This One Time at Band Camp...

One and only

15. That’s how old she was. 17. that’s how old I was. Color Guard. That’s what she loved. Snare. That’s what I loved. A note shoved in her pocket. With hesitancy, I did it anyway. 6 words. Just simple words, but those words either guaranteed happiness, or mournfulness.

Those six words: will you go out with me?

I asked her out in January, she said yes, now it’s August and a week before school starts and also band camp.

“Noelle, let’s go its almost six.” I said to her, band camp for the day had just ended. She was messing with my snare again. She was a decent player herself, but she loved Guard just a bit more.

“I’m coming, let me put the snare away.” I walked over to her and pulled the snare off her harness setting in it’s case, I put the lid on the case buckled it and set it in its home locker. She gave me squinty eyes, but then smiled.

“You sometimes have some of the most ridiculous morals, and that’s what I love about you.” She giggled. God I loved her giggle. She grabbed my hand and pulled us out of the band room, into the August summer heat.

The lines and markings on the black top indicated the ‘art work’ that the band had made in the past 4 days of learning drill. We of course the band kids saw it as art work, others just saw it as chalk on concrete. It was the beginning foundation of this years field show and my last. Her second. It made me sad that my high school years are almost up, but I have Noelle to accompany me through the final days. I loved her with all my heart. I honestly wanted to marry her, but right now… I’m going to let her grow up a bit more she’ll be 16 in January and I’ll be 18 in May, even by then it’s a bit iffy. I think I’ll wait a couple years she’s been out of school.

“Dan, what are you thinking about?” she turned her head towards me and gave her ‘face of questions.’ I’ve called it that since day one.

“Nothing, just thinking of what I’m going to do after schools over with.” I said.


We arrived at my car in a comfortable silence, I walked around to the passenger seat with Noelle, to unlock the door. But…

I grabbed her hips playfully, and pushed her against the door with some force but not too much and kissed her deeply. She went up on her tippy toes, and put her arms around my neck deepening the kiss. We finally broke apart, and she smiled. I loved her smile.

“I love you so much Noelle.”

“I love you too Daniel.” She whispered.

“This year, we need to make the most of it, even though sophomore year is a hard year enough as it is. Weekends you are mine.” I laughed “Alex too, she can tag along. But we need to hook her up with someone, seriously! She’s almost 16 never had a boyfriend” Noelle laughed at my jokes about her best friend.

“Trust me, I’ll make this year worth while for all of us.” She smiled.

Nothing happened at all that night a few more kisses but that its.

Senior year was to say the least far from boring. Our marching band came in 4th a championships, me and Noelle dated the whole way though not one fight, Alex herself found a guy in the band he played bass drum. I still plan on marrying Noelle. In a few years.

588 words.
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So its my first one shot, leave a comment?