yes, that’s Madison, and while she is single, she’s also off limits.” Marc looked stunned when I said that.

“What do you mean?” I rolled my eyes; of course he doesn’t get this.

“Madison, is Madison, she’s sweet and shy, and I don’t think you would be the best person for her.” Marc looked angry and I walked a little faster.

“I wouldn’t be the best person for her? Then who would be?” I turned suddenly to face him, and he nearly fell trying to stop behind me.

“Look, Madison has enough problems Marc. She doesn’t need ours too. She knows about Dad, and she knows how to help, but Marc, she can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.” The last part slipped out accidentally, and I watched Marc’s face as he processed it.

“I don’t want to be helped? How do you know what I want? Toni, you barely know what you want! So how can you know what I want?” I groaned, this is not what I wanted for our birthday.

“Marc, I’ll tell you what I know. You haven’t exactly picked up the pieces since Dad left, I have, however incorrectly I did it. You pushed us away when we tried to help, and now you’ll do the same when Madison wants to help. If your going to let someone try to help you, at least let it be me first, because I’m used to you pushing me away when I get too close. Madison isn’t, and I don’t want to see her getting hurt because you push her away. Adam’s doing it to me, and it hurts, and I don’t want her to be hurt, especially not by you, because you are my twin, and therefore part of me, and if you hurt her it will be like I’m hurting her, at least in my mind. Do you understand?” Marc nodded slowly, and then went into his room, leaving me to wonder what I’d done.