Spinning at the Seams

Chapter 6

As I walked into the classroom, I noticed that Adam was talking to Mrs. Callows. They were bent over a computer, and when I peeked over their shoulder I stopped cold at what they were reading. It was my personal folder of stories, and extra articles I’d written over the years. The stories were those of things that had happened at school, a food fight turned into a suspense story. I’d written them during the sports off-season when I didn’t have much to write. The extra articles were all on things that I found unfair about this district. The way they were more focused on our test scores then us kids in general. It was an article I wrote to get out my frustration, and never meant to be read.

“What are you doing?” I finally managed to choke out. Mrs. Callows spun around at my voice, but Adam didn’t budge.

“Miss Romanit, I-“ she was cut off by one soon to be dead boy.

“These are quite good, why didn’t they get published? This one about test scores versus students is very-“ at that I cut him off, he had no right to do this, and I really wasn’t afraid to tell him that.

“PRIVATE! That’s what that is! Those are my personal files, and my personal stories, ones that you had absolutely no right to read or even look at!” I shot a look at Mrs. Callows who was shooting a confused look at Adam.

“I thought you said you had her permission to look in this folder.” Adam just shrugged, and I realized the true reason for his call to my brother, he wanted to read them. How he knew they existed though was beyond me. He knew that if he called my brother, he would give his permission and probably my password. That did it.

Both of them were beyond dead. I quickly bolted out the door, I heard footsteps following mine, but I didn’t stop. I ran till I reached the safety of the girls’ bathroom, and was startled to see my three friends from my Latin class sitting there. Kelsey looked up from the notebook she was drawing in to look at me. Her blond brown hair hung in her face as she looked up, and she quickly pushed it back, her brown eyes looked at me concerned and she put the notebook aside, and motioned to the other two. Danielle looked up next, her blond hair was held back in a bun and her brown eyes searched my face. Brooke looked up last, or I noticed her last, her light red hair was down and her brown eyes were looking at me. Kelsey spoke first.

“You okay?” Her eyes rimmed in dark make up probed mine. I nodded, and she seemed satisfied but Danielle was far from it.

“What happened? Do I need to beat someone up?” That made me laugh, I knew she would if it came to that, that’s who she was. She was one of the funniest people, and also one of the toughest, and sometimes strangest. She and Kelsey complimented each other nicely, being twins it was odd to me that they didn’t hate each other like my brother and me did. Where Danielle was outgoing, Kelsey was shy and reserved at first. You had to get to know her for her to really open up. Brooke looked at me and smiled a comforting smile.

“You sure your okay?” asked Brooke, I nodded again and she still looked concerned. “Because you ran into the girls bathroom, and most people don’t run, they walk.”

At that I laughed, and started telling them the story, mostly so they would help me get out of here without having to see Adam. I couldn’t see him till I had a plan, I needed a plan, and I knew exactly who to ask about it.

Danielle and Kelsey distracted Adam, while Brooke, who was the same height as me, helped me get out without being noticed, and with that I headed to my first hour class. Just as I was about to turn the last corner to the class a hand grabbed my arm. I spun expecting Adam only to find my self face to face with Kyle.

“Didn’t mean to scare you, but I needed to ask you something about Latin.” I nodded and he continued, “I know you’re just the sports writer but we need to promote Latin think you could get us an article or an interview?” I looked at him, his sandy blond hair was short and spiked and his brown eyes seemed quiet, he was a good match for Shannon, who had been talking non-stop about him since I introduced them before summer break.

I smiled. “Yeah I could get that, I’ll let Shannon know she can do the interview.” I watched his eyes light up at the mention of her name, and I grinned. They would be such a cute couple; from behind his shoulder I saw Adam headed my way.

“Shoot, I gotta go, I’ll talk to you later okay? Okay bye!” I waved at him and quickly bolted into my English classroom. Hunter was already seated, and waved me over to our group of friends who were talking animatedly about the up-coming dance.

“Yeah, I’m not sure who I’m going with, all I know is that whomever I choose had better be cute,” was the conversation going on as I sat down next to Hunter and looked at Paul who had just said this.

“Ego much Paul?” I asked, causing him to nod, and give me his classic ‘you already knew that’ look.

“Hey Mason,” my friend Mason looked up at the sound of his name, he had brown hair and blue eyes. He was a super jock like my brother, but a nice one who tended to keep to himself, “I need your help.”

“With what? Your already acing this class, I don’t think I can help you much.” He responded, I shook my head.

“Not with school, with an evil revenge plan I need one and you’re the master at them.” Mason’s eyes got an evil glint at that, and he nodded his head, suddenly the bell rang and I headed to my desk, very curious as to the plans the devious Mason was thinking up for me.