Spinning at the Seams

Chapter 26

I began playing the conversation with my brother in my head, hoping it hadn’t really happened. We had been making progress, and I had just ruined it. Put another strike up for the stupidity of me, I thought as I walked down the stairs. I was pulled from further moping as the doorbell began to chime.

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring I rolled my eyes as I headed for the door.

“I’m coming Shannon, no need to break the doorbell.” I said as I approached the door. I opened it quickly, before Shannon could ring again, to find Shannon with her hand hovering over the doorbell. Mel was standing behind her digging through her overnight bag.

“Well it’s about time Romans,” said Shannon as she walked past me and towards the basement door. Mel followed behind her still digging through her bag. I was about to close the door when Marc brushed past me.

“I’m out,” he said simply as he walked out the door and towards the driveway where a SUV was now pulling up.

“Alright. Bye,” I said sadly, he didn’t look back as he climbed inside and the car sped off. I sighed, what a wonderful birthday memory for me.

“Toni.” I turned to see my sisters looking at me, I smiled.

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked, wondering if Marc had fed them today.

“We were wondering if it was okay if we went to Hannah’s house for the night, she invited all three of us, so you would have the house to yourself.” Diana said, she looked at me hopefully, and I shrugged.

“Sure, if you want.” They all nodded, and then rushed to grab the bags they must have already packed and rushed out as a horn honked from the driveway. Apparently they didn’t really want my permission, I mused as I watched them run out the door.

“Romans, are you coming or not, cause Madison won’t start the movie without you, and I want to watch a movie!” Before I could respond, or even blink, Shannon had grabbed my arm and began yanking me downstairs.

We watched two movies before everyone got bored.

“Okay, I have an idea.” Shannon announced. I raised an eyebrow, this should be interesting, and her idea last year had led to Marc becoming a Pretty Pretty Princess.

“And that idea is?” I prompted, I really wanted to hear this.

“Well, seeing that Marc has decided to conveniently go out tonight, I think we should find a new person to make a princess.” She turned to look at Mel, who shook her head.

“No, I am not becoming a princess, besides I don’t want a make over, I want to make someone else over.” She looked at Madison, who raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t even think it Melinda, I am perfectly content with my lady-in-waiting looks, I refuse to become a princess.” Shannon snorted, probably thinking of what ladies-in-waiting usually did in history.

“Don’t say it Shannon, I know what you’re thinking, but may I remind you that you still owe me an article.” Shannon shut her mouth at that, and looked hopefully at Mallory, who had an evil glint in her eye.

“I know who we can make over.” She smiled a grin that could only be called malicious. I prayed the name that came out of her mouth wasn’t mine. “Tristan.”

Everyone’s eyes went wide, and then we all burst out laughing.

“Tristan?” I managed to say between fits of laughter. Mallory just nodded.

“Why not? He calls you princess, so why not make him one?” I just laughed harder.

“She’s got a point, and Tristan would make a pretty girl.” Shannon got out before she started laughing so hard that she clutching her sides.

“I say we do it.” Madison said, I looked at her surprised. I didn’t think Madison had a single evil bone in her body.

“Um, just one problem.” We all turned to look at Mel. “He has parents, friends, and siblings, who may get in our way.” We all went silent, trying to think of a new plan.

“That shouldn’t be too hard to deal with though,” Mel said suddenly, a thoughtful look coming to her face.

“What are you thinking?” I asked.

“Well, I know his younger sister’s cell number, we’re in band together. We could call her, she may be willing to help.” I considered it.

“Why not, it’s worth a shot.” Shannon said, turning to face the group. “What do you say, plan make Tristan a Princess a go?” We all nodded, and Mel pulled out her cell. She flipped though it for a second before hitting send, and putting it on speaker.

“Hey Mel,” said a shy voice on the other end.

“Hi Trinity,” Mel said sweetly. The only thing I knew about Trinity was what Tristan had told me. She was a year younger then him, and shy. She played flute, and was supposedly a major band geek, according to Tristan she could give Mel a run for her money. I doubted that as I looked at Mel in her music note slippers and PJ top that read ‘Clarinet Girl, you break my reed and I’ll break you’ on it on top of her music note pajama pants.

“So what’s up?” She asked nervously, she must not be used to getting called, I thought.

“Well we were hoping you could help us.” Mel said confidently.

“Whose we?” the girl asked hesitantly.

“Madison, Shannon, Mallory, and Toni.” Mel nodded to us in turn and we said hi into the phone in Mel’s outstretched hand.

“Hi,” She responded shyly, “So what did you need my help with?” Mel opened her mouth to begin, but Shannon cut her off.

“Well, we’re bored. And its Toni’s birthday, and as part of a birthday tradition started last year, we need someone to turn into a princess. And we want to do it to your brother, willing to help?” Mel shot Shannon a look that seemed to read, ‘you weren’t supposed to blurt it out’, causing Shannon to shrug a shoulder, subtly had never been her strong suit.

We waited apprehensively, when suddenly Trinity’s laugh filled the other line.

“Oh, I’m so in, but I want copies of whatever pictures you take,” she said when she finally collected herself.

“No problem, copies are a small price to pay for the enjoyment we’ll get out of this.” I responded, I was more then happy to give her copies if it meant watching Tristan get turned into a pretty princess.

“So what do you need me to do?” I could hear happiness in her voice as she said this.

“We need information mostly.” Madison said, her face serious as she subconsciously tapped her fingers on her knee.

“What do you want to know?” Madison thought for a moment before she started asking rapid-fire questions.

“Are your parents home? Where is he right now? What about your little brother? Does he have a cell phone? How big is your bathroom? Where is his room in relation to the front door? Does his room have a lock? Does the bathroom have a lock? And do you have keys to them?” I shot a surprised look at Madison; apparently under that quiet persona lay the heart of an evil mastermind.

“Uh, no my parents are out for the night, won’t be back till late. My brother’s in the shower, Trevor is at my aunt’s. I guess the bathroom is big, it has a tub, a shower and a nice vanity, at least mine does. His bedroom is the furthest door at the end of the hall and upstairs in relation to the front door. Uh yes he has a cell phone, and the bathroom locks too, and I don’t have keys to them, but I know where they’re kept,” she said quickly, I was surprised she remembered all the questions. Madison nodded thoughtfully.

“Okay, I have a plan then. Trinity, you will need to get your brother’s cell phone, that way he can’t call for back up. You will also need to get the keys, just in case he manages to make it past us to a room that locks. That shouldn’t happen though if you follow our arrival plan correctly.” I exchanged looks with Mallory, we were both in complete shock, Madison was good.

“Getting his cell will be easy, he takes it out to shower, I’ll just snag it. As for the keys, I can grab those too. And what arrival plan?” Madison smiled, and I was scared by it. It wasn’t her normal shy smile; it was an evil smile you might expect Dr. Evil to have.

“Mine, when we arrive you block the stairs, make sure he answers the door. When you have his cell and keys call us on his cell phone. Well just call Toni, we will then arrive at your house after about fifteen minutes.” I shook my head and mouthed ‘no’ causing Madison to look confused.

“We’ll arrive after five, we’ll leave now and park around the block at Brooke’s she lives a block away from them, that way we can get prepared with supplies now.” Madison smiled and nodded.

“Alright, five it is, any questions?”

“Nope, got it down, I’ll call you as soon as I get everything settled here.” With that she hung up, and we looked at Madison. She was the evil mastermind here.

“Time to make a list.”

Madison’s Plan


Make up, all pulled from kids kits, and purses
Camera for blackmail photos
Nail polish
Julia’s kid’s dress up jewelry
Toni’s freshmen homecoming dress
Borrowed heals

Wait for call from inside source (Trinity)
Go to door and have Toni flirt to get it
Ambush Tristan, Shannon and Mel will act as guards to grab him
Tie to chair and begin make over process
Take pictures

We sat patiently in my car waiting for the call. It had been a mad dash to grab all the supplies Madison and Shannon had decided we needed. I had been running through my house with Shannon at my heels, grabbing what we needed. Mallory had grabbed all of Julia’s stuff from the playroom, while I focused on bedrooms. All of our stuff lay in a black duffel bag in the back. Shannon was sitting with it, dressed all in black.

“Shannon, why are you wearing all black?” I had asked as she came out to the car.

“Two reasons, one this is going to be like a sabotage mission so camouflage is necessary, and two I look good in black.” I had just rolled my eyes.

“Cause I’m only up when your not down, don’t wanna fly if your still on the ground, its like no matter what I do, well you drive me crazy half the time, the other half I’m only trying to let you know that what I feel is true, cause I’m only me when I’m with you.” I grinned as the song filled the air, the girls’ shot confused looks at me, and Shannon just raised an eyebrow at my ring tone choice for Tristan.

“It’s go time.” Everyone exited the car and followed me up to the front door. I quickly rang the bell before my nerve left me. I started to focus on my breathing.

“I’m coming.” Tristan’s voice said on the other side after a few seconds. He opened the door and did a double take. “Hey princess.” I heard a few giggles from the bushes where my friends were hiding. I was relieved when Tristan didn’t notice.

“Hey Tristan.” I shot a look behind him, and saw a figure move, the sister I figured.

“So what do I owe the honor?” He asked leaning his body against the doorframe and cocking his head.

“Well, I realized something.” He nodded, and waited for me to continue.

“I think I’m in love with you.” Tristan smiled, and nodded.

“I knew you’d realize it eventually.” I could practically visualize Shannon rolling her eyes at that.

“Can I come in?” Tristan nodded, and I snapped my fingers. My friends rushed out at that and grabbed Tristan from behind.

“What the-“ was all Tristan could get out before Shannon put her hand over his mouth.

“Not a word out of you.” I shook my head at Tristan’s worried expression. He should be worried, he had just put himself smack dab in the middle of Shannon’s fun.

We quickly followed the sister to a bathroom off of a bedroom. She looked just like Tristan except in girl form, and much shorter. She walked quickly, and when we came outside of a door she handed Madison the keys.

“I’m going to bed, here are the keys, I’m going to sleep in the guest room, where Tristan can’t come attack me later. Lock the front door when you leave and don’t forget I want copies of any photos taken, night.” She walked away at that, and Tristan shot daggers after her.

We carefully dragged Tristan in, when he heard the word pictures, he had begun to struggle, and apparently he now had a good idea as to what was going to happen.

Mel and Shannon quickly sat him in the chair and then tied him to it using ribbon his sister had left for us.

“Okay, everyone knows what they’re doing right?” We all nodded at Shannon’s question and quickly dug through the bag for the make up. Tristan’s eyes went wide as we pulled out various shades of lipstick, blush, mascara, eye liner, eye shadow and nail polish.

“Oh no, no freaking way, Shannon. I swear you do this and you will so pay!” Shannon frowned.

“Why do you single me out for this? I’m not the only one here.” Tristan didn’t look around.

“Because your Shannon, and I know this had to be your idea, so therefore you’re going to pay.” Shannon made to say something, but I held up a hand.

“Hey, one this is my birthday sleepover, so therefore my idea. Two, if you try to blackmail Shannon or any of us, I will release these photos and tell the whole school how you let a bunch of girls kidnap you.” I gave him a pointed look and he scowled.

“Oh, good face.” With that Shannon bent down and began his lipstick, thus ending his argument, and beginning his two hours of Pretty Pretty Princess at the hands of five over-caffeinated girls.

We were laughing when we finally got to the car, we had left Tristan tied up in the make up, we figured the sister would untie him, or he would figure some way out of them eventually.

“That was fun. Madison I didn’t know you had it in you.” Madison shrugged, and smiled.

“I actually got the idea from your brother, he mentioned you doing it last year.” I felt an uneasy feeling rise in my stomach as she said that.

“Oh yeah, Shannon used him as her victim,” Shannon hit me at the word victim, “I mean recipient last year.” Madison nodded, and didn’t say anything else.

Great, I thought, Madison might like my brother, Tristan will probably kill me for what just happened, and Marc and I had fought. I really didn’t think life could get any worse, but it was about to get a whole lot more complicated.