And What Makes Him Think He's "King of the Castle?"

Your not dead yet

I groaned and felt a sharp cut to my elbow. It took a bit to take in what had happened. We were laughing and smiling and were riding home. A car made the wrong turn and hit us. We weren't upside down which was fantastic. A siren blared down the road and already people were crowded around us. How embarrassing. I unbuckled myself and whimpered as Johnny lay limped by myself. This can't be happening. I shook Johnny harder and watched as the red crimson trickle down his mouth. I heard Rake and Ville moan as they sat up straight. The airbag was practically suffocating them.

"Dude..Vito's gonna be pissed" Rake's voice was hoarse. Ville's laughter seemed to calm the tension in the air. A slow, rising whimper erupted from Johnny's throat and I hugged him tenderly.

"Johnny" I whispered. Weak arms wrapped around me and I screamed as another pair of strong arms pulled me from him. Rake and Ville were already in stretchers in different ambulances. I was seated on one and a cop started to ask me questions. I was smart enough not to tell them about what we did to Walmart. He jotted down a few notes and grumbled to himself. I glanced at Johnny in a other ambulance before they slammed the doors shut.

"Wh-Where am I?" I rubbed my wrapped for head and felt apprehensive. I looked around and saw balloons, flowers, and Bam. Bam jumped up once he heard my groan.
"Are you OK?" Bam brushed my hair out of my face.
"I'm fine. Where's.." A sharp pain jutted at my for head and Bam lowered me back down.
"Their in different rooms. Everyone's fine. Don't worry" Bam smiled acknowledging.
"Bam...How bad" I could tell when Bam was telling the truth or halfway lying. The corners of his mouth dropped once a convincing smile approached his face.
"Um" Bam scratched the back of his neck. He hadn't yet discovered how his smile gave it away.
"Well..Johnny broke his arm..Rake broke his hand..And Ville broke his leg...Your the only one who didn't break anything. You just hit your head hard and got a couple stitches..." Bam's voice trailed off as a light knock came to the door.
"Hello. I'm your nurse Sarah. Visiting hours are over" She had this calm tone to her and I was to stunned to reply.
"She just woke up Sarah. Maybe you could give us 5 more minutes?" Bams voice was more handsome and Sarah blushed. She looked down at her clipboard.
"I'm sorry sir. But I can't extend the hours." Bam frowned and she shifted her weight nervously. Bam cleared his throat and sighed.
"OK whatever. I'll see you later sis" He kissed my head lightly and glared at Sarah. He managed to close the door calmly though his dc's were almost breaking the tiles.
"Alright. Time for your medication." She handed me a cup with three pills and I reached for the water bottle by my side. I took them silently and handed her the cup. A creepy smile planted across her face. I turned on the TV and listened as her feet shuffled quietly to the door. I didn't hear the door click and when I looked, she quickly stepped out.

"Creepy much?" I muttered to myself and watched fuse until midnight rolled around. I bit at my lip. I wanted to go see how the boys were doing. I crawled out of bed thankful for no needles. I slightly pushed down on the handle and slid out of the room. One good thing about hospitals is their door NEVER seems to squeak. I looked both ways and ducked everyone nurse and doctor. Once I got to the desk, I crawled around it and started to go through the files. The lady must of been on break. I scanned the names and grabbed a pen.

"Johnny. 508. Rake. 512. Ville. 520" I scribbled like crazy and crawled away fast as foot heels clamped down the hall. Following the ceiling lights, I read every number and finally got to 520. I opened the door quietly and saw Ville watching MTV. His eyes were bright and his leg was propped up.

"Ville!" I whispered as I came in to view. He jumped and I shushed him. I hugged him and he seemed to hate keeping his voice at whisper.
"What are you doing here kiddo?!" Ville practically shouted and I shushed him once more.
"I wanted to see how you guys were"
"Well, by the looks of it. No good"
"Yeah. I noticed that" I ruffled his hair and snuck back out. I couldn't stay long. They always checked up on their patients. I snuck to room 512 and saw Rake too, was up.
"Hey!" He screamed and waved eagerly.
"Rake!" I shouted loudly and cupped my hand over my mouth. The door suddenly swung open and I dove in to the bathroom.
"Is there something wrong Rake?" A sweet voice called. Rake smiled kindly and shook his head.
"No. I'm sorry. Their were two guys on MTV who got punched in the nuts by a scrawny kid" Rake laughed nervously and the woman nodded her head.
"Alright. Goodnight" She said unsure. I waited until I heard the elevator doors close.
"Rake! You almost got me caught!" I hissed and sat on the bed next to him.
"I'm sorry! Man. The nurses here are such bitches. They try so hard to be nice" I nodded my head in agreement.
"How do you feel?" Rake rubbed his wrapped arm and shrugged.
"Fine I guess. A little while ago I took medicine so the pains gone for now" I winced as he said for now. I didn't like to think about them being in pain. I slipped out after hugging him softly and my heart did a back flip as I approached room 508. Johnny of course, was up watching MTV.

"Johnny" My voice caught in my throat and I started to shake.
"Hey kiddo!" He whispered. Of course he'd be the only one to whisper.
"How are you?"
"Not so good. But better now" He winked and I blushed a red.
"Does anything hurt?"
"No. Not really"
"Oh" Oh. That's all I could say?! God I am so hopeless.
"Yeah" He patted the space beside him and I lay ed down. We lay ed there, watching MTV. About 2:30, my eyes were starting to close. Johnny slipped his hand in mine and I jumped. His hands were warm and strong. My heart shook wildly and I felt claustrophobic.
"What do you mean, a patient escaped?!" Spat some woman.
"She's not in her room!"
"Find her now!" Shuffling of shoes passed Johnny's door and I gulped.
"You might wanna go" His smile was warm and I could of died.
"Alright. Night" I grinned and slipped out into my own room. I watched TV as footsteps approached my door.
"There you are! Where were you?!" Sarah was panting.
"I was right here silly goose! I've been watching this all night!" A woman doctor glared at Sarah and she shrugged. They closed the door behind them and I shut off the TV. Fixing my blankets, a smirk crossed my face.
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