Spinning at the Seams

Chapter 9

I turned slowly; Hunter was going to pay for not warning me about this. Ok actually he wouldn’t, I loved Hunter too much to be mad at him for long, but I would rant about this later. Adam stood behind me, a look of amusement on his face, again. The bell rang and Mrs. Callows ran into the room saved me from any further conversation with him. He headed to his seat, and I breathed a sigh of relief before turning to my computer and looking over my schedule of articles for this week.

“Excuse me class,” everyone turned to face Mrs. Callows, “I think it would be good for everyone to go around the room and introduce themselves and what they write for Adam, he doesn’t know anything about you other then your appearance and I think it would be good for him to know something personal about you as well.” Everyone exchanged glances as she said this. Mrs. Callows then pointed to Allison prompting her to begin.

“My name’s Allison Jones, I’m the assistant editor. I write about school events and town functions. I’m a senior and after this year I am headed to Yale to study journalism.” Allison then nodded to Ben, who stood up as Allison sat down.

“My name’s Ben Koles, and I am the Political editor. I’m also a senior and will head to Harvard to double major in political science and journalism, and plan to become a political reporter, who follows the campaign trails for candidates.” Madison began to stand next.

“I’m Madison Lockely, and I’m the layout editor and corrections. I’m a junior, and plan to major in English, and I’m not sure on a college right now.” Molly got up next, and I watched Hunter put his fingers in his ears, smart idea.


“Thank you, Miss Welkins you can sit down now,” Mrs. Callows interrupted. I had noticed that during Molly’s entire speech Adam had been wincing and shrinking back at her loud high pitched voice. I smirked and Hunter pressed his lips together to keep from laughing at Adam’s expression.

“Well, my name’s Mallory Tanners, and before you ask, yes my brother is quarterback Chris Tanners, and no we aren’t twins.” I rolled my eyes, Mallory got asked those questions a lot when she told people her last name was Tanners, she always introduced herself in classes like this, end the confusion early she’d always say. “I’m a junior, I write movies and music, and plan to major in cinematography and want to attend NYU.” Melinda stood next, taking out her headphones as she rose.

“I’m Melinda Ross, I’m a sophomore, and I write an article called True Life: Band, I also keep a blog called, The Real life of Band Geeks, which is connected to the school site, and run by my brother Luke. My article tells what really happens in band, so kids realize that band kids really aren’t the horny devils that movies and TV make us out to be. I plan to attend Julliard and would like to become a concert clarinetist or a professional conductor” She sat and Sophie rose reluctantly in front of me, but was cut off from saying anything by Tristan.

“Hi I’m Tristan Naples, and I’m the school photographer. That means I write nothing but captions, baby.” Every girl rolled her eyes at that. “I’m a junior, and want to major in photography at NYU, and I plan to become photographer for Playboy, or National Geographic,” The boys in the room did the cough and mutter thing, while the girls just shook their heads in disgust. Tristan sat, and Sophie rose shooting Tristan death glares, which he just grinned at, he loved ticking Sophie off.

“I’m Sophie Collins, I write book reviews and public events such as local concerts and such. I’m a junior and I plan to major in Literature at Princeton. I want to become an author, and already have several of my own stories in production.” I nodded and smiled, I had read some of Sophie’s stories and they were amazing, she really knew how to write. Shannon started talking next not bothering to get up. According to her why get up for two minutes if you were just going to sit back down again, completely pointless if you ask her.

“I’m Shannon Hesten, I write interviews and review the electives this school offers, and do polls to determine electives students would like added. I’m a junior, and plan to major in history at U of Mass, and want to teach High School European history, and a class that focuses solely on the individuals who shaped the world.” Hunter rose slowly, saving me from having to go next.

“I’m Hunter Jameson, I’m a junior as well. I write the advice column, ‘Save Me’, and I write the article ‘Truth About Us’ an article that dispels common myths and rumors that teenagers believe. I plan to major in journalism and theater, and want to one day become a play-write, or a Broadway critic.” Hunter looked at me and as he sat down gave me a thumbs up. I rose slowly and looked between Hunter and Mallory, anything to keep myself from meeting Adam’s eyes.

“I’m Antonia Romanit, I write the sports column, and my twin brother is Marc Romanit.” I, like Mallory, got asked the brother question when my last name was brought up. I could almost sense the shock coming off of Adam at the mention of my being a sports writer. “I’m a junior, and want to major in journalism and broadcasting. I’d like to attend NYU or the University of Pennsylvania, and I would either like to continue in sports broadcasting or write international affairs.” I sat quickly and looked at Hunter, who was looking at Mallory, who was watching Adam’s reaction. Based on the look Hunter had, I’d say I would be getting a visit from Adam. Mrs. Callows then dismissed us to begin our articles and there was a flurry of activity as students starting typing articles, asking for edits, shouting questions at Madison, and running around trying to meet deadline. It was one of the major reasons I loved the journalism, it was always busy, hectic and yet so exciting! I began typing my opinion of this season’s varsity football team. In the games I’d seen so far, they were horrible, none of them really knew how to play, it was kind of like watching monkeys trying to do ballet. Speaking of which, I checked my schedule that was laid out on my computer.

Monday- Ballet lessons 5-6:30
Tuesday- Work, Julia’s ballet lesson
Wednesday- Work, HB- Olivia and Di
Thursday- Work, Piano- O, J, D, and me
Friday- Game
Saturday- Paper in morning

Okay, how was I going to make dinner and get to ballet on time? While I was debating that in my head, I felt someone poke me, I didn’t turn around.

“What’s up Molly?” I asked still focusing on my schedule; I really couldn’t miss ballet tonight.

“ADAM SENT ME TO TALK TO YOU! HE MUST THINK IF I TALK TO YOU HE’LL GET AN ANSWER! HE WANTS TO KNOW IF YOU CAN STAY AFTER SCHOOL! HE WANTS TO TALK TO THE WRITERS ABOUT THE SWITCHING ARTICLES THING! SO CAN YOU COME?!” Once again this was said all in one breath. I looked at Hunter and saw him shaking his head, hands over his ears. The high pitch sound reminded him of his little sister, Lily, and it tended to give him a headache at the loud levels Molly spoke in. I just shook my head looking at Molly, and watched her skip away, I watched Hunter shake his head.

“Where does that girl get so much energy? It’s like High School Musical spit up all its extra pep on her. I get nightmares at the thought of her on any type of caffeinated substance. I mean really, what child has that energy level all the time? And does she sleep? Because I don’t think she runs out of energy in time for sleep.” I laughed; Hunter was good at knowing people and describing them in a way that made their flaws seem funny. Hunter continued shaking his head as he finished his article. I went back to working on mine, and then proceeded to send it to Madison.

I saw Madison across the room as she read my story. She then looked up and seeing me looking at her gave me a thumbs up, I smiled gave her a thumbs up back and then turned back to my computer. Well that article’s done, what now? I didn’t have to ponder that long as I watched Adam stride up to me, looking very annoyed.

“Why can’t you come?” He demanded, I raised an eyebrow; Macy had never questioned my motives for missing meetings. Her philosophy was that as long as we did our jobs, and got our articles in on time, we weren’t required to attend writers meetings. Most people did anyway, but most people didn’t have three sisters all who needed rides, work, and ballet lessons.

“I really don’t think that’s any of your business.” I stated simply, my schedule was my thing. Besides, the only people who knew I still did ballet were my family, Mallory, Hunter, Sophie and Shannon. Sophie and Shannon only knew because I was their little sisters dance instructor. Hunter and Mallory knew because they were my best friends, and Mallory worked at the park district I taught at.

He wasn’t giving up though; I could see that in his eyes. “Well unless you have a reason, attendance is mandatory.” He was seething now. This boy was so strange, one moment he’s staring at me, the next he’s mad at me.

“I don’t think you can make that call.” I said icily, if he wants to play tough, then I could too. I had three sisters, arguing was an art form that I had mastered a long time ago, he wasn’t going to win this.

“Last time I checked I was editor-in-chief, that makes it my call.”

“Says you, but Mrs. Callows I doubt would agree with you, and neither would Allison.” He looked confused at the mention of Allison, but pressed on.

“Mrs. Callows already agreed to the meeting”

“I doubt she told you that you could make attendance mandatory without giving us a forty-eight hour notice of this meeting, not all of us can cancel plans and arrange rides home in twenty minutes.” I smirked as I watched his face get a defeated look on it, now if he pushed it back I could at least claim work. I went back to my computer and worked on figuring out a schedule that let me make dinner and attend ballet. I didn’t notice Adam’s head suddenly near my ear, until his voice spoke into it.

“I don’t understand you Antonia Romanit but I will. Something’s different about you, you’re hiding something and I am going to find out what it is.” With that I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise, but I didn’t turn. I didn’t turn from my computer until the bell rang, and even then I didn’t turn around once. I didn’t have a secret, I wasn’t hiding anything. Yes you are a voice in the back of my head said, you’re hiding how much you like him, you’re hiding how much you’re scared your family will fall apart, you’re hiding how much you miss the family you used to be. But what Adam said plagued me, I was hiding something, but whom was I hiding it from?