Falling on Dead Ears


“Do you go anywhere with out her?” Renner teased as he watched Ellie reading at Travis tent. Travis laughed gently.

“No not really. She’s my good luck charm.”

“Like you need one of those.” Both he and Renner turned to Metzger walking over to them. “So,” He teased, while slinging his arm around Travis’s shoulder. “Finally found a good one did you?” He questioned. Travis nodded nervously.

“She’s still broken.” Travis felt his head tick at the voice. Turning he forced a smile at her.

“What’re you doing here?” He hissed at the blonde. Liz just fluttered her lashes.

“I’m here to watch a freestyle competition and then a few moto-races. Is that a problem?” She teased up at him. Travis glanced away before back at her.

“No, just as long as you leave her be.” Liz glanced over at Ellie reading.

“No promises.” She stated walking away from the three. Travis could feel his blood boil as his hands clenched into tight fists.

“Broken?” Metzger asked gently. “Um…stupid question…?” He stopped as Travis cut him off.

“She’s deaf, okay? She’d not broken, just deaf.” He snapped.

“Whoa, calm down their boy. I didn’t say she was broken. I was just going to ask what Satan meant by it.” Travis nodded weakly looking back at Ellie. “So…” he teased slowly glancing at Renner. “Should I grab my kids so we can all sing the song?” Travis frowned till Renner started singing.

“Travis and Ellie sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love,” Travis slapped his hand over his friends large mouth. Renner kept singing against Travis’s palm while Metzger snorted with laughter.

“So when’s Marriage and the baby in the baby carriage?” Metzger teased. Renner pointed laughing as he licked Travis hand.

“Oh that’s gross!” Travis yelled looking at the trail of spit on his hand. Renner simply popped his collar with pride. “You’re nasty.”

“I hear you were pretty disgusting with you’re displays of affection on the plane ride.” Renner hissed playfully.

“Did you join the mile high club?” Metzger gasped amazed by the possibly notion.

“What? No!” Travis flushed red at the idea of going at it in a public place let alone in a small metal box soaring miles above the ground. “No! I gave her a kiss and we started a crossword together! That’s it.”

“He got laid.” Renner stated seriously.

“Yeah he did.”

Travis waved his hands in defeat. There was no winning with certain people.

“Oh yeah he did.” Renner laughed. “So better up there or no?’

“You guys are disgusting.” Travis huffed walking away from them towards the tent. Both laughed.

“Hey, come back here!” Metzger laughed, trying to wave him back over.

“I’m good.”

“We won’t tease you anymore, I got some legitimate questions.” Travis paused sighed. Turning he waved his hands from the man to go on. “Get over here!” Travis stocked back and crossed his arms slightly annoyed. “So what’s it like havin’ a good relationship?” Travis rolled his eyes at the teasing tone and glared. “I’m serious!”

“It’s amazing.” He shrugged. Short answers and he’d survive a lot more. “It’s just… hard.” He sighed. But he also had a lot to talk about on the subject and his friends didn’t understand when he tried to talk to them about it. “I mean…” he shrugged slowly. “She’s my polar opposite I guess. I go out a destroy things and she’s a home-maker. She can’t do what I do for a living and I can’t do what she does for hobbies.”

“like?” Both Renner and Metzger pressed.

“Gardening I feel like Godzilla. I swear I’ve seen bugs run when I walk out to her playing mother nature to her garden. And I can’t cook to save my life. Her idea of a meal is from scratch and probably seven courses,” Metzger hummed at the idea as Renner nodded and pointed. “My idea of a meal is sticking something in the microwave.” He shrugged simply. “She perfect and beautiful where as I’m broken and have you seen my face?” He pointed at his face with a scowl. “I’m ugly. I tried counting my worry lines the other day, and holy hell. It’s impossible.” The two snorted. “I’m not kidding. She was upset because she had a small zit on her face, tiny hardly noticeable, I looked in the mirror and was like. Oh shit, I’m old.” Rubbing his hands over his face he sighed. “She had the one blemish that didn’t even affect her face and I have all this,” he waved his hand around his face. “Affecting mine. Why she’s with me… fuck if I know.”

“Are you good in bed?” Renner asked.

“With my joints?” Travis laughed at the idea. He’d been thinking about it. He had bad hips, bad knees, and a bad shoulder. He could barely hold himself up for long on it and get a good rhythm going with out something popping out of place or giving out on him. “I’m pretty sure she fakes it at this point. Trust me. I’ve put thought into this.” He tapped his temple.

“Have you ever asked what she likes about you?” Metzger wondered softly, worry lacing his words as he watched his friend.

“No. Because I know it’s not money. When I met her she had no idea who I was let alone the money I made, when we started dating same thing. She only found out that I made good money when she moved in with me. Other than that, still pretty much in the dark that I make a lot.” He sighed. “And honestly, not willing to ask and have her suddenly come up empty handed and leave me. Hell,” Licking his lips he removed his hand and ran a hand through his curly hair. “I’m not doing anything to make her leave me. I like her far too much.” He sighed.

“Do you love her?” Renner asked. Travis flushed head down nervously before he nodded weakly. “You do?” Travis nodded. “Have you told her?” Travis stared blankly over at his friend.

“I want you to look over at my tent at the beautiful tan goddess with amazing green eyes and long dark red-brown hair and ask me that question again.”

“So you have?” Metzger asked gently.

“Are you not listening to me? Look over there. She could have anyone she wants and I end up the lucky lottery winner on the draw because I was too damn persistent to take no for an answer. I’m pretty sure if I told her she’d jump ship.”

“Travis you admit she’s a home maker.” Metzger sighed. “And I’m pretty sure not many guys are going to willingly date a deaf girl and go to lengths to understand her and just from talking to you now, you talk with you’re hands as if you’re signing.” Travis looked down at his hands still amazed he was doing it out of reflect. “You’ve gone to lengths for her man and she probably wants some one to love her. She is a woman.” Travis sighed glancing over his shoulder and frowned, a sharp glare landing on the man leaning over the railing trying to talk to her.

“Excuse me.” Travis stated walking away from the two and over to his tent. “Can I help you?” He snapped a bit too roughly at the guy, but from what he’d heard as he got closer he didn’t want to know certain things were said to Ellie by anyone but him. He wasn’t going to allow anyone to hit on her.

“Uh, I was just talking to your sister,” The guy started smoothly.

“She’s not my sister, she’s my girlfriend.” The guy seemed to pale. “So if you don’t mind. Scram.” The guy nodded leaving quickly. Puffing Travis turned back to her. “You okay?”

Smiling Ellie nodded and signed a quick thank-you. Travis responded with a you’re welcome before kissing the top of her head.

“Fucking tell her!” Renner screamed happily at the middle finger he got from Travis as a response. “Do it you pussy!” He added roughly.
♠ ♠ ♠
I felt this chapter was needed. I don't know why but I thought it was.