Mind and Body

Chapter 2

I felt myself being pushed backwards; Skylar, who was currently holding up her hand, keeping me in place saved me from going into the wall. I could see Miss Lumens shooting off electricity at our intruders.

They had come out of no where, one moment everything’s fine, and the next the wall is being crashed in and a huge rock of a guy is running in brushing dust off himself as a group of adults followed behind him. One of them looked at me and I was thrown back. This was all happening so fast, and I needed to help the overwhelmed looking Miss Lumen and Duroth who were fighting off some of the attackers. I could feel powers in the air, one was a fire shooter, and another was telekinetic like my sister. I could feel the strength radiating off the guy who ran in first and focused on stopping him. I closed my eyes and focused on the ground and felt it become part of me, almost like the way a shirt fits you perfectly. From the images I was getting in Skylar’s mind the earth was beginning to crack under the floor.

I opened my eyes and watched as Skylar sent a guy coming towards me flying backwards. The ground was continuing to shift and everyone, sans my sister, was beginning to lose their balance.

'Sky when I count to 3 we make a run for it.' Sky nodded and sent the fire shooter backwards as she began to regain her footing.

'1..2…3!' I let the ground shake harder and made the earth shoot up under Sky’s feet, she shot up knocking the ceiling out as she went and taking me up with her powers. I stopped the Earth when we were a good 10 feet above the building, and began to make stepping blocks for Sky, who was still holding onto me with her powers.

'So where do we go now? Those creeps must know where we live.' I nodded and continued making steps lower to the ground as we got closer to the road.

'I don’t know, lets just get to the car and run, head East, that school may be the only safe place for us.' I watched as Sky took the next step and shook her head.

'No, that school may be the prime target for us, we should just run till we can’t run any more.' I let the last step come and Sky set me back on the ground as we made a run for our car parked a few feet away. I could still hear the screams from the building behind me.

“NO DON’T LET THEM GET AWAY!” Screamed a male voice, we sped up at that and made it to the car just in time to elude our, well whatever they were.

“STEP ON IT!” I screamed to Skylar as she started the car, she obeyed my command and stepped on the gas as fast as possible. But the car didn’t go anywhere.

“What the heck?” Skylar screamed, I froze, the other one with the telekinesis must have gotten out. I could feel my adrenaline kick in, and suddenly the car was moving. “

How did you do that?” I asked Skylar, she looked confused.

“I didn’t do anything, you know I can’t reverse another person’s telekinetic power, and trust me I’ve tried. Stupid cousin Lucy and her power, every year she would steal my cookie!” I suppressed a laugh at my sister’s frustration of not being able to get her cookie at Christmas.

“Well then what caused them to let go?” I frowned trying to figure it out, no one could reverse a power, at least not that I was aware of, but we had only tested it on family. It had been determined that men passed the genes onto their daughters, and the daughters passed it to their sons. So most of my cousins had powers, the only rule in the family was, don’t get caught.

“I don’t know, maybe they got distracted, but we need to figure out where to go!” Sky nodded and took a quick turn leading us towards our house.

“First we need to get our things, and then we can go, do you sense anyone near the house?” I closed my eyes and used the earth’s vibrations alert me to people’s presences, I could feel no one near by.

“No, let’s go.” We ran inside the house when we got there, and were surprised by what we found.
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Same procedure with my other stories, no comments means no updates. I don't want to just be posting this if no one is ever going to read it.