Sequel: Gone Twisted
Status: C O M P L E T E

Gone Awry

The Day After

It was as if hell broke loose, the day after their date. Everyone was bombarding them with questions. Where the together? How the hell did that happen? Why would you go out with that person? - huge amounts of questions that not even they were really able to answer.

Where they together now? - Hell it was only one date! Sure it was awesome and they kissed.. but did that already mean that they where in a relationship?

How the hell did that happen? - WTF what was up that question? It happened. Not Hows or Why needed.

Why would you go out with that person? - Two guesses who asked that! Bingo! Pansy and Ronald.

It was annoying.


But, it was defiantly worth it.

Ash hadn't had that much fun on a date for quite a while now and she was pretty sure that Draco had also enjoyed himself.

But both of them didn't want to rush anything. They where just going to let it develop, they decided. If it's going to happen - YAY! If not... well it wouldn't. But due to the secret glances they always stole and the sly smiles they gave when they where caught, proved to them that they wouldn't have to worry about the later.

Ash just entered the common room once with Tracy and Blaise, when she remembered that she still hadn't signed up for Quidditch try outs.

"Quidditch?" Tracy asked her when she reached the side of her friend, who hod randomly started running of into the direction of the Black Board.

"Yeah, I told you about that, didn't I?"

"Could be..." Tracy said thinking back a bit... "Oh yeah, Beater!"

"Exactly!" Ash grinned and wrote 'Beater' behind her name in brackets.

"I still don't understand why a girl would want to be a beater. I always saw that as more of a Crabbe and Goyle thing." Blaise told them, while they made their way over to their usual place.

"I don't think so. Being a beater isn't all about hitting the big bad ball, its also a big part of the strategy. Where will I hit it? Can I eliminate one of the other players from where I am right now? Maybe even the Seeker? If you let brutes like Crabbe and Goyle be beaters, you pretty much give away one of the strongest weapons that you have."

"Still, I think your way to petite for the part," Blaise argued. "You should rather try out for the chaser part."

"You non-believers! Watch me tomorrow! I will show you the true meaning of skills!" Ash cried and the three of them collapsed laughing at her shrill voice. But the laughter quickly ebbed away, when Pansy suddenly appeared in their mid.

"What do you want?" Tracy hissed but Pansy ignored her. Solely focusing on Ash.

"You little bitch, I told you to stay away from him!" she screeched.

"Oh, come on! Haven't we already gone through this? Draco doesn't belong to you. He is not your property. He has his own free will! If he wants to go on a date with me, then he will go on a date with me and vice versa. It's not like we have to ask your permission!" Ash stated, frustrated at her denseness.

"Don't you come me with that crap! He was mine, way before he even knew of you existence."

"So? Who. Cares?"

"I care, and you will care as well at some point. I already know him. I know how to handle that boy. You know nothing! Soon I will laugh at your crying broken self, because that boy isn't meant for you, Weasley.

"Sure, right now you may be the only one in Draco's eyes, but soon he'll get bored and dump you like all the other girls he's dated before you."

"Is that supposed to be a threat?"

"No, I don't need to threaten you. I'm just giving you a little prophesy. You will soon be down on your knees. Cursing the day that you meet Draco Malfoy." The girl with the pug face sneered and then went away, leaving a confused Ash whom was trying to hold back laughter.

"What the fuck was that about?" she chuckled and turned to her friends, who where staring after Pansy shaking their heads.

"It's kind off sad..." Blaise sighed and gently shook his head, while the other two just forgot about the incident and went back to talking about Quidditch and other hobbies.
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I know its a bit short, but I hope you still like it!

Also check out my newest story! "Everythings better with the word 'Hell' in front of it" - Its a Percy Jackson Comedy fanfic. that I'm writing with Error 404! I don't wanna brag, but its really good ^^

Comments please!!