Sequel: Gone Twisted
Status: C O M P L E T E

Gone Awry


It was Monday. Today, after classes, Quidditch try-outs would be held!

But before that Ash needed to make it through class with out getting any detentions. That was harder then one might imagine. recently the girl got detention nearly every day, due to the fact that she tended to step into the foot steps of her older cousins - Fred and George.

Ever since she did that little prank on Pansy and Daphne - from now on called SS (Slytherin Sluts) - she had remembered how much fun a good little prank could be. Also she started up a business in selling the candy from Skiving Snackbox; after the first load was empty she had taken the money she had made and bought another 20 sets for her 'Favourite-cousin-percentages' and soon the business flourished! Some people came up to her and asked for other types of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes prank items.

Anyway, this little business and her little pranks didn't really amuse the teachers, hence they tried to 'make her see the wrong in it' by giving her detentions and taking away points systematically. Wouldn't you have thought that the teachers already learned that it wouldn't help when Fred and George were in school?

So, today she had told herself that she wouldn't get any detentions - hence no business and pranks today... Merlin... this day would be boring!







"Blaise!" Blaise called. "So now that we all know each others names. How about we shut up now?"

"Your so boring!" Ash called, but ran over to his side and walked to class with him. Shortly before they reached the door, she turned around again and yelled "Tracy! I'll miss you!" Tracy however just laughed and shook her head, heading towards her own class.

"I don't wanna have Potions!" Ash whined when she couldn't see Tracy and more and passed through the door.

"Oh, come on. It's the last class today and Dracie-poo is here."


"Pansy's newest nickname for Draco. Just heard it when I was in charms with the two of them."

"Horrid," Ash shuddered and turned to look into the class room where she already saw Draco sitting on his usual table. "Dracie-Poo!" she squealed, making Draco grimace and turn to look at Ash like she head grown another 2 additional heads.

"Blaise! Why did you tell her?" he asked as he saw Ash burst out laughing.

"It slipped?"

"Sure it did."

Blaise smiled and all of the people in the room turned in front, where Snape just entered the class room.

For the rest of the class they concentrated on what Snape taught them and rushed out, as soon as class was over.

"Time for Quidditch!" she yelled as soon as the professor excused them and turned to look at Draco, grinning.

"So, captain. Where do we have to be when again?"

"In half an hour at the field."

Ash nodded enthusiastically and gave Draco a kiss on his cheek before grabbing Blaise's hand and dragging him out of the class room and towards the common room in record time.

There they meet up with Tracy and together Ash's best friends waited for her to finish changing into her old Quidditch uniform. Next the three of them went to the field, where a small group of people had already gathered.

"Alright have fun, my love. We'll be watching you from the bleachers." Blaise told her and gave her a small peck on the cheek for good luck.

She watched them make their way towards the bleachers and quickly raced over to the rest of the group.

"Is everybody here?" Draco asked when the chatter stopped and everyone looked at them. "Good. So I want all the idiots that signed up for a seeker position to go away right now and learn how to read! It said on the page that its try-outs for chaser, keeper and beater. I'm the seeker." A murmur of voices erupted and Ash had to hold back laughter as 3 people glared at Draco and ran off the field.

"Now that that's taken care off. Hello everybody. My name is Draco Malfoy and I'm the captain and seeker of the Slytherin Quidditch team. Today we will be searching for the Keeper, Chaser and Beater positions." He said. "I want you all to split up into groups for which position you intend to play. Keepers over there to the right. Chasers over there to the left and Beaters stay standing here. Ash stood still, as did Goyle and Crabbe and a few other butch looking guys.

"Ash, your standing with the beaters," Draco said as if she were a bit stupid.

"I know that. I'm trying out as a beater."

"Your a girl."

"Your point being?"

Draco looked at her pained. "Don't you want to try out for chaser or keeper instead?"

"No, I'm a beater. Don't tell me you don't think I can do a good job, just because I'm a girl... Sexist!" She glared at Draco who heaved a defeated sigh.

"Alright, try it out. But don't come crying to me because you broke of you nail."

Ash jaw dropped ten miles when she heard him. "Oh you little twit didn't just say that. I'll show you how much better I am then any of these idiots around me," she spat and crossed her arms.

"Alright, guys we will start with the beater try-outs!" Draco yelled and turned away from her. "Everyone, not trying out for that position, please do to the bleachers." Everyone moved except for the butch people around Ash and herself.

"Broken nails... that little git... I'll show that ass." Ash mumbled to herself and huffed and puffed... but nothing happened.

Again Draco turned around and looked at her disappointed. She was still standing firm. Broom in her hands.

"So, over there in the box are the bats. Everyone take one." When all of them had gotten one Draco cleared his throat and gave them their drill.

One by one they would go into the air and the Bludgers would be released. Then they where supposed to hit them.

"Just hit them?" Ash asked the captain with a snarl.

"Yes, for now just hit them. With out hurting anyone else, nor yourself."

"How about we make it a bit harder," Ash challenged. "How about you give us a target and we hit the target with it."

"That's the next drill. right now I only want to know if you are even able to hit the bugger."

Ash smirked at him. "If you say so, captain."

One by one they got in the air and a couple of the butch guys already failed that simple drill. Last was Ash. The people on the bleachers and in the field laughed as they saw the petite girl walk forwards, but she ignored them. Confidently she swung herself up on the broom and shot into the air, signalling Draco that he could release the Bludger. Reluctantly he did and it shot straight at her.

Smirking she changed her position on the broom and with only one hand she smashed the bat against the attacking iron ball, hitting it straight towards Draco, where it landed right in front of Draco's feet inside the box that had been holding it just a minute ago.

Everything was quiet for a second, but then Tracy and Blaise erupted into cheers on the bleachers. Ash smiled at them and quietly flew towards the ground again.

"Not a single scratch on my nails," she told Draco waving her hands in front of his face when her feet touched the ground.

For the rest of the beater try-outs Ash continued her winning streak. Smugly hitting the Bludger and landing it wherever she was told to put it. If she didn't get a destination she challengingly placed in in front of his feet. She was better then anyone else. Stronger then anyone would and could have guessed.

"OK, everyone. Beater try-outs are over. I'll give you the results after the rest of the try-outs." Draco told them and sent them of the field, calling the chasers up next.

"Wow, you were awesome!" Tracy beamed at her, when she reached her friends.

"I know," Ash smirked and started watching the chasers compete. There were some pretty good ones on the field. "I just hope Draco wont make an mistake," she added quietly after a few minutes.

"What do you mean?"

"He doesn't want me to be a beater. He knows I'm better then the others. But a girl as beater? He's to conservative to just let me be in the team, in a position that he doesn't see fit for girls." she growled and looked at the others that tried out for the position. "He'll probably take Crabbe and Goyle again. They where better them I would have given them credit for. Although that Orion guy, isn't to bad either. A bit lean, not as butch as the typical beaters, yet strong, fast and his aim was really good as well. He'd be quite stupid not to take him. But if Draco doesn't take me, he wont be picked either."

"What do you mean?"

"The Goons, Orion and me are the only ones suitable for the position. The others are all crap. But mixing us up, wouldn't work. It's either the Goons or us two."

"I see..."

Orion looked over to them and smiled sadly. He had reached the same conclusion as her. Sighing she smiled back at him and waved him over.

When he reached them, Ash motioned him to sit next to her. "What do you think?"

"Crabbe and Goyle will make it."

Ash nodded. "Asshole," she muttered and glared down at Draco, who was distracted by the chasers trying to shoot through the goals.

Orion laughed. "Don't blame him, every captain would have chosen that way."

"Guys, you are depressing. Draco didn't decide anything yet!" Tracy told them with a slap over the head.

"Your right." Ash smiled up at her while holding her head. That girl was also stronger then she would have guessed. "We'll just have to hope... I guess"

For the rest of the practice the four of them kept quiet and watched the others make fools and heroes out of themselves. First the Chasers, then the Keepers. By both of them he told told them right away who had made the team and who hasn't. Two female Chasers, Christina Donot and Isabel Breaker and a male Chaser named Graham Montague. The Keeper was a lean guy that listened to the name of Sean Bole.

The sun was already setting when everything came to an end. Once he told Bole that he'd be the keeper, he motioned for the Beaters to come down on the field, together with the team Chasers.

"Alright guys. It was a hard decision to decide between you guys, but in the end we want to win the school cup, hence I chose the ones that I think will fit best into the team and will help us win this cup. And just for your reference, I made up my mind, and no argument in the world will change that decision. Am I clear?" he asked and looked pointedly at Ash, who already looked ready to argue. She nodded grudgingly.

"Our new beaters are..." Draco tortured them with a long pause. "Chase Orion and Ash Weasley." he sighed. Not really believing himself. He actually wanted to say The Goons... but Ash and that Orion guy really had been better... no chance in denying that.

Ash and Orion looked at Draco shocked. They had really believed that he'd take the other two. When the decision sank through to them they looked at each other and hugged. "We did it!" Ash said breathless, Orion nodded and picked her up with his hug. Laughing he set her down again and let her go, so she could jump towards Draco and hug him as well.

"Thank you," she said breathlessly and graced him with her best smile.

For a second he smiled at her as well, but then turned into the Slytherin Quidditch teams captain again. "Right here, you can see the Slytherin Quidditch team of 1998. Say hello to your new team mates, because from now one you will spend a lot of time together and together we will win this years Qudditch Cup!" Draco said, and yelled when he reached the part about the winning. Cheers erupted around them and together they made their way to the common room where they got greeted by a celebration.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ash made the Quidditch Team!! Hurray!!!

Hope you liked it!
