Mind and Body

Chapter 4

When I opened my eyes I found myself standing in the middle of a nice room. It seemed to be an office based on the desk and the bookcases. Laura, Vivian and Melissa walked out quietly, leaving me and Skylar to look around.

'Nice place.' Skylar commented as she levitated a pen sitting on top of the desk, she twirled it a few times before putting it back on the desk lightly.

'Do you have to play with everything?' I asked a little exasperated, she nodded and began to play with the books that were lining the bookshelves. I could sense someone coming based on the way the earth was vibrating, but remained quiet. Letting my mind do my French homework in my head.

'Why are you translating French?' I just shrugged and sat down in one of the chairs as my sister proceeded to juggle the books in the air.

“Glad to see that they brought you straight to my office.” The books clattered to the ground as my sister shot me her classic ‘I’m so going to kill you look’ and then turned to face the woman. She had gray hair that was twisted into a bun and her brown eyes held warmth. She smiled at us before going to sit behind her desk.

“I’m Mrs. Hallows, and I am the principal here. Normally I conduct these interviews with my two assistant principals but they seem to be in the infirmary right now.” I could feel the guilt coming on.

“I’m really sorry, I should have done more to help.” Mrs. Hallows cut me off.

“That’s quite alright Shay, you did what any person would do if in your situation.” Sky rolled her eyes as I smiled weakly.

“Now I do have some questions for you.” I watched Sky smirk and jumped in before she could say anything.

“Go ahead.” Mrs. Hallows nodded and Sky starting singing ‘I love you’ except she changed the words to ‘I hate you, you hate me, we’re a loathing family, with a great big smack and fist from me to you, won’t you say you hate me too’.

“Well first I need to know your powers, the classes you were taking at your previous school, and whether you mind sharing a room with more than your sister.” Mrs. Hallows stated calmly looking at Skylar oddly.

“I can sense powers in people and control the four elements, though I’m more comfortable controlling the earth. Sky,” Sky cut me off.

“Sky can answer for herself thanks. I can move objects and manipulate objects to change colors, sizes, etc, so on and so forth, blah blah blah.” I put my hand on my face in embarrassment.

“I see, and your former classes.” I was about to answer when Vivian popped in handed Mrs. Hallows something and then preceded to pop out again.

“Never mind, I have your transcripts here.” I smiled in relief, now I didn’t have to try to recite Sky’s schedule of failure.

'Hey I heard that!' I smirked as Mrs. Hallows looked between the two of us.

'You were supposed to.' I watched Sky levitate something in her mind and I quickly ducked as a book flew towards my head. Mrs. Hallows caught it in her hand easily.

“Interesting, I see you to can also read each others minds.” She stated calmly as she put the book on the shelf behind her. Sky and I exchanged glances.

'You can read my mind?' I asked, I watched her nod.

“Yes, but unlike you I can’t respond to the other mind. And for some odd reason I can’t manipulate your minds either. I should have been able to reach through Skylar’s mind and stopped her from throwing the book but couldn’t. You two definitely are powerful.” She mused, I traded glances with Skylar.

“I’m going to assume you don’t mind sharing a room, but I’m going to put you in the same room with two other girls. Classes are in session now so I’m going to let you tour with Laura. She doesn’t have classes today.” At the sound of her name Laura gracefully pranced into the room flicking her now purple hair behind her ear.

“Just follow her, she’ll show you around the school.” We nodded and stood up following the girl out. She showed us around the school carefully and then took us outside to view the grounds. We were getting close to the edge of the property when a voice suddenly called out.

“Watch out!” I turned to see a boy headed towards me trying to catch a ball, he evidently didn’t see me, and I stood frozen. I closed my eyes preparing for impact and was surprised when I didn’t feel anything. I opened my eyes slowly to see two beautiful hazel eyes staring at me.

“Um, Hi.” The voice that belonged to the eyes said.

“Hi.” I responded meekly, he looked at me and then down at the ground, which is when I realized he wasn’t standing on the ground. I looked behind him to see Skylar with her hand out holding the boy in place.

'You can put him down Sky.' Skylar smirked.

'You sure? I would think you would want to flirt with the beautiful eyed boy first.' I scowled and she let him down without any gentleness.

“Are you okay?” I asked helping him up. He nodded and looked at me.

“Are you? I didn’t see you there, probably would have run into you if you didn’t stop me.” I frowned confused then gasped in surprise.

“Oh, I didn’t stop you, she did.” I said pointing a finger at Sky, she gave a half wave, and Laura just rolled her eyes.

“You know you guys aren’t supposed to be playing on our grounds, Riley.” Riley just shrugged and looked back at me.

“She’s right I’m not, but why shouldn’t I if I get to meet pretty girls like you.” Sky made a gagging sound in her head while Laura pretended to choke. I just blushed.

“Thank you, but I’m really not that pretty.” Riley shook his head.

“No you’re right, you’re not pretty you’re beautiful.” Laura upped the chocking while Skylar started gagging herself.

'I think I just threw up in my mouth. He’s perfect for you Shay; he’s just as lame as you are.' I shot daggers at Skylar and she waved a hand causing Riley to fly into the air.

“Whoa, can you put me down.” He turned to Sky and she shrugged putting him down on top of me.

“Sky!” I screamed as he landed on top of me, Sky smirked and flicked her hand again, but it wasn’t working. She frowned and moved her hand again, nothing. Riley quickly got up and helped me, but I was to focused on Sky to notice.

'Sky?' She looked at me then started flicking her hand more violently.

'Something’s wrong!'
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Character profiles for Sky and Shay are up if you are interested.