Spinning at the Seams

Chapter 3

I opened the door quickly and heard a thud on the other side. Oh crap I thought as I ran threw open the door and dropped my stuff before heading towards the voices. They were coming from the living room, which is where I found my Mom and Marc standing facing each other, Marc looked murderous, and Mom looked like she might strangle Marc on the spot. I looked around the small room for my sisters only to feel someone grab my leg. I looked down to find Julia looking up at me, utter terror in her face. Behind her stood Di her emerald green eyes looking annoyed, and Olivia who mirrored her identical twin sister Di in every expression.

“What happened?” I asked them, Marc was screaming something at Mom now, but I didn’t really have the patience to listen to him, and what he screamed made no sense to me anyway.

Olivia smirked, and Di sighed as she came to stand next to me, watching the fight unfold before us. “Well where to begin, well me, Olivia, and Julia returned from the horseshow to find an odd car in the driveway, and Mrs. Lockely refused to let us in the house when some stranger could be inside, even though we told her Marc was home. She treats us-“ I didn’t let her finish that statement, the fight looked like it might turn violent and I needed to know what caused it now. Olivia seeing my look continued for her twin.

"Well she called Mom who was at work, and she came home to see who was in the car, so she goes in to find Marc with Tiffany on the couch, and basically went ballistic.” I looked at them incredulously, my brother could not be that stupid. I mean he’s done some really stupid things in the past, but to bring his girlfriend here when he was grounded, and do who knows what, that seemed idiotic even for him.

“Where’s Tiffany now?” I asked realizing that there had been no other car in the driveway, nor had I seen the fake blonde witch anywhere.

“Meanie left when mommy got home.” Julia said, I looked down at the 5 year old, She really shouldn’t be seeing this, my thoughts reminded me.

“Olivia, take Julia to your room, and don’t let her come down, if I don’t come up in twenty minutes call my cell, if I don’t answer-“ I was cut off by Di at that point.

“Call your cell? What do you think we’ve been doing for the past 10 minutes this has been going on? Eating candy? Watching a movie? We’ve been calling your cell phone, but it kept going to voicemail!” She said looking at me like I was an idiot, mixed with a bit of hurt that I hadn’t been here sooner.

“Sorry, I must have forgotten to turn it on”, I pulled it out of my pocket turned it on and sure enough my screen told me I had 19 voicemail messages and 22 missed calls. “There, it’s on, now go please. Di, stay here, I need your backup.” Di nodded and Olivia grabbed Julia from me, taking her up the stairs to the room she and Di shared. I looked at my family and started listening to what was being shouted.

“YOU KNOW BETTER! YOU KNOW SO MUCH BETTER! I TRUSTED YOU! EVEN AFTER YOU WENT TO THAT PARTY! EVEN AFTER YOU WRECKED THE CAR, I TRUSTED YOU! AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME! BY DOING THE HORIZONTEL MAMBO WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND ON MY COUCH!” My mom screamed at him, I winced too much info for me. Marc looked mad as he started to scream, I nodded at Di and she quickly moved around him making sure there was nothing for him to throw. Anything within throwing distance she moved.

“YOU TRUSTED ME! YOU GROUNDED ME! WHY DON’T YOU GROUND HER!” At that he pointed his finger at me and I froze, then got mad, I had done nothing wrong and here he was yelling at me, oh that’s it.


“What are you talking about?” He asked his voice shaking; I knew at that instant that I had just made a big mistake.

“YOU GOT A GIRL PREGNANT!?! ARE YOU TRYING TO BECOME YOUR FATHER? DO YOU PLAN TO LEAVE NOW TOO? HUH MARCUS?” As my Mom said this tears were rolling down her face. My dad had left 4 years ago when Julia was just a baby. He had been having an affair with his secretary and she had gotten pregnant, and my dad had decided that he would rather have a new family then deal with us. He then proceeded to move as far away from us as possible, all the way to California, and we haven’t spoken to him since. Per the divorce agreement my mom got the cars, the house and half of his money, but that didn’t bother him, he was rich and what we got was nothing compared to what he would have in a few years. Since then my mom had worked non-stop at the hospital, picking up whatever shifts she could, leaving me and my sisters to raise Julia and ourselves. I looked at my mom and walked towards her putting my arm around her shoulders.

“It’s okay Mom, its just a rumor I heard and I got mad, its ok,” I looked for a way to change the subject anything to stop the tears that were forming on her face. The one good thing about being a sports reporter is that I never have to see people weep tears of anything but happiness. “Um aren’t you supposed to be at work?” I knew that would get her mind off of this. She stiffened and turned to me, wiping the remaining tears away.

“You’re right, I am, take care of lunch and dinner for me. And Marc your grounded for the next three months, and I’m taking away your car for good. I’m going to sell it, you don’t deserve it.”

Marc looked flabbergasted but couldn’t protest as my Mom had already left the house. It was now Marc and I staring each other down. Even though I was small I could probably take him. Marc glared at me, his hazel eyes looking shocked and angry. His blond hair was damp, and his Abercrombie T-shirt looked rumpled. He didn’t say a word as he shoved past me and went to his room. I flinched as I heard the door slam. I took a deep breath. It’s going to be ok, it’s going to be ok, I chanted in my head. I wasn’t sure if I was stating this as a fact or just trying to convince myself, but it didn’t matter either way, the house was quiet again and Di was looking at me concern furrowing her blonde brows, and worry prevalent in her emerald eyes.

“You okay?” she asked looking at me, Di was small like me; she was 5’1 with long blonde hair that was pulled back. She was wearing her horseback gear, and I noted that she had a blue ribbon tacked to it.

"Yeah, I’m okay, I see that you won, congratulations.” I nodded to the ribbon on her chest and she blushed.

“Oh, no big deal it was all Mercado really, I just walked him around the ring and made him jump.” Di was always shy to admit how great she was, that is where she and Olivia differed. Speak of the devil. I watched Olivia with Julia in hand walking down the stairs towards me.

“I heard a door slam and assumed it was safe, did Di tell you she and I both won first place in our divisions. My instructor said I had great potential, she told Di the same thing but she disagreed.” Olivia looked at me now waiting for my approval. Olivia was the spitting image of Di, except a bit more preppy, she had changed out of her riding outfit and was now wearing an Aeropostale tee and tight jeans, her hair was curled and framed her face, and the make up she was wearing looked like was to much for her face. I just nodded my approval and Olivia beamed.

“How did you like the show, Jules?” I looked at my youngest sister, and watched her brown eyes go wide.

“It was great! Olivia let me brush her horsy Rose’s hair, and I got to feed Mercuie a carrot!” I smiled it was so easy to make her happy, I held out my hand, and she gladly dropped Olivia’s to come hold mine. I picked her little body up easily and ruffled her chestnut brown hair.

“So, what would you like me to make you for lunch?” And with that Julia launched into a list of foods and we laughed, forgetting about our problems for a moment to focus on the little light of our lives.

After dinner I was sitting at my computer again, finishing up an article on the anniversary of Massachusetts founding for the paper, when “Headlines Read Out” started playing alerting me to a text message on my phone.

Hey turn on your screen name, a bunch of us want to talk to you please- Hunter

I turned back to my computer and quickly signed in, only to be invited to a chat room filled with my newspaper friends.

(Authors note name is in front of each one as well as article description)

(Antonia- sports) Not2sure has signed in
(Hunter- advice and truth column explained later) MaMia3 has signed in
(Mallory- music and movies) Fine4Me has signed in
(Ben- politics) Land4Free has signed in
(Allison- school events, dances etc) Times2slow has signed in
(Sophie- books and public events (concerts etc)) Books4Life has signed in
(Macy- former editor and chief wrote whatever she felt usually current events) LongAway has signed in
(Madison- layout and corrections) Correctmeifucan has signed in
(Tristan- photographer)- TightonT has signed in
(Molly- Fashion)- Shoppergirl4 has signed in
(Shannon- writes interviews and elective reviews) Shanluvsu has signed in
Not2Sure: So what do you guys want to talk about??

MaMia3: What happened today after you left

Shoppergirl4: Do you ever answer your phone, cuz I called u like 40 billion times

Times2slow: leave her alone Molly, not all of us are attached to our cell phones like some people I know

Shanluvsu: last I checked we weren’t here to insult each other we were here to discuss our new editor and chief, and may I say a major heart throb, who seemed very into u romans

Not2Sure: um not into me, something happened b4 long story short, he may think im rude

Fine4Me: U nearly took his arm off today, I would say that’s a safe bet

TightonT- u girls can talk about this later, can we please get back to the topic at hand

Shanluvsu: What Tris scared u might have some competition in the newsroom??

TightonT- no, no one can compete with the manliness that is the great Tristan

Not2sure: ok can someone please tell me what happened, we can continue the is Tristan really hot convo or not convo later, or never whichever gets him to shut up

TightonT- ouch whats got ur undies in a wad princess

Books4Life- Leave her alone Tristan, we have more important matters at hand

Times2slow- thank you soph, now after u left and adam got over the shock, which took a while mind you; he decided to switch what we’re writing

Not2Sure: so im writing something different now?

Fine4me: no callows decided to wait till we got used to him before making us change, so ur still writing sports

Not2Sure- Speaking of which whose going to the game with me Friday

TightonT- me, of course

Not2Sure: No duh, u have to take the photos, I meant someone to sit with me, who either has an article on it, or just wants to keep me company, and I swear Tristan if u make that dirty I will pour itching powder in ur gym locker, and regular locker

TightonT: …..

Books4Life: I’ll go with u, it will give me a chance to view this game I’ve never understood

Shanluvsu- I’ll go too u know as moral support

Not2Sure: What do u mean moral support?

Fine4me: u weren’t supposed to tell her Shannon, but um adams on the football team my brother just told me today


MaMia3- u ok

Not2sure: shocked

Correctmeifucan: don’t worry, he doesn’t know u write sports

TightonT- whoa she speaks!

Correctmeifucan- yes she speaks, and I don’t appreciate that Tristan

TightonT- I just think that in all the time I’ve known u I don’t think ive ever heard u say anything is all

Not2Sure-Theres nothing wrong with that in fact I wish u were a little quieter sometimes, and how do u know that

TightonT- Haha

Correctmeifucan: I overheard him and Allison talking, srry Allison, and she was going through everyone, but she didn’t get to u before the meeting officially let out

Times2Slow- no I didn’t mention u she’s right, and no biggie mads, I count on u to listen, ur the only one who truly listens

(Melinda- writes a blog/article on the real life of band kids) TVlied2me has signed in

Tvlied2me- so what have I missed

TightonT- Mel ur alive

Tvlied2me- of course im alive silly boy, if I wasn’t I couldn’t be here now could i?

Not2sure: are u playing with the band at the game on Friday

LongAway: Theres a game, man I miss u guys

LongAway- sorry I just joined the convo, I was trying to type a paper what do u guys think of Adam?

Tvlied2me-wouldn’t miss it for the world, and hi Macy!

LongAway: Hey Mel!

MaMia3: Hey Mac

LongAway: hey huntz

Times2Slow- hey want to explain to me why u recommended adam and not me, and why hes now editor

LongAway: well hello to u too Ally, and because at the conference he was a nice guy and he knew what he was doing, hes just like me

Times2Slow: So because he’s like you he gets the job, I was supposed to get the job, not him, and did u kno he wants to switch our articles

LongAway: Yes, and im srry u didn’t get my spot, but he was more qualified for it, and I was planning to do the same thing with u guys after Christmas, that way the change would be easier, seeing that sports after xmas are easier to write about, politics are out of session and kids just want advice for valentines day gifts

Tvlied2Me- I missed something here, we have a new editor

TightonT- that’s what u get for missing school for a week

Tvlied2Me- well sorry I got strep, but I don’t see why one of u couldn’t pick up a phone and tell me this

Shoppinggirl4- I did call u, u didn’t answer

Tvlied2Me- hm my phone must be going haywire again

Shoppinggirl4- probably

Land4Free- so anyone just watch the election debate? really fascinating stuff

Tvlied2Me- Hi Ben, and no Im pretty sure no one but u watched it

TightonT- yeah no one else likes that stuff but u dude, srry to say

Land4Free- well we all have our preferences, so our thoughts on adam

LongAway- look he’s a nice guy please give him a chance, I promise you it will be worth it ok

Times2Slow- fine but u should probably know that at the end of the month his times up

Not2Sure- that wasn’t the compromise Al, he gets a month then we come back to it, tho im kinda with u, I don’t want to switch articles im good at sports and sports are good to me

LongAway- and if that’s true you’ll be back to writing what u want in no time k?

Shanluvsu- I hope so, I really don’t want to give up my spot, its what I love, and u know that mace

LongAway- I know that but he doesn’t, give him a chance for me please?

MaMia3: Lets just give him a chance, it cant hurt

Not2Sure- I’m for giving him a chance

Tvlied2me- I’ll give him a chance too it’s the right thing to do

Shoppinggirl4- u haven’t even met him yet, tho all I can tell u is hes hot, im in too

TightonT- molly ur just saying that cuz u think hes cute, but whatever I’ll give him a shot, he cant mess with me, im the only photographer anyway

Shanluvsu- fine a shot he gets, but romans are u just saying that cuz u were rude to him???????

LongAway: What happened Toni?

Not2Sure: I twisted his wrist, and then may have snapped my fingers in his face to get his attention

TightonT- rofl don’t mess with that girlfriend

Not2Sure- Shut up Tristan, or I’ll send that comment to christa

TightonT- u wouldn’t dare

Not2Sure- want to try me

Fine4Me- don’t try her Tristan she will send that to ur gf and u kno it

I laughed as I read Mallory’s comment. Yep I will I thought, a knock on my door caused me to log out, not noticing that a new screen name happened to have just logged on. “Come in” I turned expecting to see Di, standing there, but instead I got the shock of a lifetime.
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Okay here's how this works. If you want the next chapter then you have to comment. I won't update if I don't think anyone is reading this.