Mind and Body

Chapter 1

I smirked as the piece of chalk flew across the room. I watched Shay roll her eyes as the teacher turned demanding to know who threw the chalk at her back.

'Nice going Sky, you know you’re not supposed to use your powers.' Shay’s voice said in my head as her eyes narrowed at me. Goody Goody I responded, Shay scowled before turning back to her notes. Shay was my identical twin sister, but we were different in every way possible. Like me, she had blond hair that stopped just below her shoulders, and her green eyes stood out sharply against her peach complexion. She was the good twin, as my mother would say, the one who followed the rules and was careful not to flaunt her powers. I on the other hand was a complete rebel. I was more than glad to use my powers on those who ticked me off, like our teacher Mrs. Sanders, I mean really who gives kids an essay over the weekend? I quickly flicked the chalk away from the teacher’s hand causing a confused look to fall over her face. Shay sent me a warning look.

'Skylar Lena Moreno stop now!' I raised an eyebrow at my sister’s thoughts; did I mention we knew what the other was thinking? It was a very strange thing we could do, but helped when we wanted to cheat, the only problem was it sometimes meant your private thoughts got leaked.

'And how would you do that Shay? Your power is to control the elements and read powers, mine is to manipulate and move objects with my mind, and I really don’t think you can stop me.' I watch Shay frown at the truth in my thoughts, and listened to her mind try to formulate how to stop me. Her thoughts suddenly stopped as an aide stepped into the room handing the teacher a pass.

“Shay and Skylar Moreno you have a pass to go to the principals office.” Shay frowned and looked at me. 'What did you do?' I shrugged.

'Why do you always blame me for these things?' I asked in my head as I gathered my things and walked out the door, Shay following closely behind.

“Because you’re the one who usually gets in trouble, that’s why. Now what did you do?” I sighed in exasperation.

“Nothing Shay, I swear, I haven’t done anything that would get me caught and therefore in trouble.” I watched Shay shake her head in dismay.

“It’s sad that instead of saying nothing, you just say nothing you would have gotten caught doing.” I grinned and opened the door to the office, pausing to give the secretary the pass.

“Hey that’s me and you know it.” Shay muttered something, but I didn’t know what as she was singing the alphabet in her head. I hated when she did that.

“You girls can go right in.” Shay thanked the secretary like the goody two shoes she was, and I followed her into the office to find our principal with two very official looking women.

“Hey Dr. H what’s up?” I asked as I plopped into one of the seats, Shay started counting to ten in her head.

“Dr. Henderson, its nice to see you.” Shay said sweetly as she sat down carefully in the seat next to mine. Dr. Henderson smiled at her and then stared at me warily.

“Nice to see you to Shay. Skylar, nice to see you not in trouble.” I frowned.

“If I’m not in trouble then why am I here?” Shay looked equally puzzled.

“Well these women are from a boarding school out East that you have been recently accepted too. They wanted to talk to you in person at our school, so I’m going to leave you to talk to them.” Dr. Henderson left at that, and we both stared cautiously at the two women.

“Well as I’m sure you know, neither of you applied to the school. But we have accepted you due to your, how do we say, extraordinary potential.” The first began; I shot a look at Shay who looked confused.

“I’m sorry, what potential is that?” The second women stepped in at that.

“Your powers, we located you because of incidents reported. We are assistant principals at a school for gifted children such as yourselves.” Shay looked panicked and I could feel my own breathing becoming faster. The first woman seemed to sense this.

“Don’t worry, we’re not going to report you, in fact we both have powers as well, and we want you to come to the school to learn how to control yours.” I suddenly felt my body relax and turned to face the second woman. She had her eyes closed and was humming softly; her red hair was moving slightly as if there was a wind.

“My power is to manipulate the body, make you feel pain, hunger, thirst, happiness, etc.” Said the woman as she opened her eyes. The first woman then smiled and I watched as electricity shot from her fingers and dance around her black hair before shooting a light bulb above our heads. I understood that power.

“Let me see if I have this right, you want us to go to your school? So we can what learn to control these things, cause I really think I have this thing under control.” Shay stopped me as I tried to get up.

“Let’s hear them out.” Shay nodded and the women looked between us.

“Well, we should probably introduce ourselves, I’m Miss Lumens.” Said the raven-haired woman.

“And I’m Miss Duroth.” She smiled as she said this, and I just crossed my arms.

“The reason we’re here is because you two are in great danger, remaining by yourselves with out training, not of being exposed. But of being attacked, there are others like us who aren’t so nice.” She looked ready to say more when Miss Duroth froze, a horrified expression on her face.

“They’re here.” I was about to ask who when all hell broke loose.